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Handbook of Fingerprint RecognitionMay 2003
  • Springer-Verlag
  • Berlin, Heidelberg
Published:01 May 2003
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This comprehensive reference is an essential resource for all biometric security professionals, researchers, practitioners, developers, and systems administrators.

Cited By

  1. Falade J, Cremer S and Rosenberger C (2024). Digital fingerprint indexing using synthetic binary indexes, Pattern Analysis & Applications, 27:2, Online publication date: 1-Jun-2024.
  2. ACM
    Penaflor Rey W and V. Rolluqui G Economic and Operational Impact Analysis of a Mobile Automated Fingerprint Identification System (MAFIS) for the Philippine National Police Proceedings of the 2021 4th International Conference on Computing and Big Data, (113-121)
  3. ACM
    P. Rey W and V. Rolluqui G Mobile Automated Fingerprint Identification System (MAFIS): An Android-based Criminal Tracking System using Fingerprint Minutiae Structure 2021 5th International Conference on E-Society, E-Education and E-Technology, (62-68)
  4. Agarwal D and Bansal A (2021). A utility of pores as level 3 features in latent fingerprint identification, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80:15, (23605-23624), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2021.
  5. Peng J, Yang B, Gupta B and Abd El-Latif A (2021). A biometric cryptosystem scheme based on random projection and neural network, Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, 25:11, (7657-7670), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2021.
  6. Adeola O (2020). A Fuzzy-Based Multi-Modal Architectural Model for Electioneering in Nigeria, International Journal of Technology Diffusion, 11:4, (1-26), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2020.
  7. Takahashi A, Koda Y, Ito K and Aoki T Fingerprint Feature Extraction by Combining Texture, Minutiae, and Frequency Spectrum Using Multi-Task CNN 2020 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), (1-8)
  8. Lee S, Jeong I and Hu J (2020). On the Unlinkability of Fingerprint Shell, Security and Communication Networks, 2020, Online publication date: 1-Jan-2020.
  9. Almajmaie L, Ucan O and Bayat O (2022). Fingerprint recognition system based on modified multi-connect architecture (MMCA), Cognitive Systems Research, 58:C, (107-113), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2019.
  10. Hammad M, Luo G and Wang K (2019). Cancelable biometric authentication system based on ECG, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78:2, (1857-1887), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2019.
  11. Kim H, Cui X, Kim M and Nguyen T Reconstruction of Fingerprints from Minutiae Using Conditional Adversarial Networks Digital Forensics and Watermarking, (353-362)
  12. Abdullahi S and Wang H (2018). Robust enhancement and centroid-based concealment of fingerprint biometric data into audio signals, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 77:16, (20753-20782), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2018.
  13. Ma'sum M, Dharma I, Arsa D, Jatmiko W, Yazid S and Arymurthy A Telebiometric system for infant and toddler fingerprint recognition 2017 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS), (1-7)
  14. Barman S, Chattopadhyay S, Samanta D and Panchal G (2017). A novel secure key-exchange protocol using biometrics of the sender and receiver, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 64:C, (65-82), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2017.
  15. Zhang L, Li L, Yang A, Shen Y and Yang M (2017). Towards contactless palmprint recognition, Pattern Recognition, 69:C, (199-212), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2017.
  16. Liu S, Liu M and Yang Z (2017). Sparse coding based orientation estimation for latent fingerprints, Pattern Recognition, 67:C, (164-176), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2017.
  17. (2017). Adaptive latent fingerprint segmentation using feature selection and random decision forest classification, Information Fusion, 34:C, (1-15), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2017.
  18. Serratosa F, Cort�s X and Moreno C Graph Edit Distance or Graph Edit Pseudo-Distance? Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, (530-540)
  19. ACM
    Xi K, Hu J and Kumar B (2016). FE-SViT, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 15:4, (1-24), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2016.
  20. Ribaric S, Ariyaeeinia A and Pavesic N (2016). De-identification for privacy protection in multimedia content, Image Communication, 47:C, (131-151), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2016.
  21. ACM
    Poonguzhali N and Ezhilarasan M A Hybrid Template Protection Technique for Fingerprint Biometric Authentication System Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics and Analytics, (1-6)
  22. ACM
    Ahmed S, Razzak M and Alhaqbani B The Minutiae Based Latent Fingerprint Recognition System Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of things and Cloud Computing, (1-9)
  23. Kathirvalavakumar T and Jeyalakshmi K Optimal Core Point Detection Using Multi-scale Principal Component Analysis Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration - Volume 9468, (194-203)
  24. Hu B, Rakthanmanon T, Campana B, Mueen A and Keogh E (2015). Establishing the provenance of historical manuscripts with a novel distance measure, Pattern Analysis & Applications, 18:2, (313-331), Online publication date: 1-May-2015.
  25. ACM
    Cardia Neto J and Marana A 3DLBP and HAOG fusion for face recognition utilizing Kinect as a 3D scanner Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (66-73)
  26. ACM
    Marasco E and Ross A (2014). A Survey on Antispoofing Schemes for Fingerprint Recognition Systems, ACM Computing Surveys, 47:2, (1-36), Online publication date: 8-Jan-2015.
