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944 results sorted by ID

2024/1694 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-17
Full Key-Recovery Cubic-Time Template Attack on Classic McEliece Decapsulation
Vlad-Florin Drăgoi, Brice Colombier, Nicolas Vallet, Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Vincent Grosso
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Classic McEliece is one of the three code-based candidates in the fourth round of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process in the Key Encapsulation Mechanism category. As such, its decapsulation algorithm is used to recover the session key associated with a ciphertext using the private key. In this article, we propose a new side-channel attack on the syndrome computation in the decapsulation algorithm that recovers the private key, which consists of the private Goppa...

2024/1692 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-17
On the practicality of quantum sieving algorithms for the shortest vector problem
Joao F. Doriguello, George Giapitzakis, Alessandro Luongo, Aditya Morolia
Attacks and cryptanalysis

One of the main candidates of post-quantum cryptography is lattice-based cryptography. Its cryptographic security against quantum attackers is based on the worst-case hardness of lattice problems like the shortest vector problem (SVP), which asks to find the shortest non-zero vector in an integer lattice. Asymptotic quantum speedups for solving SVP are known and rely on Grover's search. However, to assess the security of lattice-based cryptography against these Grover-like quantum speedups,...

2024/1668 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-15
Modelings for generic PoK and Applications: Shorter SD and PKP based Signatures
Slim Bettaieb, Loïc Bidoux, Philippe Gaborit, Mukul Kulkarni
Public-key cryptography

The Multi-Party Computation in the Head (MPCitH) paradigm has proven to be a versatile tool to design proofs of knowledge (PoK) based on variety of computationally hard problems. For instance, many post-quantum signatures have been designed from MPC based proofs combined with the Fiat-Shamir transformation. Over the years, MPCitH has evolved significantly with developments based on techniques such as threshold computing and other optimizations. Recently, Vector Oblivious Linear Evaluation...

2024/1557 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-03
Tightly Secure Threshold Signatures over Pairing-Free Groups
Renas Bacho, Benedikt Wagner
Cryptographic protocols

Threshold signatures have been drawing lots of attention in recent years. Of particular interest are threshold signatures that are proven secure under adaptive corruptions (NIST Call 2023). Sadly, existing constructions with provable adaptive security suffer from at least one of the following drawbacks: (i) strong idealizations such as the algebraic group model (AGM), (ii) an unnatural restriction on the corruption threshold being $t/2$ where $t$ is the signing threshold, or (iii)...

2024/1556 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-18
The module action for isogeny based cryptography
Damien Robert

We extend the usual ideal action on oriented elliptic curves to a (Hermitian) module action on oriented (polarised) abelian varieties. Oriented abelian varieties are naturally enriched in $R$-modules, and our module action comes from the canonical power object construction on categories enriched in a closed symmetric monoidal category. In particular our action is canonical and gives a fully fledged symmetric monoidal action. Furthermore, we give algorithms to compute this action in practice,...

2024/1550 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-03
MAYO Key Recovery by Fixing Vinegar Seeds
Sönke Jendral, Elena Dubrova
Attacks and cryptanalysis

As the industry prepares for the transition to post-quantum secure public key cryptographic algorithms, vulnerability analysis of their implementations is gaining importance. A theoretically secure cryptographic algorithm should also be able to withstand the challenges of physical attacks in real-world environments. MAYO is a candidate in the ongoing first round of the NIST post-quantum standardization process for selecting additional digital signature schemes. This paper demonstrates three...

2024/1542 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-02
Robust AE With Committing Security
Viet Tung Hoang, Sanketh Menda
Secret-key cryptography

There has been a recent interest to develop and standardize Robust Authenticated Encryption (Robust AE) schemes. NIST, for example, is considering an Accordion mode (a wideblock tweakable blockcipher), with Robust AE as a primary application. On the other hand, recent attacks and applications suggest that encryption needs to be committing. Indeed, committing security isalso a design consideration in the Accordion mode. Yet it is unclear how to build a Robust AE with committing security....

2024/1522 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-27
Beware of Keccak: Practical Fault Attacks on SHA-3 to Compromise Kyber and Dilithium on ARM Cortex-M Devices
Yuxuan Wang, Jintong Yu, Shipei Qu, Xiaolin Zhang, Xiaowei Li, Chi Zhang, Dawu Gu
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Keccak acts as the hash algorithm and eXtendable-Output Function (XOF) specified in the NIST standard drafts for Kyber and Dilithium. The Keccak output is highly correlated with sensitive information. While in RSA and ECDSA, hash-like components are only used to process public information, such as the message. The importance and sensitivity of hash-like components like Keccak are much higher in Kyber and Dilithium than in traditional public-key cryptography. However, few works study Keccak...

2024/1517 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-30
A Note on the SNOVA Security
Lih-Chung Wang, Chun-Yen Chou, Jintai Ding, Yen-Liang Kuan, Jan Adriaan Leegwater, Ming-Siou Li, Bo-Shu Tseng, Po-En Tseng, Chia-Chun Wang
Attacks and cryptanalysis

SNOVA is one of the submissions in the NIST Round 1 Additional Signature of the Post-Quantum Signature Competition. SNOVA is a UOV variant that uses the noncommutative-ring technique to educe the size of the public key. SNOVA's public key size and signature size are well-balanced and have good performance. Recently, Beullens proposed a forgery attack against SNOVA, pointing out that the parameters of SNOVA can be attacked. Beullens also argued that with some slight adjustments his attacks...

2024/1515 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-26
Optimized Software Implementation of Keccak, Kyber, and Dilithium on RV{32,64}IM{B}{V}
Jipeng Zhang, Yuxing Yan, Junhao Huang, Çetin Kaya Koç

With the standardization of NIST post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) schemes, optimizing these PQC schemes across various platforms presents significant research value. While most existing software implementation efforts have concentrated on ARM platforms, research on PQC implementations utilizing various RISC-V instruction set architectures (ISAs) remains limited. In light of this gap, this paper proposes comprehensive and efficient optimizations of Keccak, Kyber, and Dilithium on...

2024/1495 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-15
Lattice-Based Vulnerabilities in Lee Metric Post-Quantum Cryptosystems
Anna-Lena Horlemann, Karan Khathuria, Marc Newman, Amin Sakzad, Carlos Vela Cabello
Public-key cryptography

Post-quantum cryptography has gained attention due to the need for secure cryptographic systems in the face of quantum computing. Code-based and lattice-based cryptography are two promi- nent approaches, both heavily studied within the NIST standardization project. Code-based cryptography—most prominently exemplified by the McEliece cryptosystem—is based on the hardness of decoding random linear error-correcting codes. Despite the McEliece cryptosystem having been unbroken for several...

2024/1404 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-09
$\Pi$-signHD: A New Structure for the SQIsign Family with Flexible Applicability
Kaizhan Lin, Weize Wang, Chang-An Zhao, Yunlei Zhao

Digital signature is a fundamental cryptographic primitive and is widely used in the real world. Unfortunately, the current digital signature standards like EC-DSA and RSA are not quantum-resistant. Among post-quantum cryptography (PQC), isogeny-based signatures preserve some advantages of elliptic curve cryptosystems, particularly offering small signature sizes. Currently, SQIsign and its variants are the most promising isogeny-based digital signature schemes. In this paper, we propose a...

2024/1400 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-07
Efficient Asymmetric PAKE Compiler from KEM and AE
You Lyu, Shengli Liu, Shuai Han
Cryptographic protocols

Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) allows two parties to establish a secure session key with a shared low-entropy password pw. Asymmetric PAKE (aPAKE) extends PAKE in the client-server setting, and the server only stores a password file instead of the plain password so as to provide additional security guarantee when the server is compromised. In this paper, we propose a novel generic compiler from PAKE to aPAKE in the Universal Composable (UC) framework by making use of Key...

