33rd COMPCON 1988: San Francisco, California, USA

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Featured Session

Processors Track

Implementations of the SPARC Architecture

TRON Project Overview

Emerging Processors

Artificial Intelligence Track


Prolog Update

High Performance Computer Systems Track

Myths vs. Reality 1: Using Parallel Computers

Myths vs. Reality 2: Programming and Performance on Advanced Computer Systems


Storage Technologies and Systems Track

Magnetic Storage Devices

Optical Storage

Disk Caching

Software Potpourri Track

Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Database

Distributed Processing System

Parallel Processing Track

Parallel Processing Systems

VLSI Family for Multiprocessing Systems

Software Engineering Track

Engineering Information Systems: Panel

Software Reusability

The Use of Integrated Project Support Environments, IPSE, for Large-Scale Software Development

Workstation Track

SONY NEWS Workstation

Sun Microsystems SPARC Architecture

The New Apollo Workstations

CAD Track

Update on New Standards for Hardware Design: VHDL and EDIF

Advances in the VHDL Design Environment

Standards and Benchmark Circuits in Logic Testing

Legal Issues Track

Software Compatibility and Copyright Law

Patent Protection for the Computer Industry

Neural Networks Track

Introduction to Neural Networks

Implementations of Neural Networks

Perspectives on Neural Networks: Panel

Databases Track

High Performance Relational Database Systems

High Performance Transaction Processing Systems: Case Studies

Distributed Databases

High End Scientific Workstations Track

The Dana Personal Supercomputer

The Advent of the Personal Supercomputer Workstation

Integration of Symbolic, Numerical, and Graphical Techniques in Scientific Computing Environments

Potpourri Track

Next Generation Buses

Tandem CLX Design Methodology

Computer-Aided Perception: Enhancement for Tele-Operation