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Push the Limit of Single-Chip mmWave Radar-Based Egomotion Estimation with Moving Objects in FoV

Published: 26 April 2024 Publication History


This paper presents EmoRI, a novel single-chip mmWave radar-based egomotion estimation approach that works in challenging scenarios where moving objects exist in radar's Field of View (FoV). Essentially, estimating a mobile platform's egomotion using an on-board mmWave radar requires inferring the relative motion between radar and the points of the stationary objects (PSOs) in the radar point cloud. However, in practice, there could be no PSOs because of the blockage of moving objects. Even if PSOs exist, precisely identifying them is still challenging due to (i) the large quantity of points generated by the moving objects, and (ii) the huge angle estimation errors of the conventional point cloud generation algorithm. We empower EmoRI to overcome the above challenges incurred by moving objects with three core techniques, which include (i) a hybrid FFT-MUSIC algorithm that improves the angle estimation accuracy of single-chip mmWave radar, (ii) a multiple stationary target consensus algorithm that precisely selects the PSOs from the radar point cloud, and (iii) a simultaneous fusion and calibration mechanism that introduces an IMU as the auxiliary sensor, meticulously calibrates IMU accelerations with radar measurements, and complimentarily fuses these two modalities to obtain the 6-DoF egomotion. Our extensive experiments validate that EmoRI pushes the limit of single-chip mmWave radar-based egomotion estimation with moving objects in radar's FoV by reducing the per-meter destination error from decimeter to centimeter level.


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Index Terms

  1. Push the Limit of Single-Chip mmWave Radar-Based Egomotion Estimation with Moving Objects in FoV



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      SenSys '23: Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
      November 2023
      574 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 26 April 2024

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      1. wireless sensing
      2. egomotion estimation
      3. mmWave radar


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