2024/1374 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-02
Lifting approach against the SNOVA scheme
Shuhei Nakamura, Yusuke Tani, Hiroki Furue
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In 2022, Wang et al. proposed the multivariate signature scheme SNOVA as a UOV variant over the non-commutative ring of $\ell \times \ell $ matrices over $\mathbb{F}_q$. This scheme has small public key and signature size and is a first round candidate of NIST PQC additional digital signature project. Recently, Ikematsu and Akiyama, and Li and Ding show that the core matrices of SNOVA with $v$ vinegar-variables and $o$ oil-variables are regarded as the representation matrices of UOV with...

2024/1367 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-30
A Better Kyber Butterfly for FPGAs
Jonas Bertels, Quinten Norga, Ingrid Verbauwhede

Kyber was selected by NIST as a Post-Quantum Cryptography Key Encapsulation Mechanism standard. This means that the industry now needs to transition and adopt these new standards. One of the most demanding operations in Kyber is the modular arithmetic, making it a suitable target for optimization. This work offers a novel modular reduction design with the lowest area on Xilinx FPGA platforms. This novel design, through K-reduction and LUT-based reduction, utilizes 49 LUTs and 1 DSP...

2024/1345 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-30
SoK: The Engineer’s Guide to Post-Quantum Cryptography for Embedded Devices
Maximilian Pursche, Nikolai Puch, Sebastian N. Peters, Michael P. Heinl

Embedded systems are flexible and cost-effective and thus have found a use case in almost every part of our daily lives. Due to their widespread use, they have also become valuable targets for cyber attacks. However, translating cutting-edge cyber security from servers and desktops to the embedded realm can be challenging due to the limited computational power and memory of embedded devices. Although quantum computing is still in early research and development, it threatens to break...

2024/1319 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-23
Quantum-safe Signatureless DNSSEC
Aditya Singh Rawat, Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar
Cryptographic protocols

We present $\mathsf{SL\text{-}DNSSEC}$: a backward-compatible protocol that leverages a quantum-safe KEM and a MAC to perform signature-less $\mathsf{(SL)}$ DNSSEC validations in a single UDP query/response style. Our experiments targeting NIST level I security for QTYPE A query resolution show that $\mathsf{SL\text{-}DNSSEC}$ is practically equivalent to the presently deployed RSA-2048 in terms of bandwidth usage and resolution speeds. Compared to post-quantum signatures,...

2024/1297 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-20
Improved Cryptanalysis of SNOVA
Ward Beullens
Attacks and cryptanalysis

SNOVA is a multivariate signature scheme submitted to the NIST project for additional signature schemes by Cho, Ding, Kuan, Li, Tseng, Tseng, and Wang. With small key and signature sizes good performance, SNOVA is one of the more efficient schemes in the competition, which makes SNOVA an important target for cryptanalysis. In this paper, we observe that SNOVA implicitly uses a structured version of the ``whipping'' technique developed for the MAYO signature scheme. We show that the...

2024/1291 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-16
Raccoon: A Masking-Friendly Signature Proven in the Probing Model
Rafaël del Pino, Shuichi Katsumata, Thomas Prest, Mélissa Rossi
Public-key cryptography

This paper presents Raccoon, a lattice-based signature scheme submitted to the NIST 2022 call for additional post-quantum signatures. Raccoon has the specificity of always being masked. Concretely, all sensitive intermediate values are shared into 𝑑 parts. The main design rationale of Raccoon is to be easy to mask at high orders, and this dictated most of its design choices, such as the introduction of new algorithmic techniques for sampling small errors. As a result, Raccoon achieves a...

2024/1287 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-29
Basic Lattice Cryptography: The concepts behind Kyber (ML-KEM) and Dilithium (ML-DSA)
Vadim Lyubashevsky
Public-key cryptography

This tutorial focuses on describing the fundamental mathematical concepts and design decisions used in the two ``main'' lattice schemes standardized by NIST and included in the CNSA 2.0 algorithmic suite. They are the KEM / encryption scheme CRYSTALS-Kyber (ML-KEM) and the signature scheme CRYSTALS-Dilithium (ML-DSA) . In addition, we will also give the main ideas behind other lattice-based KEMs like Frodo and NTRU.

2024/1282 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-02
NTRU+PKE: Efficient Public-Key Encryption Schemes from the NTRU Problem
Jonghyun Kim, Jong Hwan Park
Public-key cryptography

We propose a new NTRU-based Public-Key Encryption (PKE) scheme called $\mathsf{NTRU+}\mathsf{PKE}$, which effectively incorporates the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation for PKE (denoted as $\mathsf{FO}_{\mathsf{PKE}}$) to achieve chosen-ciphertext security in the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM). While $\mathsf{NTRUEncrypt}$, a first-round candidate in the NIST PQC standardization process, was proven to be chosen-ciphertext secure in the Random Oracle Model (ROM), it lacked corresponding...

2024/1256 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-08
Concrete Analysis of Schnorr-type Signatures with Aborts
Theo Fanuela Prabowo, Chik How Tan
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Lyubashevsky’s signature can be viewed as a lattice-based adapation of the Schnorr signature, with the core difference being the use of aborts during signature generation process. Since the proposal of Lyubashevsky’s signature, a number of other variants of Schnorr-type signatures with aborts have been proposed, both in lattice-based and code-based setting. In this paper, we examine the security of Schnorr-type signature schemes with aborts. We give a detailed analysis of when the expected...

2024/1253 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-08
FELIX (XGCD for FALCON): FPGA-based Scalable and Lightweight Accelerator for Large Integer Extended GCD
Sam Coulon, Tianyou Bao, Jiafeng Xie

The Extended Greatest Common Divisor (XGCD) computation is a critical component in various cryptographic applications and algorithms, including both pre- and post-quantum cryptosystems. In addition to computing the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers, the XGCD also produces Bezout coefficients $b_a$ and $b_b$ which satisfy $\mathrm{GCD}(a,b) = a\times b_a + b\times b_b$. In particular, computing the XGCD for large integers is of significant interest. Most recently, XGCD computation...

2024/1248 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-10
A Not So Discrete Sampler: Power Analysis Attacks on HAWK signature scheme
Morgane Guerreau, Mélissa Rossi
Attacks and cryptanalysis

HAWK is a lattice-based signature scheme candidate to the fourth call of the NIST's Post-Quantum standardization campaign. Considered as a cousin of Falcon (one of the future NIST post-quantum standards) one can wonder whether HAWK shares the same drawbacks as Falcon in terms of side-channel attacks. Indeed, Falcon signature algorithm and particularly its Gaussian sampler, has shown to be highly vulnerable to power-analysis attacks. Besides, efficiently protecting Falcon's signature...

2024/1243 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-06
Tailoring two-dimensional codes for structured lattice-based KEMs and applications to Kyber
Thales B. Paiva, Marcos A. Simplicio Jr, Syed Mahbub Hafiz, Bahattin Yildiz, Eduardo L. Cominetti
Public-key cryptography

Kyber is a post-quantum lattice-based key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) selected by NIST for standardization as ML-KEM. The scheme is designed to ensure that the unintentional errors accumulated during decryption do not prevent the receiver to correctly recover the encapsulated key. This is done by using a simple error-correction code independently applied to each bit of the message, for which it is possible to show that the decryption failure rate (DFR) is negligible. Although there have...