  27. ACM
    Guo F, Susilo W and Mu Y POSTER Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, (1430-1432)
  28. Gao G, Yang J, Qian J and Zhang L (2014). Integration of multiple orientation and texture information for finger-knuckle-print verification, Neurocomputing, 135:C, (180-191), Online publication date: 5-Jul-2014.
  29. Aoyama S, Ito K and Aoki T (2014). A finger-knuckle-print recognition algorithm using phase-based local block matching, Information Sciences: an International Journal, 268, (53-64), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2014.
  30. Liu M, Liu S and Zhao Q (2014). Fingerprint orientation field reconstruction by weighted discrete cosine transform, Information Sciences: an International Journal, 268, (65-77), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2014.
  31. Gomez-Barrero M, Galbally J, Morales A, Ferrer M, Fierrez J and Ortega-Garcia J (2014). A novel hand reconstruction approach and its application to vulnerability assessment, Information Sciences: an International Journal, 268, (103-121), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2014.
  32. Ullah M, Chowdhary B, Rajput A, Baloch A, Ursani A and Latif S (2014). Wireless Body Area Sensor Network Authentication Using Voronoi Diagram of Retinal Vascular Pattern, Wireless Personal Communications: An International Journal, 76:3, (579-589), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2014.
  33. Didaci L, Marcialis G and Roli F (2014). Analysis of unsupervised template update in biometric recognition systems, Pattern Recognition Letters, 37, (151-160), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2014.
  34. Abernethy M and Rai S An Innovative Fingerprint Feature Representation Method to Facilitate Authentication Using Neural Networks Proceedings, Part II, of the 20th International Conference on Neural Information Processing - Volume 8227, (689-696)
  35. ACM
    Paul P and Gavrilova M Cancelable fusion using social network analysis Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, (1469-1471)
  36. Iancu I and Constantinescu N (2013). Intuitionistic fuzzy system for fingerprints authentication, Applied Soft Computing, 13:4, (2136-2142), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2013.
  37. Kumar A, Hanmandlu M and Gupta H (2013). Ant colony optimization based fuzzy binary decision tree for bimodal hand knuckle verification system, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 40:2, (439-449), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2013.
  38. Marcialis G, Roli F and Didaci L (2013). Multimodal fingerprint verification by score-level fusion, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems: Applications in Engineering and Technology, 24:1, (51-60), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013.
  39. ACM
    Krivokuća V and Abdulla W Fast fingerprint alignment method based on minutiae orientation histograms Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, (486-491)
  40. Marcialis G, Ghiani L, Vetter K, Morgeneier D and Roli F Large scale experiments on fingerprint liveness detection Proceedings of the 2012 Joint IAPR international conference on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, (501-509)
  41. ACM
    Jeyanthi S, Maheswari N and Venkatesh R Implementation of biometrics based security system with integrated techniques Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Science, Engineering and Information Technology, (37-42)
  42. ACM
    Ghiani L, Marcialis G and Roli F Experimental results on the feature-level fusion of multiple fingerprint liveness detection algorithms Proceedings of the on Multimedia and security, (157-164)
  43. ACM
    Samantaray S, Bakshi S and Sa P An efficient DoG based fingerprint enhancement scheme Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, (547-550)
  44. Lakshmi Deepika C, Kandaswamy A and Gupta P Orthogonal moments for efficient feature extraction from line structure based biometric images Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications, (656-663)
  45. Ghiani L, Denti P and Marcialis G Experimental results on fingerprint liveness detection Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, (210-218)
  46. Liu M and Yap P (2012). Invariant representation of orientation fields for fingerprint indexing, Pattern Recognition, 45:7, (2532-2542), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2012.
  47. �lvarez Mari�o R, Hern�ndez �lvarez F and Hern�ndez Encinas L (2012). A crypto-biometric scheme based on iris-templates with fuzzy extractors, Information Sciences: an International Journal, 195, (91-102), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2012.
  48. Mngenge N, Nelwamondo F, Malumedzha T and Msimang N Quality-based fingerprint segmentation Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Image Analysis and Recognition - Volume Part II, (54-63)
  49. Ignatenko T and Willems F (2012). Biometric Security from an Information-Theoretical Perspective, Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory, 7:2–3, (135-316), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2012.
  50. ACM
    Nagasundara K, Manjunath S and Guru D Multimodal biometric system based on hand geometry, palmprint and signature Proceedings of the 5th ACM COMPUTE Conference: Intelligent & scalable system technologies, (1-6)
  51. Feng J, Zhou H and Zhou J A preliminary study of handprint synthesis Proceedings of the 6th Chinese conference on Biometric recognition, (133-140)
  52. Canuto A, Fairhurst M, Pintro F, Xavier Junior J, Neto A and Gonçalves L (2011). Classifier ensembles and optimization techniques to improve the performance of cancellable fingerprint, International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 8:3, (143-154), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2011.
