Yassir Fathullah


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Teacher-Student Training for Debiasing: General Permutation Debiasing for Large Language Models
Adian Liusie | Yassir Fathullah | Mark Gales
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive zero-shot capabilities and versatility in NLP tasks, however they sometimes fail to maintain crucial invariances for specific tasks. One example is permutation sensitivity, where LLMs’ outputs may significantly vary depending on the order of the input options. While debiasing techniques can mitigate these issues, and yield better performance and reliability, they often come with a high computational cost at inference. This paper addresses this inefficiency at inference time. The aim is to distill the capabilities of a computationally intensive, debiased, teacher model into a more compact student model. We explore two variants of student models: one based on pure distillation, and the other on an error-correction approach for more complex tasks, where the student corrects a single biased decision from the teacher to achieve a debiased output. Our approach is general and can be applied to both black-box and white-box LLMs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our compact, encoder-only student models can outperform their larger, biased teacher counterparts, achieving better results with significantly fewer parameters.

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AudioChatLlama: Towards General-Purpose Speech Abilities for LLMs
Yassir Fathullah | Chunyang Wu | Egor Lakomkin | Ke Li | Junteng Jia | Yuan Shangguan | Jay Mahadeokar | Ozlem Kalinli | Christian Fuegen | Mike Seltzer
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In this work, we extend the instruction-tuned Llama-2 model with end-to-end general-purpose speech processing and reasoning abilities while maintaining the wide range of original LLM capabilities, without using any carefully curated paired data. The resulting end-to-end model, named AudioChatLlama, can utilize audio prompts as a replacement for text and sustain a conversation. Such a model also has extended cross-modal capabilities such as being able to perform spoken question answering (QA), speech translation, and audio summarization amongst many other closed and open-domain tasks. This is unlike prior approaches in speech, in which LLMs are extended to handle audio for a limited number of pre-designated tasks. On both synthesized and recorded speech QA test sets, evaluations show that our end-to-end approach is on par with or outperforms cascaded systems (speech recognizer + LLM) in terms of modelling the response to a prompt. Furthermore, unlike cascades, our approach can interchange text and audio modalities and intrinsically utilize prior context in a conversation to provide better results.

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Efficient Sample-Specific Encoder Perturbations
Yassir Fathullah | Mark Gales
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Encoder-decoder foundation models have displayed state-of-the-art performance on a range of autoregressive sequence tasks. This paper proposes a simple and lightweight modification to such systems to control the behaviour according to a specific attribute of interest. This paper proposes a novel inference-efficient approach to modifying the behaviour of an encoder-decoder system according to a specific attribute of interest. Specifically, we show that a small proxy network can be used to find a sample-by-sample perturbation of the encoder output of a frozen foundation model to trigger the decoder to generate improved decodings. This work explores a specific realization of this framework focused on improving the COMET performance of Flan-T5 on Machine Translation and the WER of Whisper foundation models on Speech Recognition. Results display consistent improvements in performance evaluated through COMET and WER respectively. Furthermore, experiments also show that the proxies are robust to the exact nature of the data used to train them and can extend to other domains.

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Who Needs Decoders? Efficient Estimation of Sequence-Level Attributes with Proxies
Yassir Fathullah | Puria Radmard | Adian Liusie | Mark Gales
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Sequence-to-sequence models often require an expensive autoregressive decoding process. However, for some downstream tasks such as out-of-distribution (OOD) detection and resource allocation, the actual decoding output is not needed, just a scalar attribute of this sequence. In such scenarios, where knowing the quality of a system’s output to predict poor performance prevails over knowing the output itself, is it possible to bypass the autoregressive decoding? We propose Non-Autoregressive Proxy (NAP) models that can efficiently predict scalar-valued sequence-level attributes. Importantly, NAPs predict these metrics directly from the encodings, avoiding the expensive decoding stage. We consider two sequence tasks: Machine Translation (MT) and Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). In OOD for MT, NAPs outperform ensembles while being significantly faster. NAPs are also proven capable of predicting metrics such as BERTScore (MT) or word error rate (ASR). For downstream tasks, such as data filtering and resource optimization, NAPs generate performance predictions that outperform predictive uncertainty while being highly inference efficient.


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CUED at ProbSum 2023: Hierarchical Ensemble of Summarization Models
Potsawee Manakul | Yassir Fathullah | Adian Liusie | Vyas Raina | Vatsal Raina | Mark Gales
The 22nd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing and BioNLP Shared Tasks

In this paper, we consider the challenge of summarizing patients medical progress notes in a limited data setting. For the Problem List Summarization (shared task 1A) at the BioNLP Workshop 2023, we demonstrate that ClinicalT5 fine-tuned to 765 medical clinic notes outperforms other extractive, abstractive and zero-shot baselines, yielding reasonable baseline systems for medical note summarization. Further, we introduce Hierarchical Ensemble of Summarization Models (HESM), consisting of token-level ensembles of diverse fine-tuned ClinicalT5 models, followed by Minimum Bayes Risk (MBR) decoding. Our HESM approach lead to a considerable summarization performance boost, and when evaluated on held-out challenge data achieved a ROUGE-L of 32.77, which was the best-performing system at the top of the shared task leaderboard.


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Subsequence Based Deep Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition
Puria Radmard | Yassir Fathullah | Aldo Lipani
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Active Learning (AL) has been successfully applied to Deep Learning in order to drastically reduce the amount of data required to achieve high performance. Previous works have shown that lightweight architectures for Named Entity Recognition (NER) can achieve optimal performance with only 25% of the original training data. However, these methods do not exploit the sequential nature of language and the heterogeneity of uncertainty within each instance, requiring the labelling of whole sentences. Additionally, this standard method requires that the annotator has access to the full sentence when labelling. In this work, we overcome these limitations by allowing the AL algorithm to query subsequences within sentences, and propagate their labels to other sentences. We achieve highly efficient results on OntoNotes 5.0, only requiring 13% of the original training data, and CoNLL 2003, requiring only 27%. This is an improvement of 39% and 37% compared to querying full sentences.