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All reports by Author Oded Goldreich:

TR24-143 | 25th September 2024
Noga Amir, Oded Goldreich, Guy Rothblum

Doubly Sub-linear Interactive Proofs of Proximity

We initiate a study of doubly-efficient interactive proofs of proximity, while focusing on properties that can be tested within query-complexity that is significantly sub-linear, and seeking interactive proofs of proximity in which

1. The query-complexity of verification is significantly smaller than the query-complexity of testing.

2. The query-complexity of the ... more >>>

TR24-124 | 26th July 2024
Oded Goldreich

Solving Tree Evaluation in $o(\log n \cdot \log\log n)$ space

The input to the Tree Evaluation problem is a binary tree of height $h$ in which each internal vertex is associated with a function mapping pairs of $\ell$-bit strings to $\ell$-bit strings,and each leaf is assigned an $\ell$-bit string.
The desired output is the value of the root, where ... more >>>

TR24-109 | 29th June 2024
Oded Goldreich

On the Cook-Mertz Tree Evaluation procedure

Revisions: 1

The input to the Tree Evaluation problem is a binary tree of height $h$ in which each internal vertex is associated with a function mapping pairs of $\ell$-bit strings to $\ell$-bit strings, and each leaf is assigned an $\ell$-bit string.
The desired output is the value of the root, ... more >>>

TR24-078 | 19th April 2024
Oded Goldreich

On the relaxed LDC of BGHSV: A survey that corrects the record

Revisions: 1

A locally decodable code (LDC) is an error correcting code that allows for recovery of any desired bit in the message based on a constant number of randomly selected bits in the possibly corrupted codeword.
A relaxed LDC requires correct recovery only in case of actual codewords, while requiring that ... more >>>

TR24-047 | 8th March 2024
Oded Goldreich

On the query complexity of testing local graph properties in the bounded-degree graph model

Revisions: 1

We consider the query complexity of testing local graph properties in the bounded-degree graph model.
A local property is defined in terms of forbidden subgraphs that are augmented by degree information, where the latter account also for neighbors that are not in the subgraph.
Indeed, this formulation yields a generalized ... more >>>

TR24-013 | 26th January 2024
Oded Goldreich

On locally-characterized expander graphs (a survey)

Revisions: 1

We consider the notion of a local-characterization of an infinite family of unlabeled bounded-degree graphs.
Such a local-characterization is defined in terms of a finite set of (marked) graphs yielding a generalized notion of subgraph-freeness, which extends the standard notions of induced and non-induced subgraph freeness.

We survey the work ... more >>>

TR23-214 | 31st December 2023
Oded Goldreich, Laliv Tauber

On Testing Group Properties

Revisions: 1

Following Ergun et al. (JCSS 2000), we consider testing group properties and focus on the problem of testing whether a binary operation is a group operation.
That is, given a finite set $S$ and oracle access to a function $f:S\times S \to S$, we wish to distinguish the case that ... more >>>

TR23-158 | 1st November 2023
Oded Goldreich

On coarse and fine approximate counting of $t$-cliques

For any fixed $t$, we present two fine-grained reductions of the problem of approximately counting the number of $t$-cliques in a graph to the problem of detecting a $t$-clique in a graph.
One of our reductions is slightly better than the prior reduction of Dell, Lapinskas, and Meeks (SODA20) and ... more >>>

TR23-146 | 27th September 2023
Oded Goldreich, Laliv Tauber

On Testing Isomorphism to a Fixed Graph in the Bounded-Degree Graph Model

Revisions: 1

We consider the problem of testing isomorphism to a fixed graph in the bounded-degree graph model. Our main result is that, for almost all $d$-regular $n$-vertex graphs $H$,
testing isomorphism to $H$ can be done using $\tildeO({\sqrt n})$ queries.
This result is shown to be optimal (up to ... more >>>

TR23-134 | 14th September 2023
Oded Goldreich

On the complexity of enumerating ordered sets

We consider the complexity of enumerating ordered sets, defined as solving the following type of a computational problem: For a predetermined ordered set, given $i\in\N$, one is required to answer with the $i^{th}$ member of the set (according to the predetermined order).

Our focus is on countable sets such as ... more >>>

TR23-064 | 3rd May 2023
Oded Goldreich

On the Lower Bound on the Length of Relaxed Locally Decodable Codes

We revisit the known proof of the lower bound on the length of relaxed locally decodable codes, providing an arguably simpler exposition that yields a slightly better lower bound for the non-adaptive case and a weaker bound in the general case.

Recall that a locally decodable code is an error ... more >>>

TR23-034 | 24th March 2023
Oded Goldreich

On teaching the approximation method for circuit lower bounds

Revisions: 1

This text provides a basic presentation of the the approximation method of Razborov (Matematicheskie Zametki, 1987) and its application by Smolensky (19th STOC, 1987) for proving lower bounds on the size of ${\cal AC}^0[p]$-circuits that compute sums mod~$q$ (for primes $q\neq p$).
The textbook presentations of the latter result ... more >>>

TR22-184 | 28th December 2022
Oded Goldreich, Laliv Tauber

Testing in the bounded-degree graph model with degree bound two

Considering the bounded-degree graph model, we show that if the degree bound is two,
then every graph property can be tested within query complexity that only depends on the proximity parameter.
Specifically, the query complexity is ${\rm poly}(1/\epsilon)$, where $\epsilon$ denotes the proximity parameter.
The key observation is that a ... more >>>

TR22-124 | 9th September 2022
Oded Goldreich, Guy Rothblum, Tal Skverer

On Interactive Proofs of Proximity with Proof-Oblivious Queries

Revisions: 4

Interactive proofs of proximity (IPPs) offer ultra-fast
approximate verification of assertions regarding their input,
where ultra-fast means that only a small portion of the input is read
and approximate verification is analogous to the notion of
approximate decision that underlies property testing.
Specifically, in an IPP, the prover can make ... more >>>

TR22-013 | 5th February 2022
Nader Bshouty, Oded Goldreich

On properties that are non-trivial to test

In this note we show that all sets that are neither finite nor too dense are non-trivial to test in the sense that, for every $\epsilon>0$, distinguishing between strings in the set and strings that are $\epsilon$-far from the set requires $\Omega(1/\epsilon)$ queries.
Specifically, we show that if, for ... more >>>

TR21-181 | 30th December 2021
Oded Goldreich

The KW Games as a Teaser

This is a purely pedagogical text.
We advocate using KW-games as a teaser (or ``riddle'') for a complexity theoretic course.
In particular, stating the KW-game for a familiar NP-complete problem such as 3-Colorability and asking to prove that it requires more than polylogarithmic communication poses a seemingly tractable question ... more >>>

TR21-175 | 6th December 2021
Oded Goldreich

On the Locally Testable Code of Dinur et al. (2021)

Revisions: 1

This text provides a high-level description of the locally testable code constructed by Dinur, Evra, Livne, Lubotzky, and Mozes (ECCC, TR21-151).
In particular, the group theoretic aspects are abstracted as much as possible.

more >>>

TR21-133 | 12th September 2021
Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron

Testing Distributions of Huge Objects

Revisions: 3

We initiate a study of a new model of property testing that is a hybrid of testing properties of distributions and testing properties of strings.
Specifically, the new model refers to testing properties of distributions, but these are distributions over huge objects (i.e., very long strings).
Accordingly, the ... more >>>

TR21-129 | 6th September 2021
Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron

A Lower Bound on the Complexity of Testing Grained Distributions

A distribution is called $m$-grained if each element appears with probability that is an integer multiple of $1/m$.
We prove that, for any constant $c<1$, testing whether a distribution over $[\Theta(m)]$ is $m$-grained requires $\Omega(m^c)$ samples.

more >>>

TR21-088 | 23rd June 2021
Oded Goldreich

Open Problems in Property Testing of Graphs

Revisions: 1

We briefly discuss a few open problems in the study of various models of testing graph properties, focusing on the query complexity of the various tasks. In the dense graph model, we discuss several open problems, including:

* Determining the complexity of testing triangle-freeness.
* Characterizing the class of properties ... more >>>

TR21-034 | 9th March 2021
Oded Goldreich

Robust Self-Ordering versus Local Self-Ordering

Revisions: 1

We study two notions that refers to asymmetric graphs, which we view as graphs having a unique ordering that can be reconstructed by looking at an unlabeled version of the graph.