  53. ACM
    Tayebi R, Mazaheri S and Bigham B A new fingerprint matching approach using level 2 and level 3 features Proceedings of The Fourth International C* Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, (73-81)
  54. ACM
    Shinde S, Kumbhar M and Bhosale S A case study on discrimination of identical twins in India Proceedings of the International Conference & Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology, (451-454)
  55. ACM
    Kekre H, Sarode T and Vig R Fingerprint matching using sectorized complex Walsh plane in transform domain Proceedings of the International Conference & Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology, (71-75)
  56. ACM
    Kekre H and Bharadi V Finger-Knuckle-Print verification using Kekre's wavelet transform Proceedings of the International Conference & Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology, (32-37)
  57. Nanni L, Lumini A and Brahnam S (2011). Likelihood ratio based features for a trained biometric score fusion, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 38:1, (58-63), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2011.
  58. Su C and Srihari S Evaluation of rarity of fingerprints in forensics Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Volume 1, (1207-1215)
  59. Su C and Srihari S Latent fingerprint rarity analysis in Madrid bombing case Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Computational forensics, (173-184)
  60. Yu C, Busey T and Vanderkolk J Discovering correspondences between fingerprints based on the temporal dynamics of eye movements from experts Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Computational forensics, (160-172)
  61. Canuto A, Fairhurst M, Santana L, Pintro F and Neto A Ensemble-based methods for cancellable biometrics Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Artificial neural networks: Part I, (411-414)
  62. Zhao Q, Zhang D, Zhang L and Luo N (2010). Adaptive fingerprint pore modeling and extraction, Pattern Recognition, 43:8, (2833-2844), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2010.
  63. Tan B and Schuckers S (2010). Spoofing protection for fingerprint scanner by fusing ridge signal and valley noise, Pattern Recognition, 43:8, (2845-2857), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2010.
  64. Mohammed A, Jonathan Wu Q and Sid-Ahmed M Application of wave atoms decomposition and extreme learning machine for fingerprint classification Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Image Analysis and Recognition - Volume Part II, (246-255)
  65. Lim S, Chae S and Pan S VLSI architecture of the fuzzy fingerprint vault system Proceedings of the 4th IAPR TC3 conference on Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, (252-258)
  66. Liu M (2010). Fingerprint classification based on Adaboost learning from singularity features, Pattern Recognition, 43:3, (1062-1070), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2010.
  67. Zhao Q, Zhang D, Zhang L and Luo N (2010). High resolution partial fingerprint alignment using pore-valley descriptors, Pattern Recognition, 43:3, (1050-1061), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2010.
  68. Crisan S, Tarnovan I and Crisan T (2010). Radiation optimization and image processing algorithms in the identification of hand vein patterns, Computer Standards & Interfaces, 32:3, (130-140), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2010.
  69. Lim S, Chae S, Moon H and Pan S Hardware implementation of the fuzzy fingerprint vault system Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS international conference on Signal processing, robotics and automation, (103-106)
  70. Bishnu A, Das S, Nandy S and Bhattacharya B A simple algorithm for approximate partial point set pattern matching under rigid motion Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Algorithms and Computation, (102-112)
  71. Sepasian M, Mares C and Balachandran W Liveness and spoofing in fingerprint identification Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS international conference on Computer engineering and applications, (150-158)
  72. Puri C, Narang K, Tiwari A, Vatsa M and Singh R On analysis of rural and urban indian fingerprint images Proceedings of the Third international conference on Ethics and Policy of Biometrics and International Data Sharing, (55-61)
  73. Nicholl P, Ahmad A and Amira A A novel feature vectors construction approach for face recognition Transactions on computational science XI, (223-248)
  74. Ram S, Bischof H and Birchbauer J (2010). Modelling fingerprint ridge orientation using Legendre polynomials, Pattern Recognition, 43:1, (342-357), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2010.
  75. Nguyen T, Tran Q and Nguyen T A biometrics encryption key algorithm to protect private key in BioPKI based security system Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Information, communications and signal processing, (958-962)
  76. Gottschlich C, Mihailescu P and Munk A (2009). Robust orientation field estimation and extrapolation using semilocal line sensors, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 4:4, (802-811), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2009.
  77. Vatsa M, Singh R, Noore A and Singh S (2009). Fast communication, Signal Processing, 89:12, (2676-2685), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2009.
  78. He S, Zhang C and Hao P Comparative study of features for fingerprint indexing Proceedings of the 16th IEEE international conference on Image processing, (2713-2716)
  79. Marcialis G, Roli F and Didaci L (2009). Personal identity verification by serial fusion of fingerprint and face matchers, Pattern Recognition, 42:11, (2807-2817), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2009.
