Gradient RSSI Filter and Predictor for Wireless Network Algorithms and Protocols

Alvaro Su�rez, Kholoud Atalah Elbatsh, Elsa Mac�as


Wireless networks, and in particular Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) networks, present important problems of connectivity among wireless terminals. These problems lead to inefficiencies in the Application level. For localization algorithms in wireless networks, efficient handover protocols and multimedia delivery information, these problems must be solved. A figure used to control the connectivity of terminals to other terminals or to an Access Point (AP) is the well known Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI). Managing this figure it is possible to control the availability of a service in the wireless terminal. But the problem with RSSI is the fact that it exhibits high variability in space and time. Thus it is important to filter those values in order to efficiently manage the availability of the service in the mobile terminal. For that reason in this paper we present the experimental validation of a filter and a predictor of availability of a service in the wireless terminal based on the RSSI. We test the performance of the filter and the predictor that improves significantly other filters that are also presented in the paper. The significance of our work is that our filter allows simplifying a lot of network algorithms and protocols. As an example we present a simple protocol of handover in presence of multimedia information using our filter and predictor based on RSSI.


Handover prediction, RSSI gradient, RSSI filters, Kalman filter, Grey model.

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