2024/1234 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-06
EagleSignV3 : A new secure variant of EagleSign signature over lattices
Abiodoun Clement Hounkpevi, Sidoine Djimnaibeye, Michel Seck, Djiby Sow
Public-key cryptography

With the potential arrival of quantum computers, it is essential to build cryptosystems resistant to attackers with the computing power of a quantum computer. With Shor's algorithm, cryptosystems based on discrete logarithms and factorization become obsolete. Reason why NIST has launching two competitions in 2016 and 2023 to standardize post-quantum cryptosystems (such as KEM and signature ) based on problems supposed to resist attacks using quantum computers. EagleSign was prosed to NIT...

2024/1233 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-02
Binding Security of Implicitly-Rejecting KEMs and Application to BIKE and HQC
Juliane Kr�mer, Patrick Struck, Maximiliane Weish�upl
Public-key cryptography

In this work, we continue the analysis of the binding properties of implicitly-rejecting key-encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) obtained via the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform. These binding properties, in earlier literature known under the term robustness, thwart attacks that can arise when using KEMs in larger protocols. Recently, Cremers et al. (ePrint'24) introduced a framework for binding notions, encompassing previously existing but also new ones. While implicitly-rejecting KEMs have...

2024/1229 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-10
Benchmarking Attacks on Learning with Errors
Emily Wenger, Eshika Saxena, Mohamed Malhou, Ellie Thieu, Kristin Lauter
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Lattice cryptography schemes based on the learning with errors (LWE) hardness assumption have been standardized by NIST for use as post-quantum cryptosystems, and by for encrypted compute on sensitive data. Thus, understanding their concrete security is critical. Most work on LWE security focuses on theoretical estimates of attack performance, which is important but may overlook attack nuances arising in real-world implementations. The sole existing concrete...

2024/1228 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-31
Automated Software Vulnerability Static Code Analysis Using Generative Pre-Trained Transformer Models
Elijah Pelofske, Vincent Urias, Lorie M. Liebrock

Generative Pre-Trained Transformer models have been shown to be surprisingly effective at a variety of natural language processing tasks -- including generating computer code. However, in general GPT models have been shown to not be incredibly effective at handling specific computational tasks (such as evaluating mathematical functions). In this study, we evaluate the effectiveness of open source GPT models, with no fine-tuning, and with context introduced by the langchain and localGPT...

2024/1223 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-03
A short-list of pairing-friendly curves resistant to the Special TNFS algorithm at the 192-bit security level
Diego F. Aranha, Georgios Fotiadis, Aurore Guillevic

For more than two decades, pairings have been a fundamental tool for designing elegant cryptosystems, varying from digital signature schemes to more complex privacy-preserving constructions. However, the advancement of quantum computing threatens to undermine public-key cryptography. Concretely, it is widely accepted that a future large-scale quantum computer would be capable to break any public-key cryptosystem used today, rendering today's public-key cryptography obsolete and mandating the...

2024/1222 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-31
Quantum Implementation and Analysis of ARIA
Yujin Oh, Kyungbae Jang, Yujin Yang, Hwajeong Seo

The progression of quantum computing is considered a potential threat to traditional cryptography system, highlighting the significance of post-quantum security in cryptographic systems. Regarding symmetric key encryption, the Grover algorithm can approximately halve the search complexity. Despite the absence of fully operational quantum computers at present, the necessity of assessing the security of symmetric key encryption against quantum computing continues to grow. In this paper, we...

2024/1206 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-26
Applying Post-Quantum Cryptography Algorithms to a DLT-Based CBDC Infrastructure: Comparative and Feasibility Analysis
Daniel de Haro Moraes, Joao Paulo Aragao Pereira, Bruno Estolano Grossi, Gustavo Mirapalheta, George Marcel Monteiro Arcuri Smetana, Wesley Rodrigues, Courtnay Nery Guimar�es Jr., Bruno Domingues, F�bio Saito, Marcos Simpl�cio

This article presents an innovative project for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) infrastructure. Focusing on security and reliability, the proposed architecture: (1) employs post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms for long-term security, even against attackers with access to cryptographically-relevant quantum computers; (2) can be integrated with a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to safeguard the confidentiality of transaction contents as they are processed by third-parties; and...

2024/1198 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-25
ECO-CRYSTALS: Efficient Cryptography CRYSTALS on Standard RISC-V ISA
Xinyi Ji, Jiankuo Dong, Junhao Huang, Zhijian Yuan, Wangchen Dai, Fu Xiao, Jingqiang Lin

The field of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is continuously evolving. Many researchers are exploring efficient PQC implementation on various platforms, including x86, ARM, FPGA, GPU, etc. In this paper, we present an Efficient CryptOgraphy CRYSTALS (ECO-CRYSTALS) implementation on standard 64-bit RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). The target schemes are two winners of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) PQC competition: CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium,...

2024/1194 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-24
Hardware Implementation and Security Analysis of Local-Masked NTT for CRYSTALS-Kyber
Rafael Carrera Rodriguez, Emanuele Valea, Florent Bruguier, Pascal Benoit

The rapid evolution of post-quantum cryptography, spurred by standardization efforts such as those led by NIST, has highlighted the prominence of lattice-based cryptography, notably exemplified by CRYSTALS-Kyber. However, concerns persist regarding the security of cryptographic implementations, particularly in the face of Side-Channel Attacks (SCA). The usage of operations like the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) in CRYSTALS-Kyber introduces vulnerabilities to SCA, especially single-trace...

2024/1192 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-24
Towards ML-KEM & ML-DSA on OpenTitan
Amin Abdulrahman, Felix Oberhansl, Hoang Nguyen Hien Pham, Jade Philipoom, Peter Schwabe, Tobias Stelzer, Andreas Zankl

This paper presents extensions to the OpenTitan hardware root of trust that aim at enabling high-performance lattice-based cryptography. We start by carefully optimizing ML-KEM and ML-DSA - the two primary algorithms selected by NIST for standardization - in software targeting the OTBN accelerator. Based on profiling results of these implementations, we propose tightly integrated extensions to OTBN, specifically an interface from OTBN to OpenTitan's Keccak accelerator (KMAC core) and...

2024/1180 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-22
Fast computation of 2-isogenies in dimension 4 and cryptographic applications
Pierrick Dartois

Dimension 4 isogenies have first been introduced in cryptography for the cryptanalysis of Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) and have been used constructively in several schemes, including SQIsignHD, a derivative of SQIsign isogeny based signature scheme. Unlike in dimensions 2 and 3, we can no longer rely on the Jacobian model and its derivatives to compute isogenies. In dimension 4 (and higher), we can only use theta-models. Previous works by Romain Cosset, David Lubicz and Damien...

2024/1178 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-21
Towards Quantum-Safe Blockchain: Exploration of PQC and Public-key Recovery on Embedded Systems
Dominik Marchsreiter

Blockchain technology ensures accountability, transparency, and redundancy in critical applications, includ- ing IoT with embedded systems. However, the reliance on public-key cryptography (PKC) makes blockchain vulnerable to quantum computing threats. This paper addresses the urgent need for quantum-safe blockchain solutions by integrating Post- Quantum Cryptography (PQC) into blockchain frameworks. Utilizing algorithms from the NIST PQC standardization pro- cess, we aim to fortify...