  80. ACM
    Yuen P, Zou W, Zhang S, Wong K and Lam H Finger gesture recognition through sweep sensor Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Interactive multimedia for consumer electronics, (11-18)
  81. Lee H, Maeng H and Bae Y Fake finger detection using the fractional Fourier transform Proceedings of the 2009 joint COST 2101 and 2102 international conference on Biometric ID management and multimodal communication, (318-324)
  82. Saeed O, Mansoor A and Butt M A novel contourlet based online fingerprint identification Proceedings of the 2009 joint COST 2101 and 2102 international conference on Biometric ID management and multimodal communication, (308-317)
  83. Bringer J, Chabanne H, Kevenaar T and Kindarji B Extending match-on-card to local biometric identification Proceedings of the 2009 joint COST 2101 and 2102 international conference on Biometric ID management and multimodal communication, (178-186)
  84. Malik R and Masood A Fingerprint enhancement and reconstruction Proceedings of the Intelligent computing 5th international conference on Emerging intelligent computing technology and applications, (660-669)
  85. ACM
    Liu J, Zhong L, Wickramasuriya J and Vasudevan V User evaluation of lightweight user authentication with a single tri-axis accelerometer Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, (1-10)
  86. Kumar A and Prathyusha K (2009). Personal authentication using hand vein triangulation and knuckle shape, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 18:9, (2127-2136), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2009.
  87. Xu H, Veldhuis R, Bazen A, Kevenaar T, Akkermans T and Gokberk B (2009). Fingerprint verification using spectral minutiae representations, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 4:3, (397-409), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2009.
  88. Abhyankar A and Schuckers S (2009). Iris quality assessment and bi-orthogonal wavelet based encoding for recognition, Pattern Recognition, 42:9, (1878-1894), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2009.
  89. Nanni L and Lumini A (2009). A supervised method to discriminate between impostors and genuine in biometry, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 36:7, (10401-10407), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2009.
  90. Jung H and Lee J Fingerprint classification using the stochastic approach of ridge direction information Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Fuzzy Systems, (169-174)
  91. Bhowmick P and Bhattacharya B (2009). Real Polygonal Covers of Digital Discs - Some Theories and Experiments, Fundamenta Informaticae, 91:3-4, (487-505), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2009.
  92. Bhowmick P and Bhattacharya B (2009). Real Polygonal Covers of Digital Discs - Some Theories and Experiments, Fundamenta Informaticae, 91:3-4, (487-505), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2009.
  93. Eom K, Ahn T, Kim G, Jang G and Kim M Fast Object Tracking in Intelligent Surveillance System Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications: Part II, (749-763)
  94. Sheng W, Howells G, Fairhurst M, Deravi F and Harmer K (2009). Consensus fingerprint matching with genetically optimised approach, Pattern Recognition, 42:7, (1399-1407), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2009.
  95. Franco A and Nanni L (2009). Fusion of classifiers for illumination robust face recognition, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 36:5, (8946-8954), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2009.
  96. Shi J and Lam K MinuCode Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference and Workshops on Advances in Information Security and Assurance, (382-391)
  97. Nanni L and Lumini A (2009). On selecting Gabor features for biometric authentication, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 35:1, (23-28), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2009.
  98. Nanni L and Lumini A (2009). Ensemble of multiple Palmprint representation, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 36:3, (4485-4490), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2009.
  99. Abhyankar A and Schuckers S (2009). Integrating a wavelet based perspiration liveness check with fingerprint recognition, Pattern Recognition, 42:3, (452-464), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2009.
  100. Bhowmick P and Bhattacharya B (2009). Removal of digitization errors in fingerprint ridgelines using B-splines, Pattern Recognition, 42:3, (465-474), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2009.
  101. Girgis M, Sewisy A and Mansour R (2009). A robust method for partial deformed fingerprints verification using genetic algorithm, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 36:2, (2008-2016), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2009.
  102. Bo J, Long Y and Er C A novel fingerprint singular point detection algorithm Proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS international conference on Computer engineering and applications, (97-100)
  103. Moon D, Chung Y, Pan S and Park J (2009). Integrating fingerprint verification into the smart card-based healthcare information system, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2009, (5-5), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2009.
  104. Vatsa M, Singh R, Noore A and Houck M (2009). Quality-augmented fusion of level-2 and level-3 fingerprint information using DSm theory, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 50:1, (51-61), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2009.
  105. Bo J, Ping T and Lan X (2008). Fingerprint singular point detection algorithm by Poincar� index, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS, 7:12, (1453-1462), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2008.
  106. Bringer J, Chabanne H and Kindarji B (2008). The best of both worlds, Science of Computer Programming, 74:1-2, (43-51), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2008.
  107. Liang X, Xiong N, Yang L, Zhang H and Park J (2008). A compensation scheme of fingerprint distortion using combined radial basis function model for ubiquitous services, Computer Communications, 31:18, (4360-4366), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2008.
  108. Nanni L and Lumini A (2008). Local binary patterns for a hybrid fingerprint matcher, Pattern Recognition, 41:11, (3461-3466), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2008.
  109. ACM
    Koval O, Voloshynovskiy S and Pun T Privacy-preserving multimodal person and object identification Proceedings of the 10th ACM workshop on Multimedia and security, (177-184)
  110. Azzini A and Marrara S Impostor Users Discovery Using a Multimodal Biometric Continuous Authentication Fuzzy System Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Part II, (371-378)
  111. Yang J and Park D (2008). A fingerprint verification algorithm using tessellated invariant moment features, Neurocomputing, 71:10-12, (1939-1946), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2008.
