Ran Zhou


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GroundingGPT: Language Enhanced Multi-modal Grounding Model
Zhaowei Li | Qi Xu | Dong Zhang | Hang Song | YiQing Cai | Qi Qi | Ran Zhou | Junting Pan | Zefeng Li | Vu Tu | Zhida Huang | Tao Wang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Multi-modal large language models (MLLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across various tasks. However, these models often prioritize capturing global information and overlook the importance of perceiving local information. This limitation hinders their ability to effectively understand fine-grained details and handle grounding tasks that necessitate nuanced comprehension. Although some recent works have made strides in this, they have primarily focused on single-modality inputs. Therefore, we propose GroundingGPT, an end-to-end language enhanced multi-modal grounding model. It is designed to perform fine-grained grounding tasks for three modalities: image, video and audio. To enhance the model’s performance, we adopt a coarse-to-fine training strategy, utilizing a three-stage training approach to progressively enhance the model’s semantic awareness and fine-grained understanding capabilities. Additionally, we employ a diversified stage-specific dataset construction pipeline, developing a multi-modal, multi-granularity dataset tailored for training the model in different stages. Extensive experiments conducted on multiple multi-modal benchmarks demonstrate that our model achieves impressive fine-grained understanding of multi-modal inputs on grounding tasks while maintaining or improving its global comprehension capabilities. Our code, model, and dataset are available at https://github.com/lzw-lzw/GroundingGPT.


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Improving Self-training for Cross-lingual Named Entity Recognition with Contrastive and Prototype Learning
Ran Zhou | Xin Li | Lidong Bing | Erik Cambria | Chunyan Miao
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In cross-lingual named entity recognition (NER), self-training is commonly used to bridge the linguistic gap by training on pseudo-labeled target-language data. However, due to sub-optimal performance on target languages, the pseudo labels are often noisy and limit the overall performance. In this work, we aim to improve self-training for cross-lingual NER by combining representation learning and pseudo label refinement in one coherent framework. Our proposed method, namely ContProto mainly comprises two components: (1) contrastive self-training and (2) prototype-based pseudo-labeling. Our contrastive self-training facilitates span classification by separating clusters of different classes, and enhances cross-lingual transferability by producing closely-aligned representations between the source and target language. Meanwhile, prototype-based pseudo-labeling effectively improves the accuracy of pseudo labels during training. We evaluate ContProto on multiple transfer pairs, and experimental results show our method brings substantial improvements over current state-of-the-art methods.


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MELM: Data Augmentation with Masked Entity Language Modeling for Low-Resource NER
Ran Zhou | Xin Li | Ruidan He | Lidong Bing | Erik Cambria | Luo Si | Chunyan Miao
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Data augmentation is an effective solution to data scarcity in low-resource scenarios. However, when applied to token-level tasks such as NER, data augmentation methods often suffer from token-label misalignment, which leads to unsatsifactory performance. In this work, we propose Masked Entity Language Modeling (MELM) as a novel data augmentation framework for low-resource NER. To alleviate the token-label misalignment issue, we explicitly inject NER labels into sentence context, and thus the fine-tuned MELM is able to predict masked entity tokens by explicitly conditioning on their labels. Thereby, MELM generates high-quality augmented data with novel entities, which provides rich entity regularity knowledge and boosts NER performance. When training data from multiple languages are available, we also integrate MELM with code-mixing for further improvement. We demonstrate the effectiveness of MELM on monolingual, cross-lingual and multilingual NER across various low-resource levels. Experimental results show that our MELM consistently outperforms the baseline methods.

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ConNER: Consistency Training for Cross-lingual Named Entity Recognition
Ran Zhou | Xin Li | Lidong Bing | Erik Cambria | Luo Si | Chunyan Miao
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Cross-lingual named entity recognition (NER) suffers from data scarcity in the target languages, especially under zero-shot settings. Existing translate-train or knowledge distillation methods attempt to bridge the language gap, but often introduce a high level of noise. To solve this problem, consistency training methods regularize the model to be robust towards perturbations on data or hidden states.However, such methods are likely to violate the consistency hypothesis, or mainly focus on coarse-grain consistency.We propose ConNER as a novel consistency training framework for cross-lingual NER, which comprises of: (1) translation-based consistency training on unlabeled target-language data, and (2) dropout-based consistency training on labeled source-language data. ConNER effectively leverages unlabeled target-language data and alleviates overfitting on the source language to enhance the cross-lingual adaptability. Experimental results show our ConNER achieves consistent improvement over various baseline methods.

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MReD: A Meta-Review Dataset for Structure-Controllable Text Generation
Chenhui Shen | Liying Cheng | Ran Zhou | Lidong Bing | Yang You | Luo Si
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

When directly using existing text generation datasets for controllable generation, we are facing the problem of not having the domain knowledge and thus the aspects that could be controlled are limited. A typical example is when using CNN/Daily Mail dataset for controllable text summarization, there is no guided information on the emphasis of summary sentences. A more useful text generator should leverage both the input text and the control signal to guide the generation, which can only be built with deep understanding of the domain knowledge. Motivated by this vision, our paper introduces a new text generation dataset, named MReD. Our new dataset consists of 7,089 meta-reviews and all its 45k meta-review sentences are manually annotated with one of the 9 carefully defined categories, including abstract, strength, decision, etc. We present experimental results on start-of-the-art summarization models, and propose methods for structure-controlled generation with both extractive and abstractive models using our annotated data. By exploring various settings and analyzing the model behavior with respect to the control signal, we demonstrate the challenges of our proposed task and the values of our dataset MReD. Meanwhile, MReD also allows us to have a better understanding of the meta-review domain.