2024/1174 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-20
Grafted Trees Bear Better Fruit: An Improved Multiple-Valued Plaintext-Checking Side-Channel Attack against Kyber
Jinnuo Li, Chi Cheng, Muyan Shen, Peng Chen, Qian Guo, Dongsheng Liu, Liji Wu, Jian Weng
Attacks and cryptanalysis

As a prominent category of side-channel attacks (SCAs), plaintext-checking (PC) oracle-based SCAs offer the advantages of generality and operational simplicity on a targeted device. At TCHES 2023, Rajendran et al. and Tanaka et al. independently proposed the multiple-valued (MV) PC oracle, significantly reducing the required number of queries (a.k.a., traces) in the PC oracle. However, in practice, when dealing with environmental noise or inaccuracies in the waveform classifier, they...

2024/1150 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-15
Finding Practical Parameters for Isogeny-based Cryptography
Maria Corte-Real Santos, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Michael Meyer, Francisco Rodr�guez-Henr�quez
Public-key cryptography

Isogeny-based schemes often come with special requirements on the field of definition of the involved elliptic curves. For instance, the efficiency of SQIsign, a promising candidate in the NIST signature standardisation process, requires a large power of two and a large smooth integer $T$ to divide $p^2-1$ for its prime parameter $p$. We present two new methods that combine previous techniques for finding suitable primes: sieve-and-boost and XGCD-and-boost. We use these methods to find...

2024/1149 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-15
Improved High-Order Masked Generation of Masking Vector and Rejection Sampling in Dilithium
Jean-S�bastien Coron, Fran�ois G�rard, Tancr�de Lepoint, Matthias Trannoy, Rina Zeitoun

In this work, we introduce enhanced high-order masking techniques tailored for Dilithium, the post-quantum signature scheme recently standardized by NIST. We improve the masked generation of the masking vector $\vec{y}$, based on a fast Boolean-to-arithmetic conversion modulo $q$. We also describe an optimized gadget for the high-order masked rejection sampling, with a complexity independent from the size of the modulus $q$. We prove the security of our gadgets in the classical ISW...

2024/1137 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-12
Cryptanalysis of EagleSign
Ludo N. Pulles, Mehdi Tibouchi
Attacks and cryptanalysis

EagleSign is one of the 40 “Round 1 Additional Signatures” that is accepted for consideration in the supplementary round of the Post-Quantum Cryptography standardization process, organized by NIST. Its design is based on structured lattices, and it boasts greater simplicity and performance compared to the two lattice signatures already selected for standardization: Falcon and Dilithium. In this paper, we show that those claimed advantages come at the cost of security. More precisely, we...

2024/1122 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-09
Finding Bugs and Features Using Cryptographically-Informed Functional Testing
Giacomo Fenzi, Jan Gilcher, Fernando Virdia

In 2018, Mouha et al. (IEEE Trans. Reliability, 2018) performed a post-mortem investigation of the correctness of reference implementations submitted to the SHA3 competition run by NIST, finding previously unidentified bugs in a significant portion of them, including two of the five finalists. Their innovative approach allowed them to identify the presence of such bugs in a black-box manner, by searching for counterexamples to expected cryptographic properties of the implementations under...

2024/1111 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-02
Collision Attacks on Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)
John Preuß Mattsson
Secret-key cryptography

Advanced Encryption Standard in Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) is the most widely used Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithm in the world. In this paper, we analyze the use of GCM with all the Initialization Vector (IV) constructions and lengths approved by NIST SP 800-38D when encrypting multiple plaintexts with the same key. We derive attack complexities in both ciphertext-only and known-plaintext models, with or without nonce hiding, for collision attacks...

2024/1106 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-11
Masked Vector Sampling for HQC
Maxime Spyropoulos, David Vigilant, Fabrice Perion, Renaud Pacalet, Laurent Sauvage

Anticipating the advent of large quantum computers, NIST started a worldwide competition in 2016 aiming to define the next cryptographic standards. HQC is one of these post-quantum schemes still in contention, with three others already standardized. In 2022, Guo et al. introduced a timing attack that exploited an inconsistency in HQC rejection sampling function to recover its secret key in 866,000 calls to an oracle. The authors of HQC updated its specification by applying an algorithm to...

2024/1069 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-10
Strong Existential Unforgeability and More of MPC-in-the-Head Signatures
Mukul Kulkarni, Keita Xagawa
Public-key cryptography

NIST started the standardization of additional post-quantum signatures in 2022. Among 40 candidates, a few of them showed their stronger security than existential unforgeability, strong existential unforgeability and BUFF (beyond unforgeability features) securities. Recently, Aulbach, Düzlü, Meyer, Struck, and Weishäupl (PQCrypto 2024) examined the BUFF securities of 17 out of 40 candidates. Unfortunately, on the so-called MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) signature schemes, we have no knowledge of...

2024/1033 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-26
Adaptively Secure 5 Round Threshold Signatures from MLWE/MSIS and DL with Rewinding
Shuichi Katsumata, Michael Reichle, Kaoru Takemure
Cryptographic protocols

T-out-of-N threshold signatures have recently seen a renewed interest, with various types now available, each offering different tradeoffs. However, one property that has remained elusive is adaptive security. When we target thresholdizing existing efficient signatures schemes based on the Fiat-Shamir paradigm such as Schnorr, the elusive nature becomes clear. This class of signature schemes typically rely on the forking lemma to prove unforgeability. That is, an adversary is rewound and...

2024/1030 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-26
GRASP: Accelerating Hash-based PQC Performance on GPU Parallel Architecture
Yijing Ning, Jiankuo Dong, Jingqiang Lin, Fangyu Zheng, Yu Fu, Zhenjiang Dong, Fu Xiao

$SPHINCS^+$, one of the Post-Quantum Cryptography Digital Signature Algorithms (PQC-DSA) selected by NIST in the third round, features very short public and private key lengths but faces significant performance challenges compared to other post-quantum cryptographic schemes, limiting its suitability for real-world applications. To address these challenges, we propose the GPU-based paRallel Accelerated $SPHINCS^+$ (GRASP), which leverages GPU technology to enhance the efficiency of...

2024/984 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-01
Side-Channel and Fault Resistant ASCON Implementation: A Detailed Hardware Evaluation (Extended Version)
Aneesh Kandi, Anubhab Baksi, Peizhou Gan, Sylvain Guilley, Tomáš Gerlich, Jakub Breier, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Ritu Ranjan Shrivastwa, Zdeněk Martinásek, Shivam Bhasin

In this work, we present various hardware implementations for the lightweight cipher ASCON, which was recently selected as the winner of the NIST organized Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) competition. We cover encryption + tag generation and decryption + tag verification for the ASCON AEAD and also the ASCON hash function. On top of the usual (unprotected) implementation, we present side-channel protection (threshold countermeasure) and triplication/majority-based fault protection. To the...

2024/946 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-12
Provably Secure Butterfly Key Expansion from the CRYSTALS Post-Quantum Schemes
Edward Eaton, Philippe Lamontagne, Peter Matsakis

This work presents the first provably secure protocol for Butterfly Key Expansion (BKE) -- a tripartite protocol for provisioning users with pseudonymous certificates -- based on post-quantum cryptographic schemes. Our work builds upon the CRYSTALS family of post-quantum algorithms that have been selected for standardization by NIST. We extend those schemes by imbuing them with the additional functionality of public key expansion: a process by which pseudonymous public keys can be derived by...

2024/904 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-06
On round elimination for special-sound multi-round identification and the generality of the hypercube for MPCitH
Andreas Hülsing, David Joseph, Christian Majenz, Anand Kumar Narayanan
Public-key cryptography

A popular way to build post-quantum signature schemes is by first constructing an identification scheme (IDS) and applying the Fiat-Shamir transform to it. In this work we tackle two open questions related to the general applicability of techniques around this approach that together allow for efficient post-quantum signatures with optimal security bounds in the QROM. First we consider a recent work by Aguilar-Melchor, Hülsing, Joseph, Majenz, Ronen, and Yue (Asiacrypt'23) that showed...

