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Tema de Usuari Discussi�:Manlleus

Zoglophie (discussi�contribucions)

Hi. I see you created this page years ago. I wanted to draw your attention to the naming of this individual, as you may have confused "Pusarla" to be her name. Actually, her name is "Sindhu" and "Pusarla Venkata or P. V. " is her family name. Like her father who P. V. Ramana whose actual name is Ramana.

This is why most of the interwiki articles either use the full name or just abbreviate the surname part to P. V.. I request you to move the page to either Pusarla Venkata Sindhu or P. V. Sindhu. Thankyou. Zoglophie (disc.) 14:00, 21 set 2024 (CEST)

Zoglophie (discussi�contribucions)

Are you able to understand English? Please tell me I will try to translate in Catal�n. Zoglophie (disc.) 15:29, 23 set 2024 (CEST)

Zoglophie (discussi�contribucions)

Hola. Veig que vas crear aquesta p�gina fa anys. Volia cridar la vostra atenci� sobre el nom d'aquesta persona, ja que potser heu conf�s "Pusarla" com a nom seu. De fet, el seu nom �s "Sindhu" i "Pusarla Venkata o P. V. " �s el seu cognom. Com el seu pare que P. V. Ramana el nom real del qual �s Ramana.

�s per aix� que la majoria dels articles interwiki utilitzen el nom complet o simplement abreugen la part del cognom a P. V.. Us demano que moveu la p�gina a Pusarla Venkata Sindhu o a P. V. Sindhu. Gr�cies.

Manlleus (discussi�contribucions)

@Zoglophie Hi! The full name order in catalan despite foreign may differ from english or lets say telugu, but it seems is quite used the full name version rather than abbreviations, so "Pusarla Venkata Sindhu" may be correct but still in catalan: Sindhu Pusarla Venkata or Sindhu Venkata Pusarla, so first name always in first place is more correct in that language. I prefer personally the full name but foreign order instead as I mentioned first. Then, a lot of wikipedias take fist name and then one of the surnames, thats another option. I'll ask better the community.

Zoglophie (discussi�contribucions)

Problem is that selectively taking "Pusarla" from her surname "Pusarla Venkata". Either we abbreviate her name to P. V. Sindhu like her father's article which is at P. V. Ramana, or use the full name. Even when you see the common name, it is P. V. Sindhu but never "Pusarla Sindhu". I hope you are understanding what I'm trying to say. Zoglophie (disc.) 16:31, 23 set 2024 (CEST)

Manlleus (discussiócontribucions)

@Zoglophie I understand that, we also almost never use [surname, name] as germans or maybe in England because its quite rare in romance languages like Catalan, never heard so in Spanish or French too, and only abbreviate firstnames, not surnames or "family names". On the other hand, I read about english/german/etc full names without abreviations in romance group of languages literature but I'm not sure about indian names or others, so my understanding is limited. If I get an answer from the community with proper clarification, I'll rename the article and possibly the rest

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