Yi Feng


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Match More, Extract Better! Hybrid Matching Model for Open Domain Web Keyphrase Extraction
Mingyang Song | Liping Jing | Yi Feng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Keyphrase extraction aims to automatically extract salient phrases representing the critical information in the source document. Identifying salient phrases is challenging because there is a lot of noisy information in the document, leading to wrong extraction. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a hybrid matching model for keyphrase extraction, which combines representation-focused and interaction-based matching modules into a unified framework for improving the performance of the keyphrase extraction task. Specifically, HybridMatch comprises (1) a PLM-based Siamese encoder component that represents both candidate phrases and documents, (2) an interaction-focused matching (IM) component that estimates word matches between candidate phrases and the corresponding document at the word level, and (3) a representation-focused matching (RM) component captures context-aware semantic relatedness of each candidate keyphrase at the phrase level. Extensive experimental results on the OpenKP dataset demonstrate that the performance of the proposed model HybridMatch outperforms the recent state-of-the-art keyphrase extraction baselines. Furthermore, we discuss the performance of large language models in keyphrase extraction based on recent studies and our experiments.

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LJPCheck: Functional Tests for Legal Judgment Prediction
Yuan Zhang | Wanhong Huang | Yi Feng | Chuanyi Li | Zhiwei Fei | Jidong Ge | Bin Luo | Vincent Ng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP) refers to the task of automatically predicting judgment results (e.g., charges, law articles and term of penalty) given the fact description of cases. While SOTA models have achieved high accuracy and F1 scores on public datasets, existing datasets fail to evaluate specific aspects of these models (e.g., legal fairness, which significantly impact their applications in real scenarios). Inspired by functional testing in software engineering, we introduce LJPCHECK, a suite of functional tests for LJP models, to comprehend LJP models’ behaviors and offer diagnostic insights. We illustrate the utility of LJPCHECK on five SOTA LJP models. Extensive experiments reveal vulnerabilities in these models, prompting an in-depth discussion into the underlying reasons of their shortcomings.

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CMDL: A Large-Scale Chinese Multi-Defendant Legal Judgment Prediction Dataset
Wanhong Huang | Yi Feng | Chuanyi Li | Honghan Wu | Jidong Ge | Vincent Ng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP) has attracted significant attention in recent years. However, previous studies have primarily focused on cases involving only a single defendant, skipping multi-defendant cases due to complexity and difficulty. To advance research, we introduce CMDL, a large-scale real-world Chinese Multi-Defendant LJP dataset, which consists of over 393,945 cases with nearly 1.2 million defendants in total. For performance evaluation, we propose case-level evaluation metrics dedicated for the multi-defendant scenario. Experimental results on CMDL show existing SOTA approaches demonstrate weakness when applied to cases involving multiple defendants. We highlight several challenges that require attention and resolution.

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Legal Case Retrieval: A Survey of the State of the Art
Yi Feng | Chuanyi Li | Vincent Ng
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent years have seen increasing attention on Legal Case Retrieval (LCR), a key task in the area of Legal AI that concerns the retrieval of cases from a large legal database of historical cases that are similar to a given query. This paper presents a survey of the major milestones made in LCR research, targeting researchers who are finding their way into the field and seek a brief account of the relevant datasets and the recent neural models and their performances.

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Ask Again, Then Fail: Large Language Models’ Vacillations in Judgment
Qiming Xie | Zengzhi Wang | Yi Feng | Rui Xia
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We observe that current large language models often waver in their judgments when faced with follow-up questions, even if the original judgment was correct. This wavering presents a significant challenge for generating reliable responses and building user trust. To comprehensively assess this issue, we introduce a Follow-up Questioning Mechanism along with two metrics to quantify this inconsistency, confirming its widespread presence in current large language models. Furthermore, to mitigate this issue, we explore various prompting strategies for closed-source models, and develop a training-based framework Unwavering-FQ that teaches large language models to maintain their originally correct judgments through synthesized high-quality preference data. Our experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our framework and its ability to enhance the general capabilities of large language models.


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A Survey on Recent Advances in Keyphrase Extraction from Pre-trained Language Models
Mingyang Song | Yi Feng | Liping Jing
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023

Keyphrase Extraction (KE) is a critical component in Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems for selecting a set of phrases from the document that could summarize the important information discussed in the document. Typically, a keyphrase extraction system can significantly accelerate the speed of information retrieval and help people get first-hand information from a long document quickly and accurately. Specifically, keyphrases are capable of providing semantic metadata characterizing documents and producing an overview of the content of a document. In this paper, we introduce keyphrase extraction, present a review of the recent studies based on pre-trained language models, offer interesting insights on the different approaches, highlight open issues, and give a comparative experimental study of popular supervised as well as unsupervised techniques on several datasets. To encourage more instantiations, we release the related files mentioned in this paper.