  112. Sagiroglu S and Ozkaya N An intelligent automatic face contour prediction system Proceedings of the Canadian Society for computational studies of intelligence, 21st conference on Advances in artificial intelligence, (246-258)
  113. ACM
    Bicego M, Grosso E, Lagorio A, Brelstaff G, Brodo L and Tistarelli M (2008). Distinctiveness of faces, ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 5:2, (1-18), Online publication date: 1-May-2008.
  114. Pishva D (2008). Spectroscopically Enhanced Method and System for Multi-Factor Biometric Authentication, IEICE - Transactions on Information and Systems, E91-D:5, (1369-1379), Online publication date: 1-May-2008.
  115. Tang Q, Bringer J, Chabanne H and Pointcheval D A formal study of the privacy concerns in biometric-based remote authentication schemes Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Information security practice and experience, (56-70)
  116. Nanni L and Lumini A (2008). Wavelet decomposition tree selection for palm and face authentication, Pattern Recognition Letters, 29:3, (343-353), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2008.
  117. Jain A, Nandakumar K and Nagar A (2008). Biometric template security, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2008, (1-17), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2008.
  118. Benhammadi F, Hentous H and Beghdad K (2008). A fingerprint recognizer using interminutiae binary constraint graph, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2008, (1-8), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2008.
  119. Ruiz-del-Solar J, Loncomilla P and Devia C A new approach for fingerprint verification based on wide baseline matching using local interest points and descriptors Proceedings of the 2nd Pacific Rim conference on Advances in image and video technology, (586-599)
  120. Abbadi I Digital rights management using a master control device Proceedings of the 12th Asian computing science conference on Advances in computer science: computer and network security, (126-141)
  121. Hao Y, Sun Z and Tan T Comparative studies on multispectral palm image fusion for biometrics Proceedings of the 8th Asian conference on Computer vision - Volume Part II, (12-21)
  122. Jain A Biometric recognition Proceedings of the Congress on pattern recognition 12th Iberoamerican conference on Progress in pattern recognition, image analysis and applications, (13-19)
  123. Huang C, Liu L and Hung D (2007). Fingerprint analysis and singular point detection, Pattern Recognition Letters, 28:15, (1937-1945), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2007.
  124. ACM
    Jakubowski M and Venkatesan R Randomized radon transforms for biometric authentication via fingerprint hashing Proceedings of the 2007 ACM workshop on Digital Rights Management, (90-94)
  125. Govan M and Buggy T An efficient algorithm for the implementation of fingerprint authentication on smartcards Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED International Conference on Communication, Network and Information Security, (58-63)
  126. Rowe R Biometrics based on multispectral skin texture Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (1144-1153)
  127. Yau W, Tran H, Teoh E and Wang J Fake finger detection by finger color change analysis Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (888-896)
  128. Coli P, Marcialis G and Roli F Vitality detection from fingerprint images Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (722-731)
  129. Lindoso A, Entrena L, Liu-Jimenez J and Millan E Correlation-based fingerprint matching with orientation field alignment Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (713-721)
  130. Tong V, Sibert H, Lecoeur J and Girault M Biometric fuzzy extractors made practical Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (604-613)
  131. Sheng W, Howells G, Harmer K, Fairhurst M and Deravi F Fingerprint matching with an evolutionary approach Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (484-492)
  132. Jia J, Cai L, Zhang K and Chen D A new approach to fake finger detection based on skin elasticity analysis Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (309-318)
  133. Zhou J, Gu J and Zhang D Singular points analysis in fingerprints based on topological structure and orientation field Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (261-270)
  134. Lindoso A, Entrena L and Liu-Jimenez J Wavelet-based fingerprint region selection Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Computer analysis of images and patterns, (391-398)
  135. Kanak A and Sogukpinar İ Fingerprint hardening with randomly selected chaff minutiae Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Computer analysis of images and patterns, (383-390)
  136. Erat M, Danişman K, Ergün S, Kanak A and Kayaoglu M An embedded fingerprint authentication system integrated with a hardware-based truly random number generator Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Computer analysis of images and patterns, (366-373)
  137. Moon D, Lee S, Jung S, Chung Y, Park M and Yi O Fingerprint template protection using fuzzy vault Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Computational science and its applications - Volume Part III, (1141-1151)
  138. ACM
    Wang L, Yang C and Feng J On learning with dissimilarity functions Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Machine learning, (991-998)
  139. ACM
    Pavešić N, Ribarić S and Grad B Comparison of PCA -, MDF -, and RD-LDA - based feature extraction approaches for hand-based personal recognition Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Computer systems and technologies, (1-7)
  140. Ming A and Ma H An algorithm testbed for the biometrics grid Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Advances in grid and pervasive computing, (447-458)
  141. Ming A and Ma H Proposal of an architecture for a biometrics grid Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Business information systems, (195-208)
  142. Lee S, Moon D, Jung S and Chung Y Protecting Secret Keys with Fuzzy Fingerprint Vault Based on a 3D Geometric Hash Table Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, Part II, (432-439)
  143. Ross A, Shah J and Jain A (2007). From Template to Image, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 29:4, (544-560), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2007.