A {\em local self-ordering} procedure for a graph $G$ is given oracle access to an arbitrary isomorphic copy of ... more >>>

TR20-192 | 27th December 2020
Oded Goldreich, Avi Wigderson

Constructing Large Families of Pairwise Far Permutations: Good Permutation Codes Based on the Shuffle-Exchange Network

We consider the problem of efficiently constructing an as large as possible family of permutations such that each pair of permutations are far part (i.e., disagree on a constant fraction of their inputs).
Specifically, for every $n\in\N$, we present a collection of $N=N(n)=(n!)^{\Omega(1)}$ pairwise far apart permutations $\{\pi_i:[n]\to[n]\}_{i\in[N]}$ and ... more >>>

TR20-160 | 2nd November 2020
Oded Goldreich, Avi Wigderson

Non-adaptive vs Adaptive Queries in the Dense Graph Testing Model

Revisions: 3

We study the relation between the query complexity of adaptive and non-adaptive testers in the dense graph model.
It has been known for a couple of decades that the query complexity of non-adaptive testers is at most quadratic in the query complexity of adaptive testers.
We show that ... more >>>

TR20-149 | 29th September 2020
Oded Goldreich, Avi Wigderson

Robustly Self-Ordered Graphs: Constructions and Applications to Property Testing

Revisions: 2

A graph $G$ is called {\em self-ordered}\/ (a.k.a asymmetric) if the identity permutation is its only automorphism.
Equivalently, there is a unique isomorphism from $G$ to any graph that is isomorphic to $G$.
We say that $G=(V,E)$ is {\em robustly self-ordered}\/ if the size of the symmetric difference ... more >>>

TR20-118 | 5th August 2020
Oded Goldreich

On Testing Asymmetry in the Bounded Degree Graph Model

Revisions: 4

We consider the problem of testing asymmetry in the bounded-degree graph model, where a graph is called asymmetric if the identity permutation is its only automorphism. Seeking to determine the query complexity of this testing problem, we provide partial results. Considering the special case of $n$-vertex graphs with connected components ... more >>>

TR20-109 | 19th July 2020
Oded Goldreich

On Testing Hamiltonicity in the Bounded Degree Graph Model

Revisions: 2

We show that testing Hamiltonicity in the bounded-degree graph model requires a linear number of queries. This refers to both the path and the cycle versions of the problem, and similar results hold also for the directed analogues.
In addition, we present an alternative proof for the known fact that ... more >>>

TR20-104 | 12th July 2020
Oded Goldreich

On Counting $t$-Cliques Mod 2

Revisions: 3

For a constant integer $t$, we consider the problem of counting the number of $t$-cliques $\bmod 2$ in a given graph.
We show that this problem is not easier than determining whether a given graph contains a $t$-clique, and present a simple worst-case to average-case reduction for it. The ... more >>>

TR20-068 | 3rd May 2020
Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron

One-Sided Error Testing of Monomials and Affine Subspaces

Revisions: 2

We consider the query complexity of three versions of the problem of testing monomials and affine (and linear) subspaces with one-sided error, and obtain the following results:
\item The general problem, in which the arity of the monomial (resp., co-dimension of the subspace) is not specified, has ... more >>>

TR20-054 | 22nd April 2020
Marshall Ball, Oded Goldreich, Tal Malkin

Communication Complexity with Defective Randomness

Revisions: 3

Starting with the two standard model of randomized communication complexity, we study the communication complexity of functions when the protocol has access to a defective source of randomness.
Specifically, we consider both the public-randomness and private-randomness cases, while replacing the commonly postulated perfect randomness with distributions over $\ell$ bit ... more >>>

TR19-183 | 21st December 2019
Marshall Ball, Oded Goldreich, Tal Malkin

Randomness Extraction from Somewhat Dependent Sources

Revisions: 1

We initiate a comprehensive study of the question of randomness extractions from two somewhat dependent sources of defective randomness.
Specifically, we present three natural models, which are based on different natural perspectives on the notion of bounded dependency between a pair of distributions.
Going from the more restricted model ... more >>>

TR19-171 | 27th November 2019
Oded Goldreich

Improved bounds on the AN-complexity of multilinear functions

Revisions: 5

We consider arithmetic circuits with arbitrary large (multi-linear) gates for computing multi-linear functions. An adequate complexity measure for such circuits is the maximum between the arity of the gates and their number.
This model and the corresponding complexity measure were introduced by Goldreich and Wigderson (ECCC, TR13-043, 2013), ... more >>>

TR19-102 | 10th August 2019
Oded Goldreich

Testing Isomorphism in the Bounded-Degree Graph Model

Revisions: 1

We consider two versions of the problem of testing graph isomorphism in the bounded-degree graph model: A version in which one graph is fixed, and a version in which the input consists of two graphs.
We essentially determine the query complexity of these testing problems in the special case of ... more >>>

TR19-088 | 16th June 2019
Oded Goldreich

On the Complexity of Estimating the Effective Support Size

Revisions: 1

Loosely speaking, the effective support size of a distribution is the size of the support of a distribution that is close to it (in totally variation distance).
We study the complexity of estimating the effective support size of an unknown distribution when given samples of the distributions as well ... more >>>

TR19-078 | 1st June 2019
Itai Benjamini, Oded Goldreich

Pseudo-Mixing Time of Random Walks

We introduce the notion of pseudo-mixing time of a graph define as the number of steps in a random walk that suffices for generating a vertex that looks random to any polynomial-time observer, where, in addition to the tested vertex, the observer is also provided with oracle access to the ... more >>>

TR19-012 | 27th January 2019
Oded Goldreich

Multi-pseudodeterministic algorithms

Revisions: 1

In this work, dedicated to Shafi Goldwasser, we consider a relaxation of the notion of pseudodeterministic algorithms, which was put forward by Gat and Goldwasser ({\em ECCC}, TR11--136, 2011).

Pseudodeterministic algorithms are randomized algorithms that solve search problems by almost always providing the same canonical solution (per each input). ... more >>>

TR18-171 | 10th October 2018
Oded Goldreich

Testing Graphs in Vertex-Distribution-Free Models

Revisions: 1

Prior studies of testing graph properties presume that the tester can obtain uniformly distributed vertices in the tested graph (in addition to obtaining answers to the some type of graph-queries).
Here we envision settings in which it is only feasible to obtain random vertices drawn according to an arbitrary distribution ... more >>>

TR18-104 | 29th May 2018
Oded Goldreich

Flexible models for testing graph properties

Revisions: 1

The standard models of testing graph properties postulate that the vertex-set consists of $\{1,2,...,n\}$, where $n$ is a natural number that is given explicitly to the tester.
Here we suggest more flexible models by postulating that the tester is given access to samples the arbitrary vertex-set; that is, the vertex-set ... more >>>

TR18-098 | 17th May 2018
Oded Goldreich

Hierarchy Theorems for Testing Properties in Size-Oblivious Query Complexity

Revisions: 1

Focusing on property testing tasks that have query complexity that is independent of the size of the tested object (i.e., depends on the proximity parameter only), we prove the existence of a rich hierarchy of the corresponding complexity classes.
That is, for essentially any function $q:(0,1]\to\N$, we prove the existence ... more >>>

TR18-069 | 14th April 2018
Oded Goldreich, Guy Rothblum

Constant-round interactive proof systems for AC0[2] and NC1

Revisions: 1

We present constant-round interactive proof systems for sufficiently uniform versions of AC0[2] and NC1.
Both proof systems are doubly-efficient, and offer a better trade-off between the round complexity and the total communication than
the work of Reingold, Rothblum, and Rothblum (STOC, 2016).
Our proof system for AC0[2] supports a more ... more >>>

TR18-050 | 15th March 2018
Irit Dinur, Oded Goldreich, Tom Gur

Every set in P is strongly testable under a suitable encoding

We show that every set in $\cal P$ is strongly testable under a suitable encoding. By ``strongly testable'' we mean having a (proximity oblivious) tester that makes a constant number of queries and rejects with probability that is proportional to the distance of the tested object from the property. By ... more >>>

TR18-046 | 9th March 2018
Oded Goldreich, Guy Rothblum

Counting $t$-cliques: Worst-case to average-case reductions and Direct interactive proof systems

Revisions: 2

We present two main results regarding the complexity of counting the number of $t$-cliques in a graph.

