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List of political parties in Suriname

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This article lists political parties in Suriname. Suriname has a multi-party system with numerous political parties, in which no one party often has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each other to form coalition governments.


Party Abbr. Position Ideology Leader National
Progressive Reform Party
Dutch: Vooruitstrevende Hervormingspartij
VHP Centre to centre-left Social democracy
Third Way
Chan Santokhi
20 / 51
National Democratic Party
Dutch: Nationale Democratische Partij
NDP Centre-left to left-wing Social democracy
Left-wing nationalism
Left-wing populism
D�si Bouterse
16 / 51
General Liberation and Development Party
Dutch: Algemene Bevrijdings- en Ontwikkelingspartij
ABOP Big tent Maroon interests Ronnie Brunswijk
8 / 51
National Party of Suriname
Dutch: Nationale Partij Suriname
NPS Centre to centre-left Social democracy
Third Way
Gregory Rusland
3 / 51
Pertjajah Luhur
Glorious Empire
PL Javanese Surinamese interests Paul Somohardjo
2 / 51
Brotherhood and Unity in Politics
Dutch: Broederschap en Eenheid in de Politiek
BEP Centre-left Social democracy Ronny Asabina [nl]
2 / 51
Reform and Renewal Movement
Dutch: Hervormings- en Vernieuwingsbeweging
HVB Javanese Surinamese interests Mike Noersalim
0 / 51
Democracy and Development through Unity DOE Reformism Steven Alfaisi
0 / 51
Surinamese Labour Party SPA Centre-left Social democracy
Guno Castelen
0 / 51
Democratic Alternative '91 DA'91 Centre to centre-right Liberalism Angelic Alihusain-del Castilho
0 / 51
De Nieuwe Leeuw DNL Dharm Mungra
0 / 51
Nationale Ontwikkelings Partij NOP Melvin Clemens
0 / 51
Party for National Unity and Solidarity KTPI Willy Soemita
0 / 51
Political Wing of the FAL FAL
0 / 51
Seeka SEEKA Paul Abena
0 / 51

Former parties


See also