  144. Palaniappan R and Mandic D (2007). Biometrics from Brain Electrical Activity, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 29:4, (738-742), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2007.
  145. Bulacu M and Schomaker L (2007). Text-Independent Writer Identification and Verification Using Textural and Allographic Features, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 29:4, (701-717), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2007.
  146. Buddharaju P, Pavlidis I, Tsiamyrtzis P and Bazakos M (2007). Physiology-Based Face Recognition in the Thermal Infrared Spectrum, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 29:4, (613-626), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2007.
  147. Wang Y, Hu J and Phillips D (2007). A Fingerprint Orientation Model Based on 2D Fourier Expansion (FOMFE) and Its Application to Singular-Point Detection and Fingerprint Indexing, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 29:4, (573-585), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2007.
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    Schwan M An extended model of security policy for multi-applicative smart cards Proceedings of the 2nd ACM symposium on Information, computer and communications security, (226-233)
  149. Lumini A and Nanni L (2007). An improved BioHashing for human authentication, Pattern Recognition, 40:3, (1057-1065), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2007.
  150. Helfroush S and Ghassemian H (2007). Nonminutiae-based decision-level fusion for fingerprint verification, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2007:1, (35-35), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2007.
  151. Benhammadi F, Amirouche M, Hentous H, Bey Beghdad K and Aissani M (2007). Fingerprint matching from minutiae texture maps, Pattern Recognition, 40:1, (189-197), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2007.
  152. Chikkerur S, Cartwright A and Govindaraju V (2007). Fingerprint enhancement using STFT analysis, Pattern Recognition, 40:1, (198-211), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2007.
  153. Jia J, Cai L, Lu P and Liu X (2007). Fingerprint matching based on weighting method and the SVM, Neurocomputing, 70:4-6, (849-858), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2007.
  154. Yang L, Yang J and Wu H Fingerprint matching based on octantal nearest-neighbor structure and core points Proceedings of the 5th Indian conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, (931-940)
  155. Yang J, Yoon S and Park D Applying learning vector quantization neural network for fingerprint matching Proceedings of the 19th Australian joint conference on Artificial Intelligence: advances in Artificial Intelligence, (500-509)
  156. Shi P, Tian J, Xie W and Yang X Fast fingerprint matching based on the novel structure combining the singular point with its neighborhood minutiae Proceedings of the 11th Iberoamerican conference on Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications, (804-813)
  157. Yang C and Zhou J (2006). A comparative study of combining multiple enrolled samples for fingerprint verification, Pattern Recognition, 39:11, (2115-2130), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2006.
  158. Yager N and Amin A (2006). Dynamic registration selection for fingerprint verification, Pattern Recognition, 39:11, (2141-2148), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2006.
  159. Ram�rez-Ruiz J, Pfeiffer C and Nolazco-Flores J Cryptographic keys generation using fingercodes Proceedings of the 2nd international joint conference, and Proceedings of the 10th Ibero-American Conference on AI 18th Brazilian conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence, (178-187)
  160. Park B, Moon D, Chung Y and Park J Capacity planning for scalable fingerprint authentication Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - Volume Part I, (906-915)
  161. Chianese A, Moscato V, Penta A and Picariello A Improving minutiae detection in fingerprints using multiresolution contrast enhancement Proceedings of the Third international conference on Image Analysis and Recognition - Volume Part II, (274-285)
  162. Park B, Moon D, Chung Y and Park J Impact of embedding scenarios on the smart card-based fingerprint verification Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Information security applications: PartI, (110-120)
  163. Moon D, Lee S, Jung S, Chung Y, Yi O, Lee N and Moon K Privacy-enhancing fingerprint authentication using cancelable templates with passwords Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Information security applications: PartI, (100-109)
  164. Coli P, Marcialis G and Roli F Analysis and selection of features for the fingerprint vitality detection Proceedings of the 2006 joint IAPR international conference on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, (907-915)
  165. Han F, Hu J and Yu X A biometric encryption approach incorporating fingerprint indexing in key generation Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics - Volume Part III, (342-351)
  166. Hrebień M and Korbicz J Human identification based on fingerprint local features Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, (796-803)
  167. He Y, Tian J, Li L, Chen H and Yang X (2006). Fingerprint Matching Based on Global Comprehensive Similarity, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 28:6, (850-862), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2006.
  168. Chang E and Li Q Hiding secret points amidst chaff Proceedings of the 24th annual international conference on The Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, (59-72)
  169. Park C, Lee J, Smith M and Park K (2006). Singular point detection by shape analysis of directional fields in fingerprints, Pattern Recognition, 39:5, (839-855), Online publication date: 1-May-2006.
