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Vendor-Interoperable Elastic Optical Interfaces: Standards, Experiments, and Challenges [Invited]

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This paper aims to review the status of standardization activities on the black link (BL) and corresponding alien wavelength concepts. It discusses experimental work on filterless optical networks conducted within a dedicated Deutsche Telekom project. The general prospects and existing challenges concerning elastic extensions of the BL are also assessed. Furthermore, we present relevant work on control and management plane interoperability comprising generalized multi-protocol label switching and transport software defined networking aspects. In the second part of the article, we report on the latest dual-vendor experiments on data plane interoperability in terms of digital signal processing technology for next generation 1.28�Tb/s PM-16QAM super-channels. Finally, we present a network reachability analysis based on the widely used Gaussian noise model in the context of data plane interoperability. This analysis estimates the network-wide impact of the single-vendor versus the dual-vendor approach.

� 2015 Optical Society of America

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