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Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access December 27, 2013

Using Augmented Reality to Improve Usability of the User Interface for Driving a Telepresence Robot

  • Giovanni Mosiello EMAIL logo , Andrey Kiselev and Amy Loutfi


Mobile Robotic Telepresence (MRP) helps people to communicate in natural ways despite being physically located in different parts of the world. User interfaces of such systems are as critical as the design and functionality of the robot itself for creating conditions for natural interaction. This article presents an exploratory study analysing different robot teleoperation interfaces. The goals of this paper are to investigate the possible effect of using augmented reality as the means to drive a robot, to identify key factors of the user interface in order to improve the user experience through a driving interface, and to minimize interface familiarization time for non-experienced users. The study involved 23 participants whose robot driving attempts via different user interfaces were analysed. The results show that a user interface with an augmented reality interface resulted in better driving experience.


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Published Online: 2013-12-27
Published in Print: 2013-12-27

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