Shikun Zhang


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What Makes a Good Order of Examples in In-Context Learning
Qi Guo | Leiyu Wang | Yidong Wang | Wei Ye | Shikun Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Although large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive few-shot learning capabilities via in-context learning (ICL), ICL performance is known to be highly sensitive to the order of examples provided. To identify appropriate orders, recent studies propose heuristic methods to evaluate order performance using a set of unlabeled data. However, the requirement of in-domain data limits their utility in real-world scenarios where additional annotated data is challenging to acquire. Additionally, these dataset-based approaches are prone to being sub-optimal for a lack of consideration for individual differences. To address the problems, we first analyze the properties of performant example orders at both corpus level and instance level. Based on the analysis we propose **DEmO** to adaptively identify performant example order for each instance without extra data. DEmO works by filtering out a subset of orders featuring label fairness, then selecting the most influential order for each test instance. The employment of a content-free metric makes DEmO independent of in-domain data. Extensive experiments indicate the superiority of DEmO over a wide range of strong baselines. Further analysis validates the generalizability across various settings.

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Refining Corpora from a Model Calibration Perspective for Chinese Spelling Correction
Dingyao Yu | Yang An | Wei Ye | Xiongfeng Xiao | Shaoguang Mao | Tao Ge | Shikun Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Chinese Spelling Correction (CSC) commonly lacks large-scale high-quality corpora, due to the labor-intensive labeling of spelling errors in real-life human writing or typing scenarios. Two data augmentation methods are widely adopted: (1) *Random Replacement* with the guidance of confusion sets and (2) *OCR/ASR-based Generation* that simulates character misusing. However, both methods inevitably introduce noisy data (e.g., false spelling errors), potentially leading to over-correction. By carefully analyzing the two types of corpora, we find that though the latter achieves more robust generalization performance, the former yields better-calibrated CSC models. We then provide a theoretical analysis of this empirical observation, based on which a corpus refining strategy is proposed. Specifically, OCR/ASR-based data samples are fed into a well-calibrated CSC model trained on random replacement-based corpora and then filtered based on prediction confidence. By learning a simple BERT-based model on the refined OCR/ASR-based corpus, we set up impressive state-of-the-art performance on three widely-used benchmarks, while significantly alleviating over-correction (e.g., lowering false positive predictions).

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Enhancing In-Context Learning via Implicit Demonstration Augmentation
Xiaoling Zhou | Wei Ye | Yidong Wang | Chaoya Jiang | Zhemg Lee | Rui Xie | Shikun Zhang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The emergence of in-context learning (ICL) enables large pre-trained language models (PLMs) to make predictions for unseen inputs without updating parameters. Despite its potential, ICL’s effectiveness heavily relies on the quality, quantity, and permutation of demonstrations, commonly leading to suboptimal and unstable performance. In this paper, we tackle this challenge for the first time from the perspective of demonstration augmentation. Specifically, we start with enriching representations of demonstrations by leveraging their deep feature distribution. We then theoretically reveal that when the number of augmented copies approaches infinity, the augmentation is approximately equal to a novel logit calibration mechanism integrated with specific statistical properties. This insight results in a simple yet highly efficient method that significantly improves the average and worst-case accuracy across diverse PLMs and tasks. Moreover, our method effectively reduces performance variance among varying demonstrations, permutations, and templates, and displays the capability to address imbalanced class distributions.

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KIEval: A Knowledge-grounded Interactive Evaluation Framework for Large Language Models
Zhuohao Yu | Chang Gao | Wenjin Yao | Yidong Wang | Wei Ye | Jindong Wang | Xing Xie | Yue Zhang | Shikun Zhang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Automatic evaluation methods for large language models (LLMs) are hindered by data contamination, leading to inflated assessments of their effectiveness. Existing strategies, which aim to detect contaminated texts, focus on quantifying contamination status instead of accurately gauging model performance. In this paper, we introduce KIEval, a Knowledge-grounded Interactive Evaluation framework, which incorporates an LLM-powered “interactor” role for the first time to accomplish a dynamic contamination-resilient evaluation. Starting with a question in a conventional LLM benchmark involving domain-specific knowledge, KIEval utilizes dynamically generated, multi-round, and knowledge-focused dialogues to determine whether a model’s response is merely a recall of benchmark answers or demonstrates a deep comprehension to apply knowledge in more complex conversations. Extensive experiments on seven leading LLMs across five datasets validate KIEval’s effectiveness and generalization. We also reveal that data contamination brings no contribution or even negative effect to models’ real-world applicability and understanding, and existing contamination detection methods for LLMs can only identify contamination in pre-training but not during supervised fine-tuning.