2024/858 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-31
Ascon-Keccak AEAD Algorithm
Stephan Müller
Secret-key cryptography

The Ascon specification defines among others an encryption scheme offering authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) which is based on a duplex mode of a sponge. With that it is the first of such algorithm selected and about to be standardized by NIST. The sponge size is comparatively small, 320 bits, as expected for lightweight cryptography. With that, the strength of the defined AEAD algorithm is limited to 128 bits. Albeit, the definition of the Ascon AEAD algorithm integrates...

2024/843 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-29
Formally verifying Kyber Episode V: Machine-checked IND-CCA security and correctness of ML-KEM in EasyCrypt
José Bacelar Almeida, Santiago Arranz Olmos, Manuel Barbosa, Gilles Barthe, François Dupressoir, Benjamin Grégoire, Vincent Laporte, Jean-Christophe Léchenet, Cameron Low, Tiago Oliveira, Hugo Pacheco, Miguel Quaresma, Peter Schwabe, Pierre-Yves Strub
Public-key cryptography

We present a formally verified proof of the correctness and IND-CCA security of ML-KEM, the Kyber-based Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) undergoing standardization by NIST. The proof is machine-checked in EasyCrypt and it includes: 1) A formalization of the correctness (decryption failure probability) and IND-CPA security of the Kyber base public-key encryption scheme, following Bos et al. at Euro S&P 2018; 2) A formalization of the relevant variant of the Fujisaki-Okamoto transform in...

2024/815 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-26
Faster verifications and smaller signatures: Trade-offs for ALTEQ using rejections
Arnaud Sipasseuth
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we introduce a new probability function parameter in the instantiations of the Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson with Fiat-Shamir and unbalanced challenges used in ALTEQ, a recent NIST PQC candidate in the call for additional signatures. This probability set at 100% does not bring any changes in the scheme, but modifies the public challenge generation process when below 100%, by injecting potential rejections in otherwise completely valid inputs. From a theoretical point of view,...

2024/810 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-24
The Perils of Limited Key Reuse: Adaptive and Parallel Mismatch Attacks with Post-processing Against Kyber
Qian Guo, Erik Mårtensson, Adrian Åström
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In this paper, we study the robustness of Kyber, the Learning With Errors (LWE)-based Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) chosen for standardization by NIST, against key mismatch attacks. We demonstrate that Kyber's security levels can be compromised with a few mismatch queries by striking a balance between the parallelization level and the cost of lattice reduction for post-processing. This highlights the imperative need to strictly prohibit key reuse in CPA-secure Kyber. We further...

2024/786 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-22
Modelling Ciphers with Overdefined Systems of Quadratic Equations: Application to Friday, Vision, RAIN and Biscuit
Fukang Liu, Mohammad Mahzoun, Willi Meier
Attacks and cryptanalysis

It is well-known that a system of equations becomes easier to solve when it is overdefined. In this work, we study how to overdefine the system of equations to describe the arithmetic oriented (AO) ciphers Friday, Vision, and RAIN, as well as a special system of quadratic equations over $\mathbb F_{2^{\ell}}$ used in the post-quantum signature scheme Biscuit. Our method is inspired by Courtois-Pieprzyk's and Murphy-Robshaw's methods to model AES with overdefined systems of quadratic...

2024/778 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-26
Ideal-to-isogeny algorithm using 2-dimensional isogenies and its application to SQIsign
Hiroshi Onuki, Kohei Nakagawa
Public-key cryptography

The Deuring correspondence is a correspondence between supersingular elliptic curves and quaternion orders. Under this correspondence, an isogeny between elliptic curves corresponds to a quaternion ideal. This correspondence plays an important role in isogeny-based cryptography and several algorithms to compute an isogeny corresponding to a quaternion ideal (ideal-to-isogeny algorithms) have been proposed. In particular, SQIsign is a signature scheme based on the Deuring correspondence and...

2024/771 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-04
SQIsign2D-East: A New Signature Scheme Using 2-dimensional Isogenies
Kohei Nakagawa, Hiroshi Onuki
Public-key cryptography

Isogeny-based cryptography is cryptographic schemes whose security is based on the hardness of a mathematical problem called the isogeny problem, and is attracting attention as one of the candidates for post-quantum cryptography. A representative isogeny-based cryptography is the signature scheme called SQIsign, which was submitted to the NIST PQC standardization competition. SQIsign has attracted much attention because of its very short signature and key size among the candidates for the...

2024/760 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-17
SQIsign2D-West: The Fast, the Small, and the Safer
Andrea Basso, Luca De Feo, Pierrick Dartois, Antonin Leroux, Luciano Maino, Giacomo Pope, Damien Robert, Benjamin Wesolowski
Public-key cryptography

We introduce SQIsign2D-West, a variant of SQIsign using two-dimensional isogeny representations. SQIsignHD was the first variant of SQIsign to use higher dimensional isogeny representations. Its eight-dimensional variant is geared towards provable security but is deemed unpractical. Its four-dimensional variant is geared towards efficiency and has significantly faster signing times than SQIsign, but slower verification owing to the complexity of the four-dimensional representation. Its...

2024/755 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-17
Efficient Second-Order Masked Software Implementations of Ascon in Theory and Practice
Barbara Gigerl, Florian Mendel, Martin Schläffer, Robert Primas

In this paper, we present efficient protected software implementations of the authenticated cipher Ascon, the recently announced winner of the NIST standardization process for lightweight cryptography. Our implementations target theoretical and practical security against second-order power analysis attacks. First, we propose an efficient second-order extension of a previously presented first-order masking of the Keccak S-box that does not require online randomness. The extension...

2024/748 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-16
PERK: Compact Signature Scheme Based on a New Variant of the Permuted Kernel Problem
Slim Bettaieb, Loïc Bidoux, Victor Dyseryn, Andre Esser, Philippe Gaborit, Mukul Kulkarni, Marco Palumbi
Public-key cryptography

In this work we introduce PERK a compact digital signature scheme based on the hardness of a new variant of the Permuted Kernel Problem (PKP). PERK achieves the smallest signature sizes for any PKP-based scheme for NIST category I security with 6 kB, while obtaining competitive signing and verification timings. PERK also compares well with the general state-of-the-art. To substantiate those claims we provide an optimized constant-time AVX2 implementation, a detailed performance analysis and...

2024/739 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-15
BGJ15 Revisited: Sieving with Streamed Memory Access
Ziyu Zhao, Jintai Ding, Bo-Yin Yang

The focus of this paper is to tackle the issue of memory access within sieving algorithms for lattice problems. We have conducted an in-depth analysis of an optimized BGJ sieve (Becker-Gama-Joux 2015), and our findings suggest that its inherent structure is significantly more memory-efficient compared to the asymptotically fastest BDGL sieve (Becker-Ducas-Gama-Laarhoven 2016). Specifically, it necessitates merely $2^{0.2075n + o(n)}$ streamed (non-random) main memory accesses for the...

2024/732 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-11
Compact Encryption based on Module-NTRU problems
Shi Bai, Hansraj Jangir, Hao Lin, Tran Ngo, Weiqiang Wen, Jinwei Zheng
Public-key cryptography

The Module-NTRU problem, introduced by Cheon, Kim, Kim, Son (IACR ePrint 2019/1468), and Chuengsatiansup, Prest, Stehlé, Wallet, Xagawa (ASIACCS ’20), generalizes the versatile NTRU assump- tion. One of its main advantages lies in its ability to offer greater flexibil- ity on parameters, such as the underlying ring dimension. In this work, we present several lattice-based encryption schemes, which are IND-CPA (or OW-CPA) secure in the standard model based on the Module-NTRU and...

