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Global Localization of Energy-Constrained Miniature RF Emitters using Low Earth Orbit Satellites

Published: 26 April 2024 Publication History


Daily tracking of small objects or animals anywhere on earth for long time-periods is a long sought-after goal. Recently, the emergence of low earth orbit (LEO) satellites offers a unique pathway to achieve this goal. However, to date, LEO trackers have not achieved cm-size. While the integrated chip can be readily scaled to sub-cm size, the size of trackers remains limited by their battery and antenna size. To address these two fundamental size limiting factors, this paper presents a LEO satellite localization system that is specifically optimized to reduce antenna size and transmit power, thereby reducing battery size. To reduce power, a new cooperative waveform is designed which enhances the localization accuracy, combined with an increased packet length to enable low transmit power while maintaining packet energy. However, this long packet length introduces a intra-packet Doppler shift which we address by proposing a localization algorithm that includes a Doppler shift correction. The final result is a 50 kHz periodic BPSK signal with 23 dBm equivalent isotropic radiation power (EIRP), and 120 ms packet length (> 10 � longer than conventional), at a 60 s interval. The proposed solution enables 7 months operation on a 2.5 � 1.2 cm LiPo battery within a North American search area. To address the antenna size, the optimal transmit frequency was studied and a 1 cm loop antenna with 65% radiation efficiency was designed with internal matching to 50 Ohm. Using the proposed techniques, three satellite flyover experiments were performed to confirm the accuracy of the proposed tracking system and localization algorithms using a USRP-X310, a custom 1 cm-size antenna, and a commercial satellite cluster. The measured average localization error is 320 - 840 m depending on satellite trajectories, demonstrating an improved accuracy in real life measurements compared to prior art with experimental result while simultaneously achieving 15 -- 26 dB lower transmit power and > 3 � lower packet energy.


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  1. Global Localization of Energy-Constrained Miniature RF Emitters using Low Earth Orbit Satellites



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    SenSys '23: Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
    November 2023
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 26 April 2024

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    1. ambiguity function
    2. direct position determination
    3. electrically-small antenna
    4. global localization
    5. low earth orbit satellites
    6. miniature objects tracking
    7. waveform design


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