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Vision Language Pre-training by Contrastive Learning with Cross-Modal Similarity Regulation
Chaoya Jiang | Wei Ye | Haiyang Xu | Songfang Huang | Fei Huang | Shikun Zhang
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In this paper, we reconsider the problem of (partial) false negative samples from the Mutual Information (MI) Maximization perspective, the traditional contrastive loss (like InfoNCE loss) will equally push away the anchor of all positive samples and negative samples regardless of their possible semantic similarities. We theoretically show that InfoNCE loss will not only maximize the MI between the anchor and positive samples but minimize the MI between the anchor and false negative samples even though they share similar semantic which could provide a possible theoretical explanation for the observation of the existence of false negative samples in the cross-modal contrastive learning will decrease the downstream task performance of VLP models. Above analysis motivate us to propose the VLP model with a novel Semantic Awared Contrastive Learning framework named SACL where different negative samples are assigned with different contrastive weights according to the semantic similarity between them and the anchor.

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Exploiting Pseudo Image Captions for Multimodal Summarization
Chaoya Jiang | Rui Xie | Wei Ye | Jinan Sun | Shikun Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Multimodal summarization with multimodal output (MSMO) faces a challenging semantic gap between visual and textual modalities due to the lack of reference images for training. Our pilot investigation indicates that image captions, which naturally connect texts and images, can significantly benefit MSMO. However, exposure of image captions during training is inconsistent with MSMO’s task settings, where prior cross-modal alignment information is excluded to guarantee the generalization of cross-modal semantic modeling. To this end, we propose a novel coarse-to-fine image-text alignment mechanism to identify the most relevant sentence of each image in a document, resembling the role of image captions in capturing visual knowledge and bridging the cross-modal semantic gap. Equipped with this alignment mechanism, our method easily yet impressively sets up state-of-the-art performances on all intermodality and intramodality metrics (e.g., more than 10% relative improvement on image recommendation precision). Further experiments reveal the correlation between image captions and text summaries, and prove that the pseudo image captions we generated are even better than the original ones in terms of promoting multimodal summarization.

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Improving Knowledge Graph Completion with Generative Hard Negative Mining
Zile Qiao | Wei Ye | Dingyao Yu | Tong Mo | Weiping Li | Shikun Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Contrastive learning has recently shown great potential to improve text-based knowledge graph completion (KGC). In this paper, we propose to learn a more semantically structured entity representation space in text-based KGC via hard negatives mining. Specifically, we novelly leverage a sequence-to-sequence architecture to generate high-quality hard negatives. These negatives are sampled from the same decoding distributions as the anchor (or correct entity), inherently being semantically close to the anchor and thus enjoying good hardness. A self-information-enhanced contrasting strategy is further incorporated into the Seq2Seq generator to systematically diversify the produced negatives. Extensive experiments on three KGC benchmarks demonstrate the sound hardness and diversity of our generated negatives and the resulting performance superiority on KGC.

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MusicAgent: An AI Agent for Music Understanding and Generation with Large Language Models
Dingyao Yu | Kaitao Song | Peiling Lu | Tianyu He | Xu Tan | Wei Ye | Shikun Zhang | Jiang Bian
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

AI-empowered music processing is a diverse feld that encompasses dozens of tasks, ranging from generation tasks (e.g., timbre synthesis) to comprehension tasks (e.g., music classifcation). For developers and amateurs, it is very diffcult to grasp all of these task to satisfy their requirements in music processing, especially considering the huge differences in the representations of music data and the model applicability across platforms among various tasks. Consequently, it is necessary to build a system to organize and integrate these tasks, and thus help practitioners to automatically analyze their demand and call suitable tools as solutions to fulfill their requirements. Inspired by the recent success of large language models (LLMs) in task automation, we develop a system, named MusicAgent, which integrates numerous music-related tools and an autonomous workflow to address user requirements. More specifically, we build 1) toolset that collects tools from diverse sources, including Hugging Face, GitHub, and Web API, etc. 2) an autonomous workflow empowered by LLMs (e.g., ChatGPT) to organize these tools and automatically decompose user requests into multiple sub-tasks and invoke corresponding music tools. The primary goal of this system is to free users from the intricacies of AI-music tools, enabling them to concentrate on the creative aspect. By granting users the freedom to effortlessly combine tools, the system offers a seamless and enriching music experience. The code is available on GitHub along with a brief instructional video.