\item{\em A worst-case to average-case reduction}:
We reduce counting $t$-cliques in any $n$-vertex graph to counting $t$-cliques in typical $n$-vertex graphs that are drawn from a simple distribution of min-entropy ${\widetilde\Omega}(n^2)$. For ... more >>>

TR18-045 | 6th March 2018
Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron

The Subgraph Testing Model

Revisions: 2

We initiate a study of testing properties of graphs that are presented as subgraphs of a fixed (or an explicitly given) graph.
The tester is given free access to a base graph $G=([\n],E)$, and oracle access to a function $f:E\to\{0,1\}$ that represents a subgraph of $G$.
The tester is ... more >>>

TR17-193 | 31st December 2017
Oded Goldreich, Avishay Tal

On Constant-Depth Canonical Boolean Circuits for Computing Multilinear Functions

We consider new complexity measures for the model of multilinear circuits with general multilinear gates introduced by Goldreich and Wigderson (ECCC, 2013).
These complexity measures are related to the size of canonical constant-depth Boolean circuits, which extend the definition of canonical depth-three Boolean circuits.
We obtain matching lower and upper ... more >>>

TR17-130 | 30th August 2017
Oded Goldreich, Guy Rothblum

Worst-case to Average-case reductions for subclasses of P

Revisions: 4

For every polynomial $q$, we present worst-case to average-case (almost-linear-time) reductions for a class of problems in $\cal P$ that are widely conjectured not to be solvable in time $q$.
These classes contain, for example, the problems of counting the number of $k$-cliques in a graph, for any fixed $k\geq3$.
more >>>

TR17-102 | 9th June 2017
Oded Goldreich

Overview of the doubly-efficient interactive proof systems of RRR

We provide an overview of the doubly-efficient interactive proof systems of Reingold, Rothblum, and Rothblum (STOC, 2016).
Recall that by their result, any set that is decidable in polynomial-time by an algorithm of space complexity $s(n)\leq n^{0.499}$, has a constant-round interactive proof system
in which the prover runs polynomial time ... more >>>

TR17-101 | 8th June 2017
Oded Goldreich

On the doubly-efficient interactive proof systems of GKR

Revisions: 1

We present a somewhat simpler variant of the doubly-efficient interactive proof systems of Goldwasser, Kalai, and Rothblum (JACM, 2015).
Recall that these proof systems apply to log-space uniform sets in NC (or, more generally, to inputs that are acceptable by log-space uniform bounded-depth circuits, where the number of rounds in ... more >>>

TR17-018 | 6th February 2017
Oded Goldreich, Guy Rothblum

Simple doubly-efficient interactive proof systems for locally-characterizable sets

Revisions: 3

A proof system is called doubly-efficient if the prescribed prover strategy can be implemented in polynomial-time and the verifier's strategy can be implemented in almost-linear-time.

We present direct constructions of doubly-efficient interactive proof systems for problems in $\cal P$ that are believed to have relatively high complexity.
Specifically, such ... more >>>

TR16-192 | 25th November 2016
Oded Goldreich, Tom Gur

Universal Locally Verifiable Codes and 3-Round Interactive Proofs of Proximity for CSP

Revisions: 2 , Comments: 1

Universal locally testable codes (Universal-LTCs), recently introduced in our companion paper [GG16], are codes that admit local tests for membership in numerous possible subcodes, allowing for testing properties of the encoded message. In this work, we initiate the study of the NP analogue of these codes, wherein the testing procedures ... more >>>

TR16-152 | 27th September 2016
Oded Goldreich

Deconstructing 1-local expanders

Revisions: 1

Contemplating the recently announced 1-local expanders of Viola and Wigderson (ECCC, TR16-129, 2016), one may observe that weaker constructs are well know. For example, one may easily obtain a 4-regular $N$-vertex graph with spectral gap that is $\Omega(1/\log^2 N)$, and similarly a $O(1)$-regular $N$-vertex graph with spectral gap $1/\tildeO(\log N)$.
more >>>

TR16-080 | 18th May 2016
Oded Goldreich

Reducing testing affine spaces to testing linearity

Revisions: 4

We consider the task of testing whether a Boolean function $f:\{0,1\}^\ell\to\{0,1\}$
is the indicator function of an $(\ell-k)$-dimensional affine space.
An optimal tester for this property was presented by Parnas, Ron, and Samorodnitsky ({\em SIDMA}, 2002), by mimicking the celebrated linearity tester (of Blum, Luby and Rubinfeld, {\em JCSS}, 1993) ... more >>>

TR16-066 | 19th April 2016
Oded Goldreich, Maya Leshkowitz

On Emulating Interactive Proofs with Public Coins

The known emulation of interactive proof systems by public-coins interactive proof systems proceeds by selecting, at each round, a message such that each message is selected with probability that is at most polynomially larger than its probability in the original protocol.
Specifically, the possible messages are essentially clustered according to ... more >>>

TR16-042 | 19th March 2016
Oded Goldreich, Tom Gur

Universal Locally Testable Codes

Revisions: 2

We initiate a study of ``universal locally testable codes" (universal-LTCs). These codes admit local tests for membership in numerous possible subcodes, allowing for testing properties of the encoded message. More precisely, a universal-LTC $C:\{0,1\}^k \to \{0,1\}^n$ for a family of functions $\mathcal{F} = \{ f_i : \{0,1\}^k \to \{0,1\} \}_{i ... more >>>

TR16-015 | 4th February 2016
Oded Goldreich

The uniform distribution is complete with respect to testing identity to a fixed distribution

Revisions: 3

Inspired by Diakonikolas and Kane (2016), we reduce the class of problems consisting of testing whether an unknown distribution over $[n]$ equals a fixed distribution to this very problem when the fixed distribution is uniform over $[n]$. Our reduction preserves the parameters of the problem, which are $n$ and the ... more >>>

TR15-079 | 7th May 2015
Oded Goldreich, Avishay Tal

Matrix Rigidity of Random Toeplitz Matrices

We prove that random $n$-by-$n$ Toeplitz (alternatively Hankel) matrices over $GF(2)$ have rigidity $\Omega(\frac{n^3}{r^2\log n})$ for rank $r \ge \sqrt{n}$, with high probability. This improves, for $r = o(n/\log n \log\log n)$, over the $\Omega(\frac{n^2}{r} \cdot\log(\frac{n}{r}))$ bound that is known for many explicit matrices.

Our result implies that the explicit ... more >>>

TR15-024 | 16th February 2015
Oded Goldreich, Tom Gur, Ron Rothblum

Proofs of Proximity for Context-Free Languages and Read-Once Branching Programs

Proofs of proximity are probabilistic proof systems in which the verifier only queries a sub-linear number of input bits, and soundness only means that, with high probability, the input is close to an accepting input. In their minimal form, called Merlin-Arthur proofs of proximity (MAP), the verifier receives, in addition ... more >>>

TR15-003 | 3rd January 2015
Oded Goldreich, Emanuele Viola, Avi Wigderson

On Randomness Extraction in AC0

We consider randomness extraction by AC0 circuits. The main parameter, $n$, is the length of the source, and all other parameters are functions of it. The additional extraction parameters are the min-entropy bound $k=k(n)$, the seed length $r=r(n)$, the output length $m=m(n)$, and the (output) deviation bound $\epsilon=\epsilon(n)$.