2024/712 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-15
Quantum NV Sieve on Grover for Solving Shortest Vector Problem
Hyunji Kim, Kyungbae Jang, Hyunjun Kim, Anubhab Baksi, Sumanta Chakraborty, Hwajeong Seo
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Quantum computers can efficiently model and solve several challenging problems for classical computers, raising concerns about potential security reductions in cryptography. NIST is already considering potential quantum attacks in the development of post-quantum cryptography by estimating the quantum resources required for such quantum attacks. In this paper, we present quantum circuits for the NV sieve algorithm to solve the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP), which serves as the security...

2024/709 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-12
Masked Computation the Floor Function and its Application to the FALCON Signature
Pierre-Augustin Berthet, Justine Paillet, Cédric Tavernier
Public-key cryptography

FALCON is candidate for standardization of the new Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) primitives by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). However, it remains a challenge to define efficient countermeasures against side-channel attacks (SCA) for this algorithm. FALCON is a lattice-based signature that relies on rational numbers which is unusual in the cryptography field. While recent work proposed a solution to mask the addition and the multiplication, some roadblocks...

2024/702 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-28
Security Analysis of Signal's PQXDH Handshake
Rune Fiedler, Felix Günther
Cryptographic protocols

Signal recently deployed a new handshake protocol named PQXDH to protect against "harvest-now-decrypt-later" attacks of a future quantum computer. To this end, PQXDH adds a post-quantum KEM to the Diffie-Hellman combinations of the prior X3DH handshake. In this work, we give a reductionist security analysis of Signal's PQXDH handshake in a game-based security model that captures the targeted "maximum-exposure" security against both classical and quantum adversaries, allowing fine-grained...

2024/697 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-06
LINE: Cryptosystem based on linear equations for logarithmic signatures
Gennady Khalimov, Yevgen Kotukh, Maksym Kolisnyk, Svitlana Khalimova, Oleksandr Sievierinov
Public-key cryptography

The discourse herein pertains to a directional encryption cryptosystem predicated upon logarithmic signatures interconnected via a system of linear equations (we call it LINE). A logarithmic signature serves as a foundational cryptographic primitive within the algorithm, characterized by distinct cryptographic attributes including nonlinearity, noncommutativity, unidirectionality, and factorizability by key. The confidentiality of the cryptosystem is contingent upon the presence of an...

2024/609 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-20
New Security Proofs and Techniques for Hash-and-Sign with Retry Signature Schemes
Benoît Cogliati, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Louis Goubin, Brice Minaud
Public-key cryptography

Hash-and-Sign with Retry is a popular technique to design efficient signature schemes from code-based or multivariate assumptions. Contrary to Hash-and-Sign signatures based on preimage-sampleable functions as defined by Gentry, Peikert and Vaikuntanathan (STOC 2008), trapdoor functions in code-based and multivariate schemes are not surjective. Therefore, the standard approach uses random trials. Kosuge and Xagawa (PKC 2024) coined it the Hash-and-Sign with Retry paradigm. As many attacks...

2024/591 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-16
Hash your Keys before Signing: BUFF Security of the Additional NIST PQC Signatures
Thomas Aulbach, Samed Düzlü, Michael Meyer, Patrick Struck, Maximiliane Weishäupl
Public-key cryptography

In this work, we analyze the so-called Beyond UnForgeability Features (BUFF) security of the submissions to the current standardization process of additional signatures by NIST. The BUFF notions formalize security against maliciously generated keys and have various real-world use cases, where security can be guaranteed despite misuse potential on a protocol level. Consequently, NIST declared the security against the BUFF notions as desirable features. Despite NIST's interest, only $6$ out of...

2024/582 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-18
Improved Alternating-Moduli PRFs and Post-Quantum Signatures
Navid Alamati, Guru-Vamsi Policharla, Srinivasan Raghuraman, Peter Rindal
Cryptographic protocols

We revisit the alternating-moduli paradigm for constructing symmetric-key primitives with a focus on constructing efficient protocols to evaluate them using secure multi-party computation (MPC). The alternating-moduli paradigm of Boneh, Ishai, Passel�gue, Sahai, and Wu (TCC 2018) enables the construction of various symmetric-key primitives with the common characteristic that the inputs are multiplied by two linear maps over different moduli. The first contribution focuses on...

2024/579 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-15
Tight Multi-user Security of Ascon and Its Large Key Extension
Bishwajit Chakraborty, Chandranan Dhar, Mridul Nandi
Secret-key cryptography

The Ascon cipher suite has recently become the preferred standard in the NIST Lightweight Cryptography standardization process. Despite its prominence, the initial dedicated security analysis for the Ascon mode was conducted quite recently. This analysis demonstrated that the Ascon AEAD mode offers superior security compared to the generic Duplex mode, but it was limited to a specific scenario: single-user nonce-respecting, with a capacity strictly larger than the key size. In this paper, we...

2024/541 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-16
Dual Support Decomposition in the Head: Shorter Signatures from Rank SD and MinRank
Loïc Bidoux, Thibauld Feneuil, Philippe Gaborit, Romaric Neveu, Matthieu Rivain
Public-key cryptography

The MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) paradigm is widely used for building post-quantum signature schemes, as it provides a versatile way to design proofs of knowledge based on hard problems. Over the years, the MPCitH landscape has changed significantly, with the most recent improvements coming from VOLE-in-the-Head (VOLEitH) and Threshold-Computation-in-the-Head (TCitH). While a straightforward application of these frameworks already improve the existing MPCitH-based signatures, we show in...

2024/513 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-23
Quantum Implementation and Analysis of SHA-2 and SHA-3
Kyungbae Jang, Sejin Lim, Yujin Oh, Hyunjun Kim, Anubhab Baksi, Sumanta Chakraborty, Hwajeong Seo

Quantum computers have the potential to solve hard problems that are nearly impossible to solve by classical computers, this has sparked a surge of research to apply quantum technology and algorithm against the cryptographic systems to evaluate for its quantum resistance. In the process of selecting post-quantum standards, NIST categorizes security levels based on the complexity that quantum computers would require to crack AES encryption (levels 1, 3 and 5) and SHA-2 or SHA-3 (levels 2 and...

2024/496 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-02
Two-Round Threshold Signature from Algebraic One-More Learning with Errors
Thomas Espitau, Shuichi Katsumata, Kaoru Takemure
Cryptographic protocols

Threshold signatures have recently seen a renewed interest due to applications in cryptocurrency while NIST has released a call for multi-party threshold schemes, with a deadline for submission expected for the first half of 2025. So far, all lattice-based threshold signatures requiring less than two-rounds are based on heavy tools such as (fully) homomorphic encryption (FHE) and homomorphic trapdoor commitments (HTDC). This is not unexpected considering that most efficient two-round...

2024/401 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-05
Plover: Masking-Friendly Hash-and-Sign Lattice Signatures
Muhammed F. Esgin, Thomas Espitau, Guilhem Niot, Thomas Prest, Amin Sakzad, Ron Steinfeld
Public-key cryptography

We introduce a toolkit for transforming lattice-based hash-and-sign signature schemes into masking-friendly signatures secure in the t-probing model. Until now, efficiently masking lattice-based hash-and-sign schemes has been an open problem, with unsuccessful attempts such as Mitaka. A first breakthrough was made in 2023 with the NIST PQC submission Raccoon, although it was not formally proven. Our main conceptual contribution is to realize that the same principles underlying Raccoon...