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TRIPS: Efficient Vision-and-Language Pre-training with Text-Relevant Image Patch Selection
Chaoya Jiang | Haiyang Xu | Chenliang Li | Ming Yan | Wei Ye | Shikun Zhang | Bin Bi | Songfang Huang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Vision Transformers (ViTs) have been widely used in large-scale Vision and Language Pre-training (VLP) models. Though previous VLP works have proved the effectiveness of ViTs, they still suffer from computational efficiency brought by the long visual sequence. To tackle this problem, in this paper, we propose an efficient vision-and-language pre-training model with Text-Relevant Image Patch Selection, namely TRIPS, which reduces the visual sequence progressively with a text-guided patch-selection layer in the visual backbone for efficient training and inference. The patch-selection layer can dynamically compute text-dependent visual attention to identify the attentive image tokens with text guidance and fuse inattentive ones in an end-to-end manner. Meanwhile, TRIPS does not introduce extra parameters to ViTs. Experimental results on a variety of popular benchmark datasets demonstrate that TRIPS gain a speedup of 40% over previous similar VLP models, yet with competitive or better downstream task performance.

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Exploiting Hybrid Semantics of Relation Paths for Multi-hop Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs
Zile Qiao | Wei Ye | Tong Zhang | Tong Mo | Weiping Li | Shikun Zhang
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Answering natural language questions on knowledge graphs (KGQA) remains a great challenge in terms of understanding complex questions via multi-hop reasoning. Previous efforts usually exploit large-scale entity-related text corpus or knowledge graph (KG) embeddings as auxiliary information to facilitate answer selection. However, the rich semantics implied in off-the-shelf relation paths between entities is far from well explored. This paper proposes improving multi-hop KGQA by exploiting relation paths’ hybrid semantics. Specifically, we integrate explicit textual information and implicit KG structural features of relation paths based on a novel rotate-and-scale entity link prediction framework. Extensive experiments on three existing KGQA datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method, especially in multi-hop scenarios. Further investigation confirms our method’s systematical coordination between questions and relation paths to identify answer entities.

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Label Smoothing for Text Mining
Peiyang Liu | Xiangyu Xi | Wei Ye | Shikun Zhang
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Current text mining models are trained with 0-1 hard label that indicates whether an instance belongs to a class, ignoring rich information of the relevance degree. Soft label, which involved each label of varying degrees than the hard label, is considered more suitable for describing instances. The process of generating soft labels from hard labels is defined as label smoothing (LS). Classical LS methods focus on universal data mining tasks so that they ignore the valuable text features in text mining tasks. This paper presents a novel keyword-based LS method to automatically generate soft labels from hard labels via exploiting the relevance between labels and text instances. Generated soft labels are then incorporated into existing models as auxiliary targets during the training stage, capable of improving models without adding any extra parameters. Results of extensive experiments on text classification and large-scale text retrieval datasets demonstrate that soft labels generated by our method contain rich knowledge of text features, improving the performance of corresponding models under both balanced and unbalanced settings.


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Capturing Event Argument Interaction via A Bi-Directional Entity-Level Recurrent Decoder
Xi Xiangyu | Wei Ye | Shikun Zhang | Quanxiu Wang | Huixing Jiang | Wei Wu
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Capturing interactions among event arguments is an essential step towards robust event argument extraction (EAE). However, existing efforts in this direction suffer from two limitations: 1) The argument role type information of contextual entities is mainly utilized as training signals, ignoring the potential merits of directly adopting it as semantically rich input features; 2) The argument-level sequential semantics, which implies the overall distribution pattern of argument roles over an event mention, is not well characterized. To tackle the above two bottlenecks, we formalize EAE as a Seq2Seq-like learning problem for the first time, where a sentence with a specific event trigger is mapped to a sequence of event argument roles. A neural architecture with a novel Bi-directional Entity-level Recurrent Decoder (BERD) is proposed to generate argument roles by incorporating contextual entities’ argument role predictions, like a word-by-word text generation process, thereby distinguishing implicit argument distribution patterns within an event more accurately.

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Unsupervised Out-of-Domain Detection via Pre-trained Transformers
Keyang Xu | Tongzheng Ren | Shikun Zhang | Yihao Feng | Caiming Xiong
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Deployed real-world machine learning applications are often subject to uncontrolled and even potentially malicious inputs. Those out-of-domain inputs can lead to unpredictable outputs and sometimes catastrophic safety issues. Prior studies on out-of-domain detection require in-domain task labels and are limited to supervised classification scenarios. Our work tackles the problem of detecting out-of-domain samples with only unsupervised in-domain data. We utilize the latent representations of pre-trained transformers and propose a simple yet effective method to transform features across all layers to construct out-of-domain detectors efficiently. Two domain-specific fine-tuning approaches are further proposed to boost detection accuracy. Our empirical evaluations of related methods on two datasets validate that our method greatly improves out-of-domain detection ability in a more general scenario.

