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A Two-level clustering chain energy heterogeneous routing protocol for WSN


Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Mei Hu and Yongxi Wang 2022 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2387 012036 DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/2387/1/012036



In view of the disadvantages of high energy consumption, short life cycle, low throughput and no application correlation in heterogeneous WSN, a two-level clustering chain routing protocol is proposed under the heterogeneous WSN of intelligent water-saving irrigation system of ecological agriculture in Hexi Gobi. The irrigation subnets are divides into clusters according to the actual layout in the wireless network and the nodes in the cluster form the chain on the basis of the minimum distance. The two-level cluster headers in reserve are selected by rate of the remaining energy of terminal nodes in cluster vs. average energy in local region. Eventually the level clusters heads and the two-level cluster headers are chosen according to the largest ratio of the remaining energy to the distance between the terminal nodes and the base station. Results in simulation show that the proposed algorithm is superior to PEGASIS and SEP in energy consumption, life cycle and throughput.

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