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Dynamic parallelization of recursive code: part 1: managing control flow interactions with the continuator

Published: 17 October 2010 Publication History


While most approaches to automatic parallelization focus on compilation approaches for parallelizing loop iterations, we advocate the need for new virtual machines that can parallelize the execution of recursive programs. In this paper, we show that recursive programs can be effectively parallelized when arguments to procedures are evaluated concurrently and branches of conditional statements are speculatively executed in parallel. We introduce the continuator concept, a runtime structure that tracks and manages the control dependences between such concurrently spawned tasks, ensuring adherence to the sequential semantics of the parallelized program. As a proof of concept, we discuss the details of a parallel interpreter for Scheme (implemented in Common Lisp) based on these ideas, and show the results from executing the Clinger benchmark suite for Scheme.


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ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 45, Issue 10
October 2010
957 pages
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Published: 17 October 2010
Published in�SIGPLAN�Volume 45, Issue 10

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  1. automatic parallelization
  2. continuator
  3. recursion
  4. software speculation
  5. virtual machines


  • Research-article


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