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Point, Disambiguate and Copy: Incorporating Bilingual Dictionaries for Neural Machine Translation
Tong Zhang | Long Zhang | Wei Ye | Bo Li | Jinan Sun | Xiaoyu Zhu | Wen Zhao | Shikun Zhang
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

This paper proposes a sophisticated neural architecture to incorporate bilingual dictionaries into Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models. By introducing three novel components: Pointer, Disambiguator, and Copier, our method PDC achieves the following merits inherently compared with previous efforts: (1) Pointer leverages the semantic information from bilingual dictionaries, for the first time, to better locate source words whose translation in dictionaries can potentially be used; (2) Disambiguator synthesizes contextual information from the source view and the target view, both of which contribute to distinguishing the proper translation of a specific source word from multiple candidates in dictionaries; (3) Copier systematically connects Pointer and Disambiguator based on a hierarchical copy mechanism seamlessly integrated with Transformer, thereby building an end-to-end architecture that could avoid error propagation problems in alternative pipe-line methods. The experimental results on Chinese-English and English-Japanese benchmarks demonstrate the PDC’s overall superiority and effectiveness of each component.

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QuadrupletBERT: An Efficient Model For Embedding-Based Large-Scale Retrieval
Peiyang Liu | Sen Wang | Xi Wang | Wei Ye | Shikun Zhang
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

The embedding-based large-scale query-document retrieval problem is a hot topic in the information retrieval (IR) field. Considering that pre-trained language models like BERT have achieved great success in a wide variety of NLP tasks, we present a QuadrupletBERT model for effective and efficient retrieval in this paper. Unlike most existing BERT-style retrieval models, which only focus on the ranking phase in retrieval systems, our model makes considerable improvements to the retrieval phase and leverages the distances between simple negative and hard negative instances to obtaining better embeddings. Experimental results demonstrate that our QuadrupletBERT achieves state-of-the-art results in embedding-based large-scale retrieval tasks.

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Multi-Hop Transformer for Document-Level Machine Translation
Long Zhang | Tong Zhang | Haibo Zhang | Baosong Yang | Wei Ye | Shikun Zhang
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Document-level neural machine translation (NMT) has proven to be of profound value for its effectiveness on capturing contextual information. Nevertheless, existing approaches 1) simply introduce the representations of context sentences without explicitly characterizing the inter-sentence reasoning process; and 2) feed ground-truth target contexts as extra inputs at the training time, thus facing the problem of exposure bias. We approach these problems with an inspiration from human behavior – human translators ordinarily emerge a translation draft in their mind and progressively revise it according to the reasoning in discourse. To this end, we propose a novel Multi-Hop Transformer (MHT) which offers NMT abilities to explicitly model the human-like draft-editing and reasoning process. Specifically, our model serves the sentence-level translation as a draft and properly refines its representations by attending to multiple antecedent sentences iteratively. Experiments on four widely used document translation tasks demonstrate that our method can significantly improve document-level translation performance and can tackle discourse phenomena, such as coreference error and the problem of polysemy.

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Cross-document Event Identity via Dense Annotation
Adithya Pratapa | Zhengzhong Liu | Kimihiro Hasegawa | Linwei Li | Yukari Yamakawa | Shikun Zhang | Teruko Mitamura
Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning

In this paper, we study the identity of textual events from different documents. While the complex nature of event identity is previously studied (Hovy et al., 2013), the case of events across documents is unclear. Prior work on cross-document event coreference has two main drawbacks. First, they restrict the annotations to a limited set of event types. Second, they insufficiently tackle the concept of event identity. Such annotation setup reduces the pool of event mentions and prevents one from considering the possibility of quasi-identity relations. We propose a dense annotation approach for cross-document event coreference, comprising a rich source of event mentions and a dense annotation effort between related document pairs. To this end, we design a new annotation workflow with careful quality control and an easy-to-use annotation interface. In addition to the links, we further collect overlapping event contexts, including time, location, and participants, to shed some light on the relation between identity decisions and context. We present an open-access dataset for cross-document event coreference, CDEC-WN, collected from English Wikinews and open-source our annotation toolkit to encourage further research on cross-document tasks.