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Improving Embedding-based Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction by Incorporating Structural Information
Mingyang Song | Huafeng Liu | Yi Feng | Liping Jing
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Keyphrase extraction aims to extract a set of phrases with the central idea of the source document. In a structured document, there are certain locations (e.g., the title or the first sentence) where a keyphrase is most likely to appear. However, when extracting keyphrases from the document, most existing embedding-based unsupervised keyphrase extraction models ignore the indicative role of the highlights in certain locations, leading to wrong keyphrases extraction. In this paper, we propose a new Highlight-Guided Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction model (HGUKE) to address the above issue. Specifically, HGUKE first models the phrase-document relevance via the highlights of the documents. Next, HGUKE calculates the cross-phrase relevance between all candidate phrases. Finally, HGUKE aggregates the above two relevance as the importance score of each candidate phrase to rank and extract keyphrases. The experimental results on three benchmarks demonstrate that HGUKE outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised keyphrase extraction baselines.

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Mitigating Over-Generation for Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction with Heterogeneous Centrality Detection
Mingyang Song | Pengyu Xu | Yi Feng | Huafeng Liu | Liping Jing
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Over-generation errors occur when a keyphrase extraction model correctly determines a candidate keyphrase as a keyphrase because it contains a word that frequently appears in the document but at the same time erroneously outputs other candidates as keyphrases because they contain the same word. To mitigate this issue, we propose a new heterogeneous centrality detection approach (CentralityRank), which extracts keyphrases by simultaneously identifying both implicit and explicit centrality within a heterogeneous graph as the importance score of each candidate. More specifically, CentralityRank detects centrality by taking full advantage of the content within the input document to construct graphs that encompass semantic nodes of varying granularity levels, not limited to just phrases. These additional nodes act as intermediaries between candidate keyphrases, enhancing cross-phrase relations. Furthermore, we introduce a novel adaptive boundary-aware regularization that can leverage the position information of candidate keyphrases, thus influencing the importance of candidate keyphrases. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superiority of CentralityRank over recent state-of-the-art unsupervised keyphrase extraction baselines across three benchmark datasets.


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Hyperbolic Relevance Matching for Neural Keyphrase Extraction
Mingyang Song | Yi Feng | Liping Jing
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Keyphrase extraction is a fundamental task in natural language processing that aims to extract a set of phrases with important information from a source document. Identifying important keyphrases is the central component of keyphrase extraction, and its main challenge is learning to represent information comprehensively and discriminate importance accurately. In this paper, to address the above issues, we design a new hyperbolic matching model (HyperMatch) to explore keyphrase extraction in hyperbolic space. Concretely, to represent information comprehensively, HyperMatch first takes advantage of the hidden representations in the middle layers of RoBERTa and integrates them as the word embeddings via an adaptive mixing layer to capture the hierarchical syntactic and semantic structures. Then, considering the latent structure information hidden in natural languages, HyperMatch embeds candidate phrases and documents in the same hyperbolic space via a hyperbolic phrase encoder and a hyperbolic document encoder. To discriminate importance accurately, HyperMatch estimates the importance of each candidate phrase by explicitly modeling the phrase-document relevance via the Poincaré distance and optimizes the whole model by minimizing the hyperbolic margin-based triplet loss. Extensive experiments are conducted on six benchmark datasets and demonstrate that HyperMatch outperforms the recent state-of-the-art baselines.

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Legal Judgment Prediction via Event Extraction with Constraints
Yi Feng | Chuanyi Li | Vincent Ng
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

While significant progress has been made on the task of Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP) in recent years, the incorrect predictions made by SOTA LJP models can be attributed in part to their failure to (1) locate the key event information that determines the judgment, and (2) exploit the cross-task consistency constraints that exist among the subtasks of LJP. To address these weaknesses, we propose EPM, an Event-based Prediction Model with constraints, which surpasses existing SOTA models in performance on a standard LJP dataset.

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Utilizing BERT Intermediate Layers for Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction
Mingyang Song | Yi Feng | Liping Jing
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP 2022)


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Don’t Miss the Potential Customers! Retrieving Similar Ads to Improve User Targeting
Yi Feng | Ting Wang | Chuanyi Li | Vincent Ng | Jidong Ge | Bin Luo | Yucheng Hu | Xiaopeng Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

User targeting is an essential task in the modern advertising industry: given a package of ads for a particular category of products (e.g., green tea), identify the online users to whom the ad package should be targeted. A (ad package specific) user targeting model is typically trained using historical clickthrough data: positive instances correspond to users who have clicked on an ad in the package before, whereas negative instances correspond to users who have not clicked on any ads in the package that were displayed to them. Collecting a sufficient amount of positive training data for training an accurate user targeting model, however, is by no means trivial. This paper focuses on the development of a method for automatic augmentation of the set of positive training instances. Experimental results on two datasets, including a real-world company dataset, demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.