For $k ... more >>>

TR14-097 | 31st July 2014
Oded Goldreich, Liav Teichner

Super-Perfect Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Revisions: 1

We initiate a study of super-perfect zero-knowledge proof systems.
Loosely speaking, these are proof systems for which the interaction can be perfectly simulated in strict probabilistic polynomial-time.
In contrast, the standard definition of perfect zero-knowledge only requires that the interaction can be perfectly simulated
by a strict probabilistic polynomial-time that ... more >>>

TR14-029 | 4th March 2014
Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron

On Learning and Testing Dynamic Environments

Revisions: 3

We initiate a study of learning and testing dynamic environments,
focusing on environment that evolve according to a fixed local rule.
The (proper) learning task consists of obtaining the initial configuration
of the environment, whereas for non-proper learning it suffices to predict
its future values. The testing task consists of ... more >>>

TR14-025 | 25th February 2014
Oded Goldreich, Tom Gur, Ilan Komargodski

Strong Locally Testable Codes with Relaxed Local Decoders

Locally testable codes (LTCs) are error-correcting codes
that admit very efficient codeword tests. An LTC is said to
be strong if it has a proximity-oblivious tester;
that is, a tester that makes only a constant number of queries
and reject non-codewords with probability that depends solely
on their distance from ... more >>>

TR13-152 | 7th November 2013
Oded Goldreich, Avi Wigderson

On Derandomizing Algorithms that Err Extremely Rarely

Revisions: 2

{\em Does derandomization of probabilistic algorithms become easier when the number of ``bad'' random inputs is extremely small?}

In relation to the above question, we put forward the following {\em quantified derandomization challenge}:
For a class of circuits $\cal C$ (e.g., P/poly or $AC^0,AC^0[2]$) and a bounding function $B:\N\to\N$ (e.g., ... more >>>

TR13-109 | 11th August 2013
Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron

On Sample-Based Testers

Revisions: 1

The standard definition of property testing endows the tester with the ability to make arbitrary queries to ``elements''
of the tested object.
In contrast, sample-based testers only obtain independently distributed elements (a.k.a. labeled samples) of the tested object.
While sample-based testers were defined by
Goldreich, Goldwasser, and Ron ({\em JACM}\/ ... more >>>

TR13-073 | 14th May 2013
Oded Goldreich

On the Communication Complexity Methodology for Proving Lower Bounds on the Query Complexity of Property Testing

Revisions: 2

A couple of years ago, Blais, Brody, and Matulef put forward a methodology for proving lower bounds on the query complexity
of property testing via communication complexity. They provided a restricted formulation of their methodology
(via ``simple combining operators'')
and also hinted towards a more general formulation, which we spell ... more >>>

TR13-067 | 2nd May 2013
Oded Goldreich

On Multiple Input Problems in Property Testing

Revisions: 1

We consider three types of multiple input problems in the context of property testing.
Specifically, for a property $\Pi\subseteq\{0,1\}^n$, a proximity parameter $\epsilon$, and an integer $m$, we consider the following problems:

\item Direct $m$-Sum Problem for $\Pi$ and $\epsilon$:
Given a sequence of $m$ inputs, output a sequence ... more >>>

TR13-043 | 25th March 2013
Oded Goldreich, Avi Wigderson

On the Size of Depth-Three Boolean Circuits for Computing Multilinear Functions

Revisions: 1

We propose that multi-linear functions of relatively low degree
over GF(2) may be good candidates for obtaining exponential
lower bounds on the size of constant-depth Boolean circuits
(computing explicit functions).
Specifically, we propose to move gradually from linear functions
to multilinear ones, and conjecture that, for any $t\geq2$,
more >>>

TR12-101 | 10th August 2012
Oded Goldreich, Shafi Goldwasser, Dana Ron

On the possibilities and limitations of pseudodeterministic algorithms

We study the possibilities and limitations
of pseudodeterministic algorithms,
a notion put forward by Gat and Goldwasser (2011).
These are probabilistic algorithms that solve search problems
such that on each input, with high probability, they output
the same solution, which may be thought of as a canonical solution.
We consider ... more >>>

TR12-035 | 5th April 2012
Artur Czumaj, Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron, C. Seshadhri, Asaf Shapira, Christian Sohler

Finding Cycles and Trees in Sublinear Time

Revisions: 1 , Comments: 1

(This is a revised version of work that was posted on arXiv in July 2010.)

We present sublinear-time (randomized) algorithms for finding simple cycles of length at least $k\geq3$ and tree-minors in bounded-degree graphs.
The complexity of these algorithms is related to the distance
of the graph from being ... more >>>

TR12-021 | 14th March 2012
Oded Goldreich, Igor Shinkar

Two-Sided Error Proximity Oblivious Testing

Revisions: 4

Loosely speaking, a proximity-oblivious (property) tester is a randomized algorithm that makes a constant number of queries to a tested object and distinguishes objects that have a predetermined property from those that lack it. Specifically, for some threshold probability $c$, objects having the property are accepted with probability at least ... more >>>

TR12-012 | 9th February 2012
Oded Goldreich

On the Effect of the Proximity Parameter on Property Testers

This note refers to the effect of the proximity parameter on the operation of (standard) property testers. Its bottom-line is that, except in pathological cases, the effect of the proximity parameter is restricted to determining the query complexity of the tester. The point is that, in non-pathological cases, the mapping ... more >>>

TR11-159 | 27th November 2011
Oded Goldreich, Ron Rothblum

Enhancements of Trapdoor Permutations

Revisions: 1 , Comments: 1

We take a closer look at several enhancements of the notion of trapdoor permutations. Specifically, we consider the notions of enhanced trapdoor permutation (Goldreich 2004) and doubly enhanced trapdoor permutation (Goldreich 2008) as well as intermediate notions (Rothblum 2010). These enhancements arose in the study of Oblivious Transfer and NIZK, ... more >>>

TR11-121 | 12th September 2011
Oded Goldreich, Rani Izsak

Monotone Circuits: One-Way Functions versus Pseudorandom Generators

We study the computability of one-way functions and pseudorandom generators
by monotone circuits, showing a substantial gap between the two:
On one hand, there exist one-way functions that are computable
by (uniform) polynomial-size monotone functions, provided (of course)
that one-way functions exist at all.
On the other hand, ... more >>>

TR11-047 | 8th April 2011
Oded Goldreich

Two Comments on Targeted Canonical Derandomizers

We revisit the notion of a {\em targeted canonical derandomizer},
introduced in our recent ECCC Report (TR10-135) as a uniform notion of
a pseudorandom generator that suffices for yielding BPP=P.
The original notion was derived (as a variant of the standard notion
of a canonical derandomizer) by providing both ... more >>>

TR11-023 | 16th February 2011
Oded Goldreich, Or Meir

Input-Oblivious Proof Systems and a Uniform Complexity Perspective on P/poly

Revisions: 5 , Comments: 2

We initiate a study of input-oblivious proof systems, and present a few preliminary results regarding such systems.
Our results offer a perspective on the intersection of the non-uniform complexity class P/poly with uniform complexity classes such as NP and IP.
In particular, we provide a uniform complexity formulation of the ... more >>>

TR11-004 | 10th January 2011
Oded Goldreich, Salil Vadhan

On the complexity of computational problems regarding distributions (a survey)

Comments: 1

We consider two basic computational problems
regarding discrete probability distributions:
(1) approximating the statistical difference (aka variation distance)
between two given distributions,
and (2) approximating the entropy of a given distribution.
Both problems are considered in two different settings.
In the first setting the approximation algorithm
more >>>

