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ViSig: Automatic Interpretation of Visual Body Signals Using On-Body Sensors

Published: 28 March 2023 Publication History


Visual body signals are designated body poses that deliver an application-specific message. Such signals are widely used for fast message communication in sports (signaling by umpires and referees), transportation (naval officers and aircraft marshallers), and construction (signaling by riggers and crane operators), to list a few examples. Automatic interpretation of such signals can help maintaining safer operations in these industries, help in record-keeping for auditing or accident investigation purposes, and function as a score-keeper in sports. When automation of these signals is desired, it is traditionally performed from a viewer's perspective by running computer vision algorithms on camera feeds. However, computer vision based approaches suffer from performance deterioration in scenarios such as lighting variations, occlusions, etc., might face resolution limitations, and can be challenging to install. Our work, ViSig, breaks with tradition by instead deploying on-body sensors for signal interpretation. Our key innovation is the fusion of ultra-wideband (UWB) sensors for capturing on-body distance measurements, inertial sensors (IMU) for capturing orientation of a few body segments, and photodiodes for finger signal recognition, enabling a robust interpretation of signals. By deploying only a small number of sensors, we show that body signals can be interpreted unambiguously in many different settings, including in games of Cricket, Baseball, and Football, and in operational safety use-cases such as crane operations and flag semaphores for maritime navigation, with > 90% accuracy. Overall, we have seen substantial promise in this approach and expect a large body of future follow-on work to start using UWB and IMU fused modalities for the more general human pose estimation problems.

Supplemental Material

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Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies  Volume 7, Issue 1
March 2023
1243 pages
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Published: 28 March 2023
Published in IMWUT Volume 7, Issue 1


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  1. IMU
  2. UWB
  3. body signals
  4. fallback communication
  5. gestures
  6. on-body sensors
  7. postures
  8. sports automation
  9. visual signalling


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