2024/393 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-07
Solving McEliece-1409 in One Day --- Cryptanalysis with the Improved BJMM Algorithm
Shintaro Narisada, Shusaku Uemura, Hiroki Okada, Hiroki Furue, Yusuke Aikawa, Kazuhide Fukushima
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Syndrome decoding problem (SDP) is the security assumption of the code-based cryptography. Three out of the four NIST-PQC round 4 candidates are code-based cryptography. Information set decoding (ISD) is known for the fastest existing algorithm to solve SDP instances with relatively high code rate. Security of code-based cryptography is often constructed on the asymptotic complexity of the ISD algorithm. However, the concrete complexity of the ISD algorithm has hardly ever been known....

2024/371 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-29
Preimage Attacks on Reduced-Round Ascon-Xof
Seungjun Baek, Giyoon Kim, Jongsung Kim
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Ascon, a family of algorithms that supports authenticated encryption and hashing, has been selected as the new standard for lightweight cryptography in the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Project. Ascon’s permutation and authenticated encryption have been actively analyzed, but there are relatively few analyses on the hashing. In this paper, we concentrate on preimage attacks on Ascon-Xof. We focus on linearizing the polynomials leaked by the hash value to find its inverse. In an attack on...

2024/368 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-28
Algorithms for Matrix Code and Alternating Trilinear Form Equivalences via New Isomorphism Invariants
Anand Kumar Narayanan, Youming Qiao, Gang Tang
Attacks and cryptanalysis

We devise algorithms for finding equivalences of trilinear forms over finite fields modulo linear group actions. Our focus is on two problems under this umbrella, Matrix Code Equivalence (MCE) and Alternating Trilinear Form Equivalence (ATFE), since their hardness is the foundation of the NIST round-$1$ signature candidates MEDS and ALTEQ respectively. We present new algorithms for MCE and ATFE, which are further developments of the algorithms for polynomial isomorphism and alternating...

2024/367 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-31
Accelerating SLH-DSA by Two Orders of Magnitude with a Single Hash Unit
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen

We report on efficient and secure hardware implementation techniques for the FIPS 205 SLH-DSA Hash-Based Signature Standard. We demonstrate that very significant overall performance gains can be obtained from hardware that optimizes the padding formats and iterative hashing processes specific to SLH-DSA. A prototype implementation, SLotH, contains Keccak/SHAKE, SHA2-256, and SHA2-512 cores and supports all 12 parameter sets of SLH-DSA. SLotH also supports side-channel secure PRF computation...

2024/364 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-07
Algebraic Algorithm for the Alternating Trilinear Form Equivalence Problem
Lars Ran, Simona Samardjiska, Monika Trimoska
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The Alternating Trilinear Form Equivalence (ATFE) problem was recently used by Tang et al. as a hardness assumption in the design of a Fiat-Shamir digital signature scheme ALTEQ. The scheme was submitted to the additional round for digital signatures of the NIST standardization process for post-quantum cryptography. ATFE is a hard equivalence problem known to be in the class of equivalence problems that includes, for instance, the Tensor Isomorphism (TI), Quadratic Maps Linear...

2024/358 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-28
Stateless Deterministic Multi-Party EdDSA Signatures with Low Communication
Qi Feng, Kang Yang, Kaiyi Zhang, Xiao Wang, Yu Yu, Xiang Xie, Debiao He
Cryptographic protocols

EdDSA, standardized by both IRTF and NIST, is a variant of the well-known Schnorr signature scheme based on Edwards curves, benefitting from stateless and deterministic derivation of nonces (i.e., it does not require a reliable source of randomness or state continuity). Recently, NIST called for multi-party threshold EdDSA signatures in one mode of verifying such nonce derivation via zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs. However, it is challenging to translate the stateless and deterministic benefits...

2024/353 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-08
FuLeakage: Breaking FuLeeca by Learning Attacks
Felicitas Hörmann, Wessel van Woerden
Attacks and cryptanalysis

FuLeeca is a signature scheme submitted to the recent NIST call for additional signatures. It is an efficient hash-and-sign scheme based on quasi-cyclic codes in the Lee metric and resembles the lattice-based signature Falcon. FuLeeca proposes a so-called concentration step within the signing procedure to avoid leakage of secret-key information from the signatures. However, FuLeeca is still vulnerable to learning attacks, which were first observed for lattice-based schemes. We present three...

2024/349 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-27
New Records in Collision Attacks on SHA-2
Yingxin Li, Fukang Liu, Gaoli Wang
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The SHA-2 family including SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224 and SHA512/256 is a U.S. federal standard pub- lished by NIST. Especially, there is no doubt that SHA-256 is one of the most important hash functions used in real-world applications. Due to its complex design compared with SHA-1, there is almost no progress in collision attacks on SHA-2 after ASIACRYPT 2015. In this work, we retake this challenge and aim to significantly improve collision attacks on the SHA-2...

2024/343 Last updated: 2024-04-08
Partial Differential Fault Analysis on Ascon
Yang Gao
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) is a trend in applied cryptography because it combine confidentiality, integrity, and authentication into one algorithm and is more efficient than using block ciphers and hash functions separately. The Ascon algorithm, as the winner in both the CAESAR competition and the NIST LwC competition, will soon become the AEAD standard for protecting the Internet of Things and micro devices with limited computing resources. We propose a partial...

2024/333 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-26
Practical Attack on All Parameters of the DME Signature Scheme
Pierre Briaud, Maxime Bros, Ray Perlner, Daniel Smith-Tone
Attacks and cryptanalysis

DME is a multivariate scheme submitted to the call for additional signatures recently launched by NIST. Its performance is one of the best among all the candidates. The public key is constructed from the alternation of very structured linear and non-linear components that constitute the private key, the latter being defined over an extension field. We exploit these structures by proposing an algebraic attack which is practical on all DME parameters.

2024/311 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-09
Aggregating Falcon Signatures with LaBRADOR
Marius A. Aardal, Diego F. Aranha, Katharina Boudgoust, Sebastian Kolby, Akira Takahashi
Public-key cryptography

Several prior works have suggested to use non-interactive arguments of knowledge with short proofs to aggregate signatures of Falcon, which is part of the first post-quantum signatures selected for standardization by NIST. Especially LaBRADOR, based on standard structured lattice assumptions and published at CRYPTO’23, seems promising to realize this task. However, no prior work has tackled this idea in a rigorous way. In this paper, we thoroughly prove how to aggregate Falcon signatures...

2024/279 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-13
Polynomial-Time Key-Recovery Attack on the ${\tt NIST}$ Specification of ${\tt PROV}$
River Moreira Ferreira, Ludovic Perret
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In this paper, we present an efficient attack against ${\tt PROV}$, a recent variant of the popular Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (${\tt UOV}$) multivariate signature scheme, that has been submitted to the ongoing ${\tt NIST}$ standardization process for additional post-quantum signature schemes. A notable feature of ${\tt PROV}$ is its proof of security, namely, existential unforgeability under a chosen-message attack (${\tt EUF-CMA}$), assuming the hardness of solving the system formed by the...

2024/244 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-24
Don’t Use It Twice! Solving Relaxed Linear Code Equivalence Problems
Alessandro Budroni, Jesús-Javier Chi-Domínguez, Giuseppe D'Alconzo, Antonio J. Di Scala, Mukul Kulkarni
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The Linear Code Equivalence (LCE) Problem has received increased attention in recent years due to its applicability in constructing efficient digital signatures. Notably, the LESS signature scheme based on LCE is under consideration for the NIST post-quantum standardization process, along with the MEDS signature scheme that relies on an extension of LCE to the rank metric, namely the Matrix Code Equivalence (MCE) Problem. Building upon these developments, a family of signatures with...

