Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Steven Krauwer, Michael Moortgat, Louis des Tombe (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Steven Krauwer | Michael Moortgat | Louis des Tombe

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Contributed Papers

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The Incremental Generation of Passive Sentences
Bernd Abb | Michael Herweg | Kai Lebeth

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Experiments in Reusability of Grammatical Resources
Doug Arnold | Toni Badia | Josef van Genabith | Stella Markantonatou | Stefan Momma | Louisa Sadler | Paul Schmidt

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Talking About Trees
Patrick Blackburn | Claire Gardent | Wilfried Meyer-Viol

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Decidability and Undecidability in stand-alone Feature Logics
Patrick Blackburn | Edith Spaan

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Using an Annotated Corpus as a Stochastic Grammar
Rens Bod

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Data-Oriented Methods for Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion
Antal van den Bosch | Walter Daelemans

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Disjunctions and Inheritance in the Context Feature Structure System
Martin Bottcher

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A Strategy for Dynamic Interpretation: a Fragment and an Implementation
Olivier Bouche | Jan van Eijck | Olivier Istace

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Head-driven Parsing for Lexicalist Grammars: Experimental Results
Gosse Bouma | Gertjan van Noord

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An Endogeneous Corpus-Based Method for Structural Noun Phrase Disambiguation
Didier Bourigault

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Morphonology in the Lexicon
Lynne J. Cahill

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LFG Semantics via Constraints
Mary Dalrymple | John Lamping | Vijay Saraswat

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On the notion of uniqueness
Joke Dorrepaal

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Automating the Acquisition of Bilingual Terminology
Pim van der Eijk

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Parsing with polymorphism
Martin Emms

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The donkey strikes back: Extending the dynamic interpretation “constructively”
Tim Fernando

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A unification-based approach to multiple VP Ellipsis resolution
Claire Gardent

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Rule-based Acquisition and Maintenance of Lexical and Semantic Knowledge
Donna M. Gates | Peter Shell

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A Computational Treatment of Sentence-Final ‘then’
Sheila Glasbey

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Towards a proper treatment of coercion phenomena
Daniele Godard | Jacques Jayez

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Identifying Topic and Focus by an Automatic Procedure
Eva Hajicova | Petr Sgall | Hana Skonmalovla

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A Probabilistic Context-free Grammar for Disambiguation in Morphological Parsing
Josee S. Heemskerk

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Restriction and Correspondence-based Translation
Ronald M. Kaplan

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A Discourse Copying Algorithm for Ellipsis and Anaphora Resolution
Andrew Kehler

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Inheriting Verb Alternations
Adam Kilgarriff

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Linguistic Knowledge Acquisition from Parsing Failures
Masaki Kiyono | Jun-ichi Tsujii

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Similarity between Words Computed by Spreading Activation on an English Dictionary
Hideki Kozima

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Mathematical Aspects of Command Relations
Marcus Kracht

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A Semantics and Pragmatics for the Pluperfect
Alex Lascarides | Nicholas Asher

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Temporal Connectives in a Discourse Context
Alex Lascarides | Jon Oberlander

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Towards efficient parsing with proof-nets
Alain Lecomte

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Abductive Explanation of Dialogue Misunderstandings
Susan McRoy | Graeme Hirst

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Tuples, Discontinuity, and Gapping in Categorial Grammar
Glyn Morrill | Teresa Solias

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On Abstract Finite-State Morphology
Ajit Narayanan | Lama Hashem

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Generalized Left-Corner Parsing
Mark-Jan Nederhof

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Resolving Zero Anaphora in Japanese
Tadashi Nomoto | Yoshihiko Nitta

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Formal Properties of Metrical Structure
Marc van Oostendorp

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Generating Contextually Appropriate Intonation
Scott Prevost | Mark Steedman

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Parsing the Wall Street Journal with the Inside-Outside Algorithm
Yves Schabes | Michal Roth | Randy Osborne

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A Tradeoff between Compositionality and Complexity in the Semantics of Dimensional Adjectives
Geoffrey Simmons

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New Frontiers Beyond Context-Freeness: Di-Grammars and Di-Automata.
Peter Staudacher

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Coping With Derivation in a Morphological Component
Harald Trost

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Categorial grammar, modalities and algebraic semantics
Koen Versmissen

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The Use of Shared Forests in Tree Adjoining Grammar Parsing
K. Vijay-Shanker

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Ambiguity resolution in a reductionistic parser
Atro Voutilainen | Pasi Tapanainen

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Type-Driven Semantic Interpretation of f-Structures
Jurgen Wedekind | Ronald M. Kaplan

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Delimitedness and Trajectory-of-Motion Events
Michael White

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Student Session

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VP Ellipsis in a DRT-implementation
Johan Bas

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Lexical Disambiguation Using Constraint Handling In Prolog (CHIP)
George C. Demetriou

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Object clitics and clitic climbing in Italian HPSG grammar
Paola Monachesi

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Localising Barriers Theory
Michael Schiehlen

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Text Alignment in a Tool for Translating Revised Documents
Hadar Shemtov

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Lexical Choice Criteria in Language Generation
Manfred Stede

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Poster Session

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A Morphological Analysis Based Method for Spelling Correction
I. Aduriz | E. Agirre | I. Alegria | X. Arregi | J.M Arriola | X. Artola | A. Diaz de Ilarraza | N. Ezeiza | M. Maritxalar | K. Sarasola | M. Urkia

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Undestanding Stories in Different Languages with GETA-RUN
Dario Bianchi | Rodolfo Delmonte | Emanuele Pianta

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Enhancing a large scale dictionary with a two-level system
David Clemenceau | Emmanuel Roche

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Long Sentence Analysis by Domain-Specific Pattern Grammar
Shinichi Doi | Kazunori Muraki | Shinichiro Kamei | Kiyoshi Yamabana

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Knowledge acquisition for a constrained speech system using WoZ
Laila Dybkj�r | Niels Ole Bernsen | Hans Dybkj�r

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Robert Frederking | Ariel Cohen | Dean Grannes | Peter Cousseau | Sergei Nirenburg

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A Constraint-based Representation Scheme of Collocational Structures
Dirk Heylen | Andre Schenk | Marc Verhagen

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The Linguistic Annotation System of the Stockholm - Ume� Corpus Project
Gunnel K�llgren | Gunnar Eriksson

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INSYST: An Automatic Inserter System for Hierarchical Lexica
Marc Light | Sabine Reinhard | Marie Boyle-Hinrichs

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Two-level Description of Turkish Morphology
Kemal Oflazer

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Helyette: Inflectional Thesaurus for Agglutinative Languages
Gabor Proszeky | Laszlo Tihanyi

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Natural Language Front-Ends to Databases: Design and the Customisation Bottleneck
Anne De Roeck

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Ambiguity resolution in a reductionistic parser
Pasi Tapanainen | Atro Voutilainen

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ITS-2 : an interactive personal translation system
Eric Wehrli | Mira Ramluckun