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On Polynomial Recursive Sequences

We study the expressive power of polynomial recursive sequences, a nonlinear extension of the well-known class of linear recursive sequences. These sequences arise naturally in the study of nonlinear extensions of weighted automata, where (non)...

Finite Sequentiality of Finitely Ambiguous Max-Plus Tree Automata

We show that the finite sequentiality problem is decidable for finitely ambiguous max-plus tree automata. A max-plus tree automaton is a weighted tree automaton over the max-plus semiring. A max-plus tree automaton is called finitely ambiguous if ...

On the structure of solution-sets to regular word equations

For quadratic word equations, there exists an algorithm based on rewriting rules which generates a directed graph describing all solutions to the equation. For regular word equations – those for which each variable occurs at most once on each side ...

Equation Satisfiability in Solvable Groups

The study of the complexity of the equation satisfiability problem in finite groups had been initiated by Goldmann and Russell in (Inf. Comput. 178(1), 253–262, 2002) where they showed that this problem is in P for nilpotent groups while it is NP-...

Improved Bounds for Matching in Random-Order Streams

We study the problem of computing an approximate maximum cardinality matching in the semi-streaming model when edges arrive in a random order. In the semi-streaming model, the edges of the input graph G=(V,E) are given as a stream e1,,em, and the ...

How to Hide a Clique?

In the well known planted clique problem, a clique (or alternatively, an independent set) of size k is planted at random in an Erdos-Renyi random G(np) graph, and the goal is to design an algorithm that finds the maximum clique (or independent ...

Minimum Cut in O(mlog2n) Time

We give a randomized algorithm that finds a minimum cut in an undirected weighted m-edge n-vertex graph G with high probability in O(mlog2n) time. This is the first improvement to Karger’s celebrated O(mlog3n) time algorithm from 1996. Our main ...

The Complexity of the Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem

We study the complexity of the Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem (DCSP) on a synchronous, anonymous network from a theoretical standpoint. In this setting, variables and constraints are controlled by agents which communicate with each ...

One-Tape Turing Machine and Branching Program Lower Bounds for MCSP

For a size parameter s:, the Minimum Circuit Size Problem (denoted by MCSP[s(n)]) is the problem of deciding whether the minimum circuit size of a given function f : {0,1}n →{0,1} (represented by a string of length N := 2n) is at most a ...

Reachability in Two-Parametric Timed Automata with one Parameter is EXPSPACE-Complete

Parametric timed automata (PTA) have been introduced by Alur, Henzinger, and Vardi as an extension of timed automata in which clocks can be compared against parameters. The reachability problem asks for the existence of an assignment of the ...

Digraph Coloring and Distance to Acyclicity

In k-Digraph Coloring we are given a digraph and are asked to partition its vertices into at most k sets, so that each set induces a DAG. This well-known problem is NP-hard, as it generalizes (undirected) k-Coloring, but becomes trivial if the ...

Good r-divisions Imply Optimal Amortized Decremental Biconnectivity

We present a data structure that, given a graph G of n vertices and m edges, and a suitable pair of nested r-divisions of G, preprocesses G in O(m+n) time and handles any series of edge-deletions in O(m) total time while answering queries to ...

b-Coloring Parameterized by Clique-Width

We provide a polynomial-time algorithm for b-Coloring on graphs of constant clique-width. This unifies and extends nearly all previously known polynomial time results on graph classes, and answers open questions posed by Campos and Silva (...

Subgroup Membership in GL(2,Z)

It is shown that the subgroup membership problem for a virtually free group can be decided in polynomial time when all group elements are represented by so-called power words, i.e., words of the form p1z1p2z2pkzk. Here the pi are explicit words ...
