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Reflects downloads up to 18 Oct 2024Bibliometrics
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Formally-Verified Round-Off Error Analysis of Runge–Kutta Methods

Numerical errors are insidious, difficult to predict and inherent in different levels of critical systems design. Indeed, numerical algorithms generally constitute approximations of an ideal mathematical model, which itself constitutes an ...

A Formalization of the CHSH Inequality and Tsirelson’s Upper-bound in Isabelle/HOL

We present a formalization of several fundamental notions and results from Quantum Information theory in the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL, including density matrices and projective measurements, along with the proof that the local hidden-variable ...

A Matroid-Based Automatic Prover and Coq Proof Generator for Projective Incidence Geometry

We present an automatic theorem prover for projective incidence geometry. This prover does not consider coordinates. Instead, it follows a combinatorial approach based on the concept of rank. This allows to deal only with sets of points and to ...

Non-termination in Term Rewriting and Logic Programming

In this paper, we define two particular forms of non-termination, namely loops and binary chains, in an abstract framework that encompasses term rewriting and logic programming. The definition of loops relies on the notion of compatibility of ...

Should Decisions in QCDCL Follow Prefix Order?

Quantified conflict-driven clause learning (QCDCL) is one of the main solving approaches for quantified Boolean formulas (QBF). One of the differences between QCDCL and propositional CDCL is that QCDCL typically follows the prefix order of the QBF ...