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Improving Embedding-based Large-scale Retrieval via Label Enhancement
Peiyang Liu | Xi Wang | Sen Wang | Wei Ye | Xiangyu Xi | Shikun Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

Current embedding-based large-scale retrieval models are trained with 0-1 hard label that indicates whether a query is relevant to a document, ignoring rich information of the relevance degree. This paper proposes to improve embedding-based retrieval from the perspective of better characterizing the query-document relevance degree by introducing label enhancement (LE) for the first time. To generate label distribution in the retrieval scenario, we design a novel and effective supervised LE method that incorporates prior knowledge from dynamic term weighting methods into contextual embeddings. Our method significantly outperforms four competitive existing retrieval models and its counterparts equipped with two alternative LE techniques by training models with the generated label distribution as auxiliary supervision information. The superiority can be easily observed on English and Chinese large-scale retrieval tasks under both standard and cold-start settings.


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Graph Enhanced Dual Attention Network for Document-Level Relation Extraction
Bo Li | Wei Ye | Zhonghao Sheng | Rui Xie | Xiangyu Xi | Shikun Zhang
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Document-level relation extraction requires inter-sentence reasoning capabilities to capture local and global contextual information for multiple relational facts. To improve inter-sentence reasoning, we propose to characterize the complex interaction between sentences and potential relation instances via a Graph Enhanced Dual Attention network (GEDA). In GEDA, sentence representation generated by the sentence-to-relation (S2R) attention is refined and synthesized by a Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Network before being fed into the relation-to-sentence (R2S) attention . We further design a simple yet effective regularizer based on the natural duality of the S2R and R2S attention, whose weights are also supervised by the supporting evidence of relation instances during training. An extensive set of experiments on an existing large-scale dataset show that our model achieve competitive performance, especially for the inter-sentence relation extraction, while the neural predictions can also be interpretable and easily observed.

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A Data-Centric Framework for Composable NLP Workflows
Zhengzhong Liu | Guanxiong Ding | Avinash Bukkittu | Mansi Gupta | Pengzhi Gao | Atif Ahmed | Shikun Zhang | Xin Gao | Swapnil Singhavi | Linwei Li | Wei Wei | Zecong Hu | Haoran Shi | Xiaodan Liang | Teruko Mitamura | Eric Xing | Zhiting Hu
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

Empirical natural language processing (NLP) systems in application domains (e.g., healthcare, finance, education) involve interoperation among multiple components, ranging from data ingestion, human annotation, to text retrieval, analysis, generation, and visualization. We establish a unified open-source framework to support fast development of such sophisticated NLP workflows in a composable manner. The framework introduces a uniform data representation to encode heterogeneous results by a wide range of NLP tasks. It offers a large repository of processors for NLP tasks, visualization, and annotation, which can be easily assembled with full interoperability under the unified representation. The highly extensible framework allows plugging in custom processors from external off-the-shelf NLP and deep learning libraries. The whole framework is delivered through two modularized yet integratable open-source projects, namely Forte (for workflow infrastructure and NLP function processors) and Stave (for user interaction, visualization, and annotation).


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Exploiting Entity BIO Tag Embeddings and Multi-task Learning for Relation Extraction with Imbalanced Data
Wei Ye | Bo Li | Rui Xie | Zhonghao Sheng | Long Chen | Shikun Zhang
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

In practical scenario, relation extraction needs to first identify entity pairs that have relation and then assign a correct relation class. However, the number of non-relation entity pairs in context (negative instances) usually far exceeds the others (positive instances), which negatively affects a model’s performance. To mitigate this problem, we propose a multi-task architecture which jointly trains a model to perform relation identification with cross-entropy loss and relation classification with ranking loss. Meanwhile, we observe that a sentence may have multiple entities and relation mentions, and the patterns in which the entities appear in a sentence may contain useful semantic information that can be utilized to distinguish between positive and negative instances. Thus we further incorporate the embeddings of character-wise/word-wise BIO tag from the named entity recognition task into character/word embeddings to enrich the input representation. Experiment results show that our proposed approach can significantly improve the performance of a baseline model with more than 10% absolute increase in F1-score, and outperform the state-of-the-art models on ACE 2005 Chinese and English corpus. Moreover, BIO tag embeddings are particularly effective and can be used to improve other models as well.


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Unsupervised Text Recap Extraction for TV Series
Hongliang Yu | Shikun Zhang | Louis-Philippe Morency
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing


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Dual Subtitles as Parallel Corpora
Shikun Zhang | Wang Ling | Chris Dyer
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)

In this paper, we leverage the existence of dual subtitles as a source of parallel data. Dual subtitles present viewers with two languages simultaneously, and are generally aligned in the segment level, which removes the need to automatically perform this alignment. This is desirable as extracted parallel data does not contain alignment errors present in previous work that aligns different subtitle files for the same movie. We present a simple heuristic to detect and extract dual subtitles and show that more than 20 million sentence pairs can be extracted for the Mandarin-English language pair. We also show that extracting data from this source can be a viable solution for improving Machine Translation systems in the domain of subtitles.