TR10-135 | 24th August 2010
Oded Goldreich

In a World of P=BPP

Revisions: 2

We show that proving results such as BPP=P essentially
necessitate the construction of suitable pseudorandom generators
(i.e., generators that suffice for such derandomization results).
In particular, the main incarnation of this equivalence
refers to the standard notion of uniform derandomization
and to the corresponding pseudorandom generators
(i.e., the standard uniform ... more >>>

TR10-082 | 11th May 2010
Oded Goldreich

Introduction to Testing Graph Properties

The aim of this article is to introduce the reader to the study
of testing graph properties, while focusing on the main models
and issues involved. No attempt is made to provide a
comprehensive survey of this study, and specific results
are often mentioned merely as illustrations of general ... more >>>

TR10-061 | 10th April 2010
Oded Goldreich

On Testing Computability by Small Width OBDDs

Revisions: 2

We take another step in the study of the testability
of small-width OBDDs, initiated by Ron and Tsur (Random'09).
That is, we consider algorithms that,
given oracle access to a function $f:\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}$,
need to determine whether $f$ can be implemented
by some restricted class of OBDDs or is far from
more >>>

TR10-058 | 7th April 2010
Oded Goldreich, Tali Kaufman

Proximity Oblivious Testing and the Role of Invariances

Revisions: 1

We present a general notion of properties that
are characterized by local conditions that are invariant
under a sufficiently rich class of symmetries.
Our framework generalizes two popular models of
testing graph properties as well as the algebraic
invariances studied by Kaufman and Sudan (STOC'08).

We show that, in the ... more >>>

TR09-075 | 17th September 2009
Oded Goldreich, Brendan Juba, Madhu Sudan

A Theory of Goal-Oriented Communication

Revisions: 1 , Comments: 1

We put forward a general theory of goal-oriented communication, where communication is not an end in itself, but rather a means to achieving some goals of the communicating parties. The goals can vary from setting to setting, and we provide a general framework for describing any such goal. In this ... more >>>

TR09-031 | 6th April 2009
Zvika Brakerski, Oded Goldreich

From absolute distinguishability to positive distinguishability

We study methods of converting algorithms that distinguish pairs
of distributions with a gap that has an absolute value that is noticeable
into corresponding algorithms in which the gap is always positive.
Our focus is on designing algorithms that, in addition to the tested string,
obtain a ... more >>>

TR09-028 | 2nd April 2009
Oded Goldreich

A Candidate Counterexample to the Easy Cylinders Conjecture

We present a candidate counterexample to the
easy cylinders conjecture, which was recently suggested
by Manindra Agrawal and Osamu Watanabe (ECCC, TR09-019).
Loosely speaking, the conjecture asserts that any 1-1 function
in $P/poly$ can be decomposed into ``cylinders'' of sub-exponential
size that can each be inverted by some polynomial-size circuit.
more >>>

TR08-097 | 14th November 2008
Oded Goldreich, Michael Krivelevich, Ilan Newman, Eyal Rozenberg

Hierarchy Theorems for Property Testing

Revisions: 1

Referring to the query complexity of property testing,
we prove the existence of a rich hierarchy of corresponding
complexity classes. That is, for any relevant function $q$,
we prove the existence of properties that have testing
complexity Theta(q).
Such results are proven in three standard
domains often considered in property ... more >>>

TR08-041 | 10th April 2008
Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron

On Proximity Oblivious Testing

We initiate a systematic study of a special type of property testers.
These testers consist of repeating a basic test
for a number of times that depends on the proximity parameters,
whereas the basic test is oblivious of the proximity parameter.
We refer to such basic ... more >>>

TR08-039 | 7th April 2008
Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron

Algorithmic Aspects of Property Testing in the Dense Graphs Model

In this paper we consider two refined questions regarding
the query complexity of testing graph properties
in the adjacency matrix model.
The first question refers to the relation between adaptive
and non-adaptive testers, whereas the second question refers to
testability within complexity that
is inversely proportional to ... more >>>

TR07-062 | 15th July 2007
Oded Goldreich, Or Meir

The Tensor Product of Two Good Codes Is Not Necessarily Robustly Testable

Revisions: 2

Given two codes R,C, their tensor product $R \otimes C$ consists of all matrices whose rows are codewords of R and whose columns are codewords of C. The product $R \otimes C$ is said to be robust if for every matrix M that is far from $R \otimes C$ it ... more >>>

TR07-057 | 11th July 2007
Oded Goldreich

On the Average-Case Complexity of Property Testing

Revisions: 1

Motivated by a recent study of Zimand (22nd CCC, 2007),
we consider the average-case complexity of property testing
(focusing, for clarity, on testing properties of Boolean strings).
We make two observations:

1) In the context of average-case analysis with respect to
the uniform distribution (on all strings of ... more >>>

TR07-015 | 1st March 2007
Oded Goldreich, Or Sheffet

On the randomness complexity of property testing

We initiate a general study of the randomness complexity of
property testing, aimed at reducing the randomness complexity of
testers without (significantly) increasing their query complexity.
One concrete motovation for this study is provided by the
observation that the product of the randomness and query complexity
of a tester determine ... more >>>

TR06-136 | 22nd October 2006
Mihir Bellare, Oded Goldreich

On Probabilistic versus Deterministic Provers in the Definition of Proofs Of Knowledge

This note points out a gap between two natural formulations of
the concept of a proof of knowledge, and shows that in all
natural cases (e.g., NP-statements) this gap can be closed.
The aforementioned formulations differ by whether they refer to
(all possible) probabilistic or deterministic prover strategies.
Unlike ... more >>>

TR06-099 | 17th August 2006
Oded Goldreich

On Expected Probabilistic Polynomial-Time Adversaries -- A suggestion for restricted definitions and their benefits

Revisions: 1

This paper concerns the possibility of developing a coherent
theory of security when feasibility is associated
with expected probabilistic polynomial-time (expected PPT).
The source of difficulty is that
the known definitions of expected PPT strategies
(i.e., expected PPT interactive machines)
do not support natural results of the ... more >>>

TR05-098 | 4th September 2005
Oded Goldreich

Bravely, Moderately: A Common Theme in Four Recent Results

We highlight a common theme in four relatively recent works
that establish remarkable results by an iterative approach.
Starting from a trivial construct,
each of these works applies an ingeniously designed
sequence of iterations that yields the desired result,
which is highly non-trivial. Furthermore, in each iteration,
more >>>

TR05-073 | 14th July 2005
Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron

Approximating Average Parameters of Graphs.

Inspired by Feige ({\em 36th STOC}, 2004),
we initiate a study of sublinear randomized algorithms
for approximating average parameters of a graph.
Specifically, we consider the average degree of a graph
and the average distance between pairs of vertices in a graph.
Since our focus is on sublinear algorithms, ... more >>>

TR05-018 | 6th February 2005
Oded Goldreich

On Promise Problems (a survey in memory of Shimon Even [1935-2004])

The notion of promise problems was introduced and initially studied
by Even, Selman and Yacobi
(Information and Control, Vol.~61, pages 159-173, 1984).
In this article we survey some of the applications that this
notion has found in the twenty years that elapsed.
These include the notion ... more >>>

TR05-014 | 30th January 2005
Oded Goldreich

Short Locally Testable Codes and Proofs (Survey)

We survey known results regarding locally testable codes
and locally testable proofs (known as PCPs),
with emphasis on the length of these constructs.
Locally testability refers to approximately testing
large objects based on a very small number of probes,
each retrieving a single bit in the ... more >>>

TR04-093 | 9th November 2004
Oded Goldreich, Madhu Sudan, Luca Trevisan

From logarithmic advice to single-bit advice

Building on Barak's work (Random'02),
Fortnow and Santhanam (FOCS'04) proved a time hierarchy
for probabilistic machines with one bit of advice.
Their argument is based on an implicit translation technique,
which allow to translate separation results for short (say logarithmic)
advice (as shown by Barak) into separations for ... more >>>

TR04-021 | 23rd March 2004
Eli Ben-Sasson, Oded Goldreich, Prahladh Harsha, Madhu Sudan, Salil Vadhan

Robust PCPs of Proximity, Shorter PCPs and Applications to Coding

We continue the study of the trade-off between the length of PCPs
and their query complexity, establishing the following main results
(which refer to proofs of satisfiability of circuits of size $n$):
We present PCPs of length $\exp(\tildeO(\log\log n)^2)\cdot n$
that can be verified by making $o(\log\log n)$ Boolean queries.
more >>>

TR04-013 | 10th February 2004
Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron

On Estimating the Average Degree of a Graph.

