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A Survey on Case-Based Planning

Published: 01 September 2001 Publication History


Case-based planning is the reuse of past successful plans in order to solve new planning problems. This paper presents a survey of case-based planning, in terms of its historical roots, underlying foundations, methods and techniques currently used, limitations, and future trends. Several authors have given overviews on case-based reasoning and specific topics such as case retrieval, case adaptation, and learning. This overview differs in focus. Its aim is to emphasize the case-based approach to planning, its methodological issues, and its relation to classical planning and the other kinds of case-based reasoning. It also provides some reference models.


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cover image Artificial Intelligence Review
Artificial Intelligence Review  Volume 16, Issue 1
September 2001
82 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 September 2001

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  1. case-based planning
  2. case-based reasoning
  3. plan retention
  4. plan retrieval
  5. plan reuse
  6. plan revision
  7. planning


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