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    Theofanos M, Micheals R, Scholtz J, Morse E and May P Does habituation affect fingerprint quality? CHI '06 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1427-1432)
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    Chang E, Shen R and Teo F Finding the original point set hidden among chaff Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Symposium on Information, computer and communications security, (182-188)
  172. Pradeep S, Jain M, Balasubramanian R and Bhargava R Local and global tree graph structures for fingerprint verification Proceedings of the 24th IASTED international conference on Signal processing, pattern recognition, and applications, (287-293)
  173. Antonelli A, Cappelli R, Maio D and Maltoni D A new approach to fake finger detection based on skin distortion Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (221-228)
  174. Ryu C, Moon J, Lee B and Kim H Design of algorithm development interface for fingerprint verification algorithms Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (334-340)
  175. Nakajima H, Kobayashi K, Morikawa M, Katsumata A, Ito K, Aoki T and Higuchi T Fast and robust fingerprint identification algorithm and its application to residential access controller Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (326-333)
  176. Ito K, Morita A, Aoki T, Nakajima H, Kobayashi K and Higuchi T A fingerprint recognition algorithm combining phase-based image matching and feature-based matching Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (316-325)
  177. Chikkerur S, Cartwright A and Govindaraju V K-plet and coupled BFS Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (309-315)
  178. Wang X, Li J, Niu Y, Chen W and Wang W Extraction of stable points from fingerprint images using zone could-be-in theorem Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (251-257)
  179. Parziale G, Diaz-Santana E and Hauke R The surround Imager™ Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (244-250)
  180. Fierrez-Aguilar J, Chen Y, Ortega-Garcia J and Jain A Incorporating image quality in multi-algorithm fingerprint verification Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Advances in Biometrics, (213-220)
  181. Cappelli R, Maio D, Maltoni D, Wayman J and Jain A (2006). Performance Evaluation of Fingerprint Verification Systems, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 28:1, (3-18), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2006.
  182. Palit B, Basu A and Mandal M Applications of the discrete hodge helmholtz decomposition to image and video processing Proceedings of the First international conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, (497-502)
  183. Chung Y, Moon D, Lee S, Jung S, Kim T and Ahn D Automatic alignment of fingerprint features for fuzzy fingerprint vault Proceedings of the First SKLOIS conference on Information Security and Cryptology, (358-369)
  184. Moon D, Kim T, Jung S, Chung Y, Moon K, Ahn D and Kim S Performance evaluation of watermarking techniques for secure multimodal biometric systems Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Computational Intelligence and Security - Volume Part II, (635-642)
  185. Fierrez-Aguilar J, Garcia-Romero D, Ortega-Garcia J and Gonzalez-Rodriguez J (2005). Adapted user-dependent multimodal biometric authentication exploiting general information, Pattern Recognition Letters, 26:16, (2628-2639), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2005.
  186. Kim T, Chung Y, Jung S and Moon D Secure remote fingerprint verification using dual watermarks Proceedings of the First international conference on Digital Rights Management: technologies, Issues, Challenges and Systems, (217-227)
  187. Meghdadi M and Jalilzadeh S Validity and acceptability of results in fingerprint scanners Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques In Electrical Engineering, (259-266)
  188. Fierrez-Aguilar J, Krawczyk S, Ortega-Garcia J and Jain A Fusion of local and regional approaches for on-line signature verification Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Advances in Biometric Person Authentication, (188-196)
  189. Wang X, Li J, Niu Y, Chen W and Wang W Adaptive fingerprint enhancement by combination of quality factor and quantitative filters Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Advances in Biometric Person Authentication, (111-118)
  190. Fronthaler H, Kollreider K and Bigun J Local feature extraction in fingerprints by complex filtering Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Advances in Biometric Person Authentication, (77-84)
  191. Jea T and Govindaraju V (2005). A minutia-based partial fingerprint recognition system, Pattern Recognition, 38:10, (1672-1684), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2005.
