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Large Scale Online Multiple Kernel Regression with Application to Time-Series Prediction

Published: 23 January 2019 Publication History


Kernel-based regression represents an important family of learning techniques for solving challenging regression tasks with non-linear patterns. Despite being studied extensively, most of the existing work suffers from two major drawbacks as follows: (i) they are often designed for solving regression tasks in a batch learning setting, making them not only computationally inefficient and but also poorly scalable in real-world applications where data arrives sequentially; and (ii) they usually assume that a fixed kernel function is given prior to the learning task, which could result in poor performance if the chosen kernel is inappropriate. To overcome these drawbacks, this work presents a novel scheme of Online Multiple Kernel Regression (OMKR), which sequentially learns the kernel-based regressor in an online and scalable fashion, and dynamically explore a pool of multiple diverse kernels to avoid suffering from a single fixed poor kernel so as to remedy the drawback of manual/heuristic kernel selection. The OMKR problem is more challenging than regular kernel-based regression tasks since we have to on-the-fly determine both the optimal kernel-based regressor for each individual kernel and the best combination of the multiple kernel regressors. We propose a family of OMKR algorithms for regression and discuss their application to time series prediction tasks including application to AR, ARMA, and ARIMA time series. We develop novel approaches to make OMKR scalable for large datasets, to counter the problems arising from an unbounded number of support vectors. We also explore the effect of kernel combination at prediction level and at the representation level. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the empirical performance on both real-world regression and times series prediction tasks.


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ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data  Volume 13, Issue 1
February 2019
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 23 January 2019
Accepted: 01 November 2018
Revised: 01 October 2018
Received: 01 July 2007
Published in TKDD Volume 13, Issue 1


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  1. Online learning
  2. large-scale kernel learning
  3. multiple kernel regression
  4. time-series prediction


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Funding Sources

  • MOE project of Humanities and Social Science
  • Academic Team Building Plan for Young Scholars fromWuhan University
  • Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
  • National Research Foundation Singapore under its AI Singapore
  • NRF Prime Minister?s Office, Singapore under its International Research Centres in Singapore Funding Initiative


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