2024/239 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-26
Simulation-Secure Threshold PKE from Standard (Ring-)LWE
Hiroki Okada, Tsuyoshi Takagi
Public-key cryptography

Threshold public key encryption (ThPKE) is PKE that can be decrypted by collecting “partial decryptions” from t (≤ N) out of N parties. ThPKE based on the learning with errors problem (LWE) is particularly important because it can be extended to threshold fully homomorphic encryption (ThFHE). ThPKE and ThFHE are fundamental tools for constructing multiparty computation (MPC) protocols: In 2023, NIST initiated a project (NIST IR 8214C) to establish guidelines for implementing threshold...

2024/238 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-14
A Single Trace Fault Injection Attack on Hedged CRYSTALS-Dilithium
Sönke Jendral
Attacks and cryptanalysis

CRYSTALS-Dilithium is a post-quantum secure digital signature algorithm currently being standardised by NIST. As a result, devices making use of CRYSTALS-Dilithium will soon become generally available and be deployed in various environments. It is thus important to assess the resistance of CRYSTALS-Dilithum implementations to physical attacks. In this paper, we present an attack on a CRYSTALS-Dilithium implementation in hedged mode in ARM Cortex-M4 using fault injection. Voltage glitching...

2024/230 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-10
Analysis of Layered ROLLO-I: A BII-LRPC code-based KEM
Seongtaek Chee, Kyung Chul Jeong, Tanja Lange, Nari Lee, Alex Pellegrini, Hansol Ryu
Attacks and cryptanalysis

We analyze Layered ROLLO-I, a code-based cryptosystem published in IEEE Communications Letters and submitted to the Korean post-quantum cryptography competition. Four versions of Layered ROLLO-I have been proposed in the competition. We show that the first two versions do not provide the claimed security against rank decoding attacks and give reductions to small instances of the original ROLLO-I scheme, which was a candidate in the NIST competition and eliminated there due to rank...

2024/219 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-02
Singular points of UOV and VOX
Pierre P�bereau
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In this work, we study the singular locus of the varieties defined by the public keys of UOV and VOX, two multivariate quadratic signature schemes submitted to the additional NIST call for signature schemes. Singular points do not exist for generic quadratic systems, which enables us to introduce a new algebraic attack against UOV-based schemes. We show that this attack can be seen as an algebraic variant of the Kipnis-Shamir attack, which can be obtained in our framework as an...

2024/214 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-13
Distributed Fiat-Shamir Transform: from Threshold Identification Protocols to Signatures
Michele Battagliola, Andrea Flamini
Public-key cryptography

The recent surge of distribute technologies caused an increasing interest towards threshold signature protocols, that peaked with the recent NIST First Call for Multi-Party Threshold Schemes. Since its introduction, the Fiat-Shamir Transform has been the most popular way to design standard digital signature schemes. Many threshold signature schemes are designed in a way that recalls the structure of digital signatures created using Fiat Shamir, by having the signers generate a common...

2024/212 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-12
Analysis of a Programmable Quantum Annealer as a Random Number Generator
Elijah Pelofske

Quantum devices offer a highly useful function - that is generating random numbers in a non-deterministic way since the measurement of a quantum state is not deterministic. This means that quantum devices can be constructed that generate qubits in a uniform superposition and then measure the state of those qubits. If the preparation of the qubits in a uniform superposition is unbiased, then quantum computers can be used to create high entropy, secure random numbers. Typically, preparing and...

2024/208 Last updated: 2024-05-08
Asymmetric Cryptography from Number Theoretic Transformations
Samuel Lavery
Public-key cryptography

In this work, we introduce a family of asymmetric cryptographic functions based on dynamic number theoretic transformations with multiple rounds of modular arithmetic to enhance diffusion and difficulty of inversion. This function acts as a basic cryptographic building block for a novel communication-efficient zero-knowledge crypto-system. The system as defined exhibits partial homomorphism and behaves as an additive positive accumulator. By using a novel technique to constructively embed...

2024/193 Last updated: 2024-04-25
MQ Does Not Reduce to TUOV
Laura Maddison
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The submission of the Triangular Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (TUOV) digital signature scheme to the NIST competition in 2023 claims that if the Multivariate Quadratic (MQ) problem (with suitable parameters) is hard, then the TUOV problem must also be hard. We show why the proof fails and why the claimed theorem cannot be true in general.

2024/184 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-07
Threshold Raccoon: Practical Threshold Signatures from Standard Lattice Assumptions
Rafael del Pino, Shuichi Katsumata, Mary Maller, Fabrice Mouhartem, Thomas Prest, Markku-Juhani Saarinen
Cryptographic protocols

Threshold signatures improve both availability and security of digital signatures by splitting the signing key into $N$ shares handed out to different parties. Later on, any subset of at least $T$ parties can cooperate to produce a signature on a given message. While threshold signatures have been extensively studied in the pre-quantum setting, they remain sparse from quantum-resilient assumptions. We present the first efficient lattice-based threshold signatures with signature size 13...

2024/169 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-05
Machine Learning based Blind Side-Channel Attacks on PQC-based KEMs - A Case Study of Kyber KEM
Prasanna Ravi, Dirmanto Jap, Shivam Bhasin, Anupam Chattopadhyay
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Kyber KEM, the NIST selected PQC standard for Public Key Encryption and Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) has been subjected to a variety of side-channel attacks, through the course of the NIST PQC standardization process. However, all these attacks targeting the decapsulation procedure of Kyber KEM either require knowledge of the ciphertexts or require to control the value of ciphertexts for key recovery. However, there are no known attacks in a blind setting, where the attacker does not...

2024/166 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-05
A Practical MinRank Attack Against VOX
Hao Guo, Jintai Ding
Attacks and cryptanalysis

VOX is a UOV-like signature scheme submitted to Round 1 additional signatures of NIST PQC standardization process. In 2023 Furue and Ikematsu proposed a rectangular MinRank attack on VOX, resulting in the submitters changing their parameters to counter this attack. In this paper we propose a new type of MinRank attack called padded MinRank attack. We show that the attack is highly efficient in its running time, taking less than one minute to break eight of nine parameters and about eight...

2024/150 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-02
SALSA FRESCA: Angular Embeddings and Pre-Training for ML Attacks on Learning With Errors
Samuel Stevens, Emily Wenger, Cathy Yuanchen Li, Niklas Nolte, Eshika Saxena, Francois Charton, Kristin Lauter
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Learning with Errors (LWE) is a hard math problem underlying post-quantum cryptography (PQC) systems for key exchange and digital signatures, recently standardized by NIST. Prior work [Wenger et al., 2022; Li et al., 2023a;b] proposed new machine learning (ML)-based attacks on LWE problems with small, sparse secrets, but these attacks require millions of LWE samples to train on and take days to recover secrets. We propose three key methods—better pre-processing, angular embeddings and model...

2024/148 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-01
Preliminary Cryptanalysis of the Biscuit Signature Scheme
Charles Bouillaguet, Julia Sauvage
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Biscuit is a recent multivariate signature scheme based on the MPC-in-the-Head paradigm. It has been submitted to the NIST competition for additional signature schemes. Signatures are derived from a zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of the solution of a structured polynomial system. This extra structure enables efficient proofs and compact signatures. This short note demonstrates that it also makes these polynomial systems easier to solve than random ones. As a consequence, the original...

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