Following Feige, we consider the problem of
estimating the average degree of a graph.
Using ``neighbor queries'' as well as ``degree queries'',
we show that the average degree can be approximated
arbitrarily well in sublinear time, unless the graph is extremely sparse
(e.g., unless the graph has a sublinear ... more >>>

TR03-045 | 8th June 2003
Oded Goldreich, Asaf Nussboim

On the Implementation of Huge Random Objects

Revisions: 1

We initiate a general study of pseudo-random implementations
of huge random objects, and apply it to a few areas
in which random objects occur naturally.
For example, a random object being considered may be
a random connected graph, a random bounded-degree graph,
or a random error-correcting code with good ... more >>>

TR03-019 | 3rd April 2003
Eli Ben-Sasson, Oded Goldreich, Madhu Sudan

Bounds on 2-Query Codeword Testing.

Revisions: 1

We present upper bounds on the size of codes that are locally
testable by querying only two input symbols. For linear codes, we
show that any $2$-locally testable code with minimal distance
$\delta n$ over a finite field $F$ cannot have more than
$|F|^{3/\delta}$ codewords. This result holds even ... more >>>

TR02-063 | 3rd December 2002
Oded Goldreich

Zero-Knowledge twenty years after its invention

Zero-knowledge proofs are proofs that are both convincing and yet
yield nothing beyond the validity of the assertion being proven.
Since their introduction about twenty years ago,
zero-knowledge proofs have attracted a lot of attention
and have, in turn, contributed to the development of other
areas of cryptography and complexity ... more >>>

TR02-050 | 5th August 2002
Oded Goldreich, Madhu Sudan

Locally Testable Codes and PCPs of Almost-Linear Length

Locally testable codes are error-correcting codes that admit
very efficient codeword tests. Specifically, using a constant
number of (random) queries, non-codewords are rejected with
probability proportional to their distance from the code.

Locally testable codes are believed to be the combinatorial
core of PCPs. However, the relation is ... more >>>

TR02-049 | 4th August 2002
Oded Goldreich, Vered Rosen

On the Security of Modular Exponentiation with Application to the Construction of Pseudorandom Generators

Assuming the inractability of factoring, we show that
the output of the exponentiation modulo a composite function
$f_{N,g}(x)=g^x\bmod N$ (where $N=P\cdot Q$) is pseudorandom,
even when its input is restricted to be half the size.
This result is equivalent to the simultaneous hardness of the upper
half of the bits ... more >>>

TR02-048 | 31st July 2002
Noga Alon, Oded Goldreich, Yishay Mansour

Almost $k$-wise independence versus $k$-wise independence

We say that a distribution over $\{0,1\}^n$
is almost $k$-wise independent
if its restriction to every $k$ coordinates results in a
distribution that is close to the uniform distribution.
A natural question regarding almost $k$-wise independent
distributions is how close they are to some $k$-wise
independent distribution. We show ... more >>>

TR02-047 | 3rd August 2002
Oded Goldreich

The GGM Construction does NOT yield Correlation Intractable Function Ensembles.

We consider the function ensembles emerging from the
construction of Goldreich, Goldwasser and Micali (GGM),
when applied to an arbitrary pseudoramdon generator.
We show that, in general, such functions
fail to yield correlation intractable ensembles.
Specifically, it may happen that, given a description of such a ... more >>>

TR02-039 | 30th June 2002
Oded Goldreich, Avi Wigderson

Derandomization that is rarely wrong from short advice that is typically good

Comments: 1

For every $\epsilon>0$,
we present a {\em deterministic}\/ log-space algorithm
that correctly decides undirected graph connectivity
on all but at most $2^{n^\epsilon}$ of the $n$-vertex graphs.
The same holds for every problem in Symmetric Log-space (i.e., $\SL$).

Making no assumptions (and in particular not assuming the ... more >>>

TR01-102 | 18th December 2001
Oded Goldreich

Using the FGLSS-reduction to Prove Inapproximability Results for Minimum Vertex Cover in Hypergraphs.

Using known results regarding PCP,
we present simple proofs of the inapproximability
of vertex cover for hypergraphs.
Specifically, we show that

(1) Approximating the size of the minimum vertex cover
in $O(1)$-regular hypergraphs to within a factor of~1.99999 is NP-hard.
(2) Approximating the size ... more >>>

TR01-093 | 2nd December 2001
Boaz Barak, Oded Goldreich

Universal Arguments and their Applications

We put forward a new type of
computationally-sound proof systems, called universal-arguments,
which are related but different from both CS-proofs (as defined
by Micali) and arguments (as defined by Brassard, Chaum and
Crepeau). In particular, we adopt the instance-based
prover-efficiency paradigm of CS-proofs, but follow the
computational-soundness condition of ... more >>>

TR01-091 | 27th November 2001
Oded Goldreich

Concurrent Zero-Knowledge With Timing, Revisited

Following Dwork, Naor, and Sahai (30th STOC, 1998),
we consider concurrent execution of protocols in a
semi-synchronized network. Specifically, we assume that each party
holds a local clock such that a constant bound on the relative rates
of these clocks is a-priori known, and consider protocols that
employ ... more >>>

TR01-080 | 14th November 2001
Oded Goldreich, Howard Karloff, Leonard Schulman, Luca Trevisan

Lower Bounds for Linear Locally Decodable Codes and Private Information Retrieval

Revisions: 3

We prove that if a linear error correcting code
$\C:\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}^m$ is such that a bit of the message can
be probabilistically reconstructed by looking at two entries of a
corrupted codeword, then $m = 2^{\Omega(n)}$. We also present
several extensions of this result.

We show a reduction from the ... more >>>

TR01-057 | 15th August 2001
Boaz Barak, Oded Goldreich, Russell Impagliazzo, Steven Rudich, Amit Sahai, Salil Vadhan, Ke Yang

On the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs

Informally, an <i>obfuscator</i> <b>O</b> is an (efficient, probabilistic)
"compiler" that takes as input a program (or circuit) <b>P</b> and
produces a new program <b>O(P)</b> that has the same functionality as <b>P</b>
yet is "unintelligible" in some sense. Obfuscators, if they exist,
would have a wide variety of cryptographic ... more >>>

TR01-046 | 2nd July 2001
Oded Goldreich, Salil Vadhan, Avi Wigderson

On Interactive Proofs with a Laconic Prover

We continue the investigation of interactive proofs with bounded
communication, as initiated by Goldreich and Hastad (IPL 1998).
Let $L$ be a language that has an interactive proof in which the prover
sends few (say $b$) bits to the verifier.
We prove that the complement $\bar L$ has ... more >>>

TR01-010 | 25th January 2001
Oded Goldreich, Luca Trevisan

Three Theorems regarding Testing Graph Properties.

Revisions: 1

Property testing is a relaxation of decision problems
in which it is required to distinguish {\sc yes}-instances
(i.e., objects having a predetermined property) from instances
that are far from any {\sc yes}-instance.
We presents three theorems regarding testing graph
properties in the adjacency matrix representation. ... more >>>

TR00-090 | 3rd December 2000
Oded Goldreich

Candidate One-Way Functions Based on Expander Graphs

We suggest a candidate one-way function using combinatorial
constructs such as expander graphs. These graphs are used to
determine a sequence of small overlapping subsets of input bits,
to which a hard-wired random predicate is applied.
Thus, the function is extremely easy to evaluate:
all that is needed ... more >>>

TR00-056 | 20th July 2000
Oded Goldreich, Avi Wigderson

On Pseudorandomness with respect to Deterministic Observers.