  192. Moon D, Chung Y, Moon K and Pan S Secure and efficient transmissions of fingerprint images for embedded processors Proceedings of the Second international conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, (1106-1117)
  193. Abate A, Nappi M, Ricciardi S and Sabatino G One to many 3D face recognition enhanced through k-d-tree based spatial access Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Advances in Multimedia Information Systems, (5-16)
  194. Chung Y, Kim K, Kim M, Pan S and Park N A hardware implementation for fingerprint retrieval Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - Volume Part III, (374-380)
  195. Li Q, Niu X, Wang Z, Jiao Y and Sun S A verifiable fingerprint vault scheme Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - Volume Part III, (1072-1078)
  196. Chung Y, Moon D, Moon K and Pan S Hiding biometric data for secure transmission Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - Volume Part III, (1049-1057)
  197. Minami T, Sakai K and Koyamada K A similarity evaluation method for volume data sets by using critical point graph Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on high-performance computing and 1st international conference on Advanced low power systems, (295-304)
  198. Yager N and Amin A A novel verification criterion for distortion-free fingerprints Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, (65-72)
  199. Tulyakov S, Farooq F and Govindaraju V Symmetric hash functions for fingerprint minutiae Proceedings of the Third international conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis - Volume Part II, (30-38)
  200. Chikkerur S, Govindaraju V and Cartwright A Fingerprint image enhancement using STFT analysis Proceedings of the Third international conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis - Volume Part II, (20-29)
  201. Chung Y, Moon D, Kim T and Pan S A secure fingerprint authentication system on an untrusted computing environment Proceedings of the Second international conference on Trust, Privacy, and Security in Digital Business, (299-310)
  202. Mhatre A, Chikkerur S and Govindaraju V Indexing biometric databases using pyramid technique Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, (841-849)
  203. Park C, Smith M, Boutin M and Lee J Fingerprint matching using the distribution of the pairwise distances between minutiae Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, (693-701)
  204. Fierrez-Aguilar J, Nanni L, Lopez-Pe�alba J, Ortega-Garcia J and Maltoni D An on-line signature verification system based on fusion of local and global information Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, (523-532)
  205. Tuyls P, Akkermans A, Kevenaar T, Schrijen G, Bazen A and Veldhuis R Practical biometric authentication with template protection Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, (436-446)
  206. Wang R, Bhanu B and Chen H An integrated prediction model for biometrics Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, (355-364)
  207. Abhyankar A and Schuckers S Characterization, similarity score and uniqueness associated with perspiration pattern Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, (301-309)
  208. Bistarelli S, Santini F and Vaccarelli A An asymmetric fingerprint matching algorithm for java cardTM Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, (279-288)
  209. Deng H and Huo Q Minutiae matching based fingerprint verification using delaunay triangulation and aligned-edge-guided triangle matching Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, (270-278)
  210. Neuhaus M and Bunke H A graph matching based approach to fingerprint classification using directional variance Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, (191-200)
  211. Nilsson K and Bigun J Registration of fingerprints by complex filtering and by 1d projections of orientation images Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, (171-183)
  212. Ang R, Safavi-Naini R and McAven L Cancelable key-based fingerprint templates Proceedings of the 10th Australasian conference on Information Security and Privacy, (242-252)
  213. Perronnin F, Dugelay J and Rose K (2005). A Probabilistic Model of Face Mapping with Local Transformations and Its Application to Person Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27:7, (1157-1171), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
  214. ACM
    Grasemann U and Miikkulainen R Effective image compression using evolved wavelets Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, (1961-1968)
  215. Jain A Biometric recognition Proceedings of the 14th Scandinavian conference on Image Analysis, (1-5)
  216. ACM
    Gupta P, Ravi S, Raghunathan A and Jha N Efficient fingerprint-based user authentication for embedded systems Proceedings of the 42nd annual Design Automation Conference, (244-247)
  217. Snelick R, Uludag U, Mink A, Indovina M and Jain A (2005). Large-Scale Evaluation of Multimodal Biometric Authentication Using State-of-the-Art Systems, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27:3, (450-455), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2005.
  218. Ou Z, Guo H and Wei H Fingerprint classifier using embedded hidden markov models Proceedings of the 5th Chinese conference on Advances in Biometric Person Authentication, (525-531)
  219. Zhu G and Zhang C A top-down fingerprint image enhancement method based on fourier analysis Proceedings of the 5th Chinese conference on Advances in Biometric Person Authentication, (439-448)
  220. Chung Y, Moon D, Kim T and Park J Workload dispatch planning for real-time fingerprint authentication on a sensor-client-server model Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing: applications and Technologies, (833-838)
  221. Liang X, Bishnu A and Asano T A near-linear time algorithm for binarization of fingerprint images using distance transform Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Combinatorial Image Analysis, (197-208)
  222. ACM
    Wang J and Canny J FingerSense CHI '04 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1267-1270)
  223. Maltoni D A tutorial on fingerprint recognition Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Advanced Studies in Biometrics, (43-68)
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  225. Gottemukkula V, Derakhshani R and Saripalle S Enhanced obfuscation for multi-part biometric templates 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), (1394-1401)
  • Michigan State University


Brad D. Reid

This would be a suitable textbook for a course in biometric or pattern recognition; it will be a useful reference for all biometric security professionals and researchers. The four coauthors have a distinguished combination of academic and professional experience. A DVD is included with the book, and contains a demonstration version of the synthetic fingerprint image generation (SFINGE) software, and databases used in several fingerprint verification competitions. The style of the book is informal, yet comprehensive and advanced. An introduction is given to automated fingerprint recognition, as well as an in-depth survey of the current state-of-the-art, an overview of recent advances in creating and securing fingerprint identification systems, and a variety of professional techniques. To accomplish these objectives, the book is organized into four parts: fingerprint sensing; fingerprint representation, matching, and classification; advanced topics, including synthetic fingerprints, multimodal biometric systems, and fingerprint variability; and securing fingerprint systems. As background material, the book includes references to basic readings and introductory surveys in pattern recognition and image processing. To complement the text, there are numerous figures with supporting graphs and charts, as well as an extensive bibliography and index. One potential weakness of the book as a textbook is the lack of student exercises and problems. This is at best a minor point, since each chapter contains a helpful introduction and summary. Overall, readers will be pleased with the style and substance of this book. Online Computing Reviews Service

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