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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.10 No.9&10  September 2010 

Fast equivalence -- checking for quantum circuits (pp0721-0734)
Shigeru Yamashita and Igor L. Markov
doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC10.9-10-1

Abstracts: We perform formal verification of quantum circuits by integrating several techniques specialized to particular classes of circuits. Our verification methodology is based on the new notion of a reversible miter that allows one to leverage existing techniques for simplification of quantum circuits. For reversible circuits which arise as runtime bottlenecks of key quantum algorithms, we develop several verification techniques and empirically compare them. We also combine existing quantum verification tools with the use of SAT-solvers. Experiments with circuits for Shor�s number-factoring algorithm, containing thousands of gates, show improvements in efficiency by four orders of magnitude.
Key words: equivalence-checking, quantum circuit, reversible miters, circuit simplification