In the theory of pseudorandomness, potential (uniform) observers
are modeled as probabilistic polynomial-time machines.
In fact many of the central results in
that theory are proven via probabilistic polynomial-time reductions.
In this paper we show that analogous deterministic reductions
are unlikely to hold. We conclude that randomness ... more >>>

TR00-020 | 27th March 2000
Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron

On Testing Expansion in Bounded-Degree Graphs

We consider testing graph expansion in the bounded-degree graph model.
Specifically, we refer to algorithms for testing whether the graph
has a second eigenvalue bounded above by a given threshold
or is far from any graph with such (or related) property.

We present a natural algorithm aimed ... more >>>

TR00-004 | 14th January 2000
Oded Goldreich, Salil Vadhan, Avi Wigderson

Simplified derandomization of BPP using a hitting set generator.

A hitting-set generator is a deterministic
algorithm which generates a set of strings that intersects
every dense set recognizable by a small circuit.
A polynomial time hitting-set generator readily implies $RP=P$.
Andreev \etal\/ (ICALP'96, and JACM 1998)
showed that if polynomial-time hitting-set
generator in fact implies ... more >>>

TR99-042 | 24th October 1999
Ran Canetti, Oded Goldreich, Silvio Micali.

Resettable Zero-Knowledge.

Revisions: 1

We introduce the notion of Resettable Zero-Knowledge (rZK),
a new security measure for cryptographic protocols
which strengthens the classical notion of zero-knowledge.
In essence, an rZK protocol is one that remains zero knowledge
even if an adeversary can interact with the prover many times, each
time ... more >>>

TR99-024 | 25th June 1999
Oded Goldreich, Silvio Micali.

Interleaved Zero-Knowledge in the Public-Key Model.

Revisions: 1 , Comments: 1

We introduce the notion of Interleaved Zero-Knowledge (iZK),
a new security measure for cryptographic protocols which strengthens
the classical notion of zero-knowledge, in a way suitable for multiple
concurrent executions in an asynchronous environment like the internet.
We prove that iZK protocols are robust: they are ``parallelizable'',
and ... more >>>

TR99-017 | 4th June 1999
Yevgeniy Dodis, Oded Goldreich, Eric Lehman, Sofya Raskhodnikova, Dana Ron, Alex Samorodnitsky

Improved Testing Algorithms for Monotonicity.

Revisions: 1

We present improved algorithms for testing monotonicity of functions.
Namely, given the ability to query an unknown function $f$, where
$\Sigma$ and $\Xi$ are finite ordered sets, the test always accepts a
monotone $f$, and rejects $f$ with high probability if it is $\e$-far
from being monotone (i.e., every ... more >>>

TR99-013 | 28th May 1999
Oded Goldreich, Amit Sahai, Salil Vadhan

Can Statistical Zero Knowledge be made Non-Interactive? or On the Relationship of SZK and NISZK

We extend the study of non-interactive statistical zero-knowledge
proofs. Our main focus is to compare the class NISZK of problems
possessing such non-interactive proofs to the class SZK of problems
possessing interactive statistical zero-knowledge proofs. Along these
lines, we first show that if statistical zero knowledge is non-trivial
then so ... more >>>

TR99-002 | 22nd January 1999
Oded Goldreich, Daniele Micciancio, Shmuel Safra and Jean-Pierre Seifert.

Approximating shortest lattice vectors is not harder than approximating closest lattice vectors.

We show that given oracle access to a subroutine which
returns approximate closest vectors in a lattice, one may find in
polynomial-time approximate shortest vectors in a lattice.
The level of approximation is maintained; that is, for any function
$f$, the following holds:
Suppose that the subroutine, on input a ... more >>>

TR98-072 | 14th December 1998
Ziv Bar-Yossef, Oded Goldreich, Avi Wigderson

Deterministic Amplification of Space Bounded Probabilistic Algorithms.

This paper initiates the study of deterministic amplification of space
bounded probabilistic algorithms. The straightforward implementations of
known amplification methods cannot be used for such algorithms, since they
consume too much space. We present a new implementation of the
Ajtai-Koml\'{o}s-Szemer\'{e}di method, that enables to amplify an $S$ ... more >>>

TR98-063 | 4th November 1998
Oded Goldreich, Salil Vadhan

Comparing Entropies in Statistical Zero-Knowledge with Applications to the Structure of SZK

We consider the following (promise) problem, denoted ED (for Entropy
Difference): The input is a pairs of circuits, and YES instances (resp.,
NO instances) are such pairs in which the first (resp., second) circuit
generates a distribution with noticeably higher entropy.

On one hand we show that any language ... more >>>

TR98-062 | 28th October 1998
Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron, Madhu Sudan

Chinese Remaindering with Errors

Revisions: 4 , Comments: 1

The Chinese Remainder Theorem states that a positive
integer m is uniquely specified by its remainder modulo
k relatively prime integers p_1,...,p_k, provided
m < \prod_{i=1}^k p_i. Thus the residues of m modulo
relatively prime integers p_1 < p_2 < ... < p_n
form a redundant representation of m if ... more >>>

TR98-060 | 8th October 1998
Oded Goldreich, Ronitt Rubinfeld, Madhu Sudan

Learning polynomials with queries -- The highly noisy case.

This is a revised version of work which has appeared
in preliminary form in the 36th FOCS, 1995.

Given a function $f$ mapping $n$-variate inputs from a finite field
$F$ into $F$,
we consider the task of reconstructing a list of all $n$-variate
degree $d$ polynomials which agree with $f$
more >>>

TR98-032 | 10th June 1998
Mihir Bellare, Oded Goldreich, Erez Petrank

Uniform Generation of NP-witnesses using an NP-oracle.

A Uniform Generation procedure for $NP$ is an
algorithm which given any input in a fixed NP-language, outputs a uniformly
distributed NP-witness for membership of the input in the language.
We present a Uniform Generation procedure for $NP$ that runs in probabilistic
polynomial-time with an NP-oracle. This improves upon ... more >>>

TR98-017 | 29th March 1998
Oded Goldreich, Madhu Sudan

Computational Indistinguishability: A Sample Hierarchy.

We consider the existence of pairs of probability ensembles which
may be efficiently distinguished given $k$ samples
but cannot be efficiently distinguished given $k'<k$ samples.
It is well known that in any such pair of ensembles it cannot be that
both are efficiently computable
(and that such phenomena ... more >>>

TR98-006 | 27th January 1998
Alfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Oded Goldreich, Giuseppe Persiano

The Graph Clustering Problem has a Perfect Zero-Knowledge Proof

The input to the {\em Graph Clustering Problem}\/
consists of a sequence of integers $m_1,...,m_t$
and a sequence of $\sum_{i=1}^{t}m_i$ graphs.
The question is whether the equivalence classes,
under the graph isomorphism relation,
of the input graphs have sizes which match the input sequence of integers.
In this note ... more >>>

TR97-058 | 2nd December 1997
Oded Goldreich

Notes on Levin's Theory of Average-Case Complexity.

In 1984, Leonid Levin has initiated a theory of average-case complexity.
We provide an exposition of the basic definitions suggested by Levin,
and discuss some of the considerations underlying these definitions.

more >>>

TR97-056 | 1st December 1997
Oded Goldreich

Combinatorial Property Testing (a survey).

Comments: 1

We consider the question of determining whether
a given object has a predetermined property or is ``far'' from any
object having the property.
Specifically, objects are modeled by functions,
and distance between functions is measured as the fraction
of the domain on which the functions differ.
We ... more >>>

TR97-045 | 29th September 1997
Oded Goldreich, David Zuckerman

Another proof that BPP subseteq PH (and more).

Comments: 1

We provide another proof of the Sipser--Lautemann Theorem
by which $BPP\subseteq MA$ ($\subseteq PH$).
The current proof is based on strong
results regarding the amplification of $BPP$, due to Zuckerman.
Given these results, the current proof is even simpler than previous ones.
Furthermore, extending the proof leads ... more >>>

TR97-031 | 9th September 1997
Oded Goldreich

On the Limits of Non-Approximability of Lattice Problems

Revisions: 2

We show simple constant-round interactive proof systems for
problems capturing the approximability, to within a factor of $\sqrt{n}$,
of optimization problems in integer lattices; specifically,
the closest vector problem (CVP), and the shortest vector problem (SVP).
These interactive proofs are for the ``coNP direction'';
that is, ... more >>>

TR97-028 | 12th July 1997
Scott E. Decatur, Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron

Computational Sample Complexity

In a variety of PAC learning models, a tradeoff between time and
information seems to exist: with unlimited time, a small amount of
information suffices, but with time restrictions, more information
sometimes seems to be required.
In addition, it has long been known that there are
concept classes ... more >>>

TR97-020 | 15th May 1997
Oded Goldreich

A Sample of Samplers -- A Computational Perspective on Sampling (survey).

We consider the problem of estimating the average of a huge set of values.
That is,
given oracle access to an arbitrary function $f:\{0,1\}^n\mapsto[0,1]$,
we need to estimate $2^{-n} \sum_{x\in\{0,1\}^n} f(x)$
upto an additive error of $\epsilon$.
We are allowed to employ a randomized algorithm which may ... more >>>

TR97-018 | 8th May 1997
Oded Goldreich, Shai Halevi

Eliminating Decryption Errors in the Ajtai-Dwork Cryptosystem.

Following Ajtai's lead, Ajtai and Dwork have recently introduced a
public-key encryption scheme which is secure under the assumption
that a certain computational problem on lattices is hard on the
worst-case. Their encryption method may cause decryption errors,
though with small probability (i.e., inversely proportional to the
more >>>

TR96-067 | 20th December 1996
Oded Goldreich, Bernd Meyer

Computational Indistinguishability -- Algorithms vs. Circuits.

We present a simple proof to the existence of a probability ensemble
with tiny support which cannot be distinguished from the uniform ensemble
by any recursive computation.
Since the support is tiny (i.e, sub-polynomial),
this ensemble can be distinguish from the uniform ensemble
by a (non-uniform) family ... more >>>

TR96-057 | 18th November 1996
Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron

Property Testing and its connection to Learning and Approximation

In this paper, we consider the question of determining whether
a function $f$ has property $P$ or is $\e$-far from any
function with property $P$.
The property testing algorithm is given a sample of the value
of $f$ on instances drawn according to some distribution.
In some cases,
more >>>

TR96-056 | 12th November 1996
Oded Goldreich, Shai Halevi

Public-Key Cryptosystems from Lattice Reduction Problems

We present a new proposal for a trapdoor one-way function,
from which we derive public-key encryption and digital
signatures. The security of the new construction is based
on the conjectured computational difficulty of lattice-reduction
problems, providing a possible alternative to existing
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TR96-054 | 2nd November 1996
Oded Goldreich

The Graph Clustering Problem has a Perfect Zero-Knowledge Proof

Comments: 1

The Graph Clustering Problem is parameterized by a sequence
of positive integers, $m_1,...,m_t$.
The input is a sequence of $\sum_{i=1}^{t}m_i$ graphs,
and the question is whether the equivalence classes
under the graph isomorphism relation have sizes which match
the sequence of parameters.
In this note
we show ... more >>>

TR96-047 | 2nd September 1996
Oded Goldreich, Muli Safra

A Combinatorial Consistency Lemma with application to the PCP Theorem

Revisions: 1

The current proof of the PCP Theorem (i.e., NP=PCP(log,O(1)))
is very complicated.
One source of difficulty is the technically involved
analysis of low-degree tests.
Here, we refer to the difficulty of obtaining strong results
regarding low-degree tests; namely, results of the type obtained and
used by ... more >>>

TR96-042 | 26th July 1996
Oded Goldreich, Shai Halevi

Collision-Free Hashing from Lattice Problems

Recently Ajtai described a construction of one-way functions whose
security is equivalent to the difficulty of some well known approximation
problems in lattices. We show that essentially the same
construction can also be used to obtain collision-free hashing.

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TR96-041 | 24th July 1996
Oded Goldreich, Avi Wigderson

On the Circuit Complexity of Perfect Hashing

Revisions: 1 , Comments: 2

We consider the size of circuits which perfectly hash
an arbitrary subset $S\!\subset\!\bitset^n$ of cardinality $2^k$
into $\bitset^m$.
We observe that, in general, the size of such circuits is
exponential in $2k-m$,
and provide a matching upper bound.

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TR96-018 | 23rd February 1996
Oded Goldreich, Johan H�stad

On the Message Complexity of Interactive Proof Systems

Revisions: 2

We investigate the computational complexity of languages
which have interactive proof systems of bounded message complexity.
In particular, we show that
(1) If $L$ has an interactive proof in which the total
communication is bounded by $c(n)$ bits
then $L$ can be recognized a probabilitic machine
in time ... more >>>

TR95-056 | 26th November 1995
Oded Goldreich

Three XOR-Lemmas -- An Exposition

We provide an exposition of three Lemmas which relate
general properties of distributions
with the exclusive-or of certain bit locations.

The first XOR-Lemma, commonly attributed to U.V. Vazirani,
relates the statistical distance of a distribution from uniform
to the maximum bias of the xor of certain bit positions.
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TR95-050 | 15th October 1995
Oded Goldreich, Noam Nisan, Avi Wigderson

On Yao's XOR-Lemma

Revisions: 2 , Comments: 1

TR95-029 | 15th June 1995
Oded Goldreich, Leonid Levin, Noam Nisan

On Constructing 1-1 One-Way Functions

We show how to construct length-preserving 1-1 one-way
functions based on popular intractability assumptions (e.g., RSA, DLP).
Such 1-1 functions should not
be confused with (infinite) families of (finite) one-way permutations.
What we want and obtain is a single (infinite) 1-1 one-way function.

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TR95-024 | 23rd May 1995
Mihir Bellare, Oded Goldreich, Madhu Sudan

Free bits, PCP and Non-Approximability - Towards tight results

Revisions: 4

This paper continues the investigation of the connection between proof
systems and approximation. The emphasis is on proving ``tight''
non-approximability results via consideration of measures like the
``free bit complexity'' and the ``amortized free bit complexity'' of
proof systems.

The first part of the paper presents a collection of new ... more >>>

TR94-008 | 12th December 1994
Oded Goldreich

Probabilistic Proof Systems (A Survey)

Various types of probabilistic proof systems have played
a central role in the development of computer science in the last decade.
In this exposition, we concentrate on three such proof systems ---
interactive proofs, zero-knowledge proofs,
and probabilistic checkable proofs --- stressing the essential
role of randomness in each ... more >>>

TR94-007 | 12th December 1994
Oded Goldreich, Rafail Ostrovsky, Erez Petrank

Computational Complexity and Knowledge Complexity

We study the computational complexity of languages which have
interactive proofs of logarithmic knowledge complexity. We show that
all such languages can be recognized in ${\cal BPP}^{\cal NP}$. Prior
to this work, for languages with greater-than-zero knowledge
complexity (and specifically, even for knowledge complexity 1) only
trivial computational complexity bounds ... more >>>

TR94-002 | 12th December 1994
Oded Goldreich, Avi Wigderson

Tiny Families of Functions with Random Properties: A Quality--Size Trade--off for Hashing

Revisions: 2

We present three explicit constructions of hash functions,
which exhibit a trade-off between the size of the family
(and hence the number of random bits needed to generate a member of the family),
and the quality (or error parameter) of the pseudo-random property it
achieves. Unlike previous constructions, ... more >>>

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