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193 results sorted by ID

2024/1283 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-14
Password-authenticated Cryptography from Consumable Tokens
Ghada Almashaqbeh
Cryptographic protocols

Passwords are widely adopted for user authentication in practice, which led to the question of whether we can bootstrap a strongly-secure setting based on them. Historically, this has been extensively studied for key exchange; bootstrap from a low-entropy password to a high entropy key securing the communication. Other instances include digital lockers, signatures, secret sharing, and encryption. Motivated by a recent work on consumable tokens (Almashaqbeh et al., Eurocrypt 2022), we...

2024/1166 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-19
On the Relationship between FuncCPA and FuncCPA+
Takumi Shinozaki, Keisuke Tanaka, Masayuki Tezuka, Yusuke Yoshida
Public-key cryptography

Akavia, Gentry, Halevi, and Vald introduced the security notion of function-chosen-plaintext-attack (FuncCPA security) for public-key encryption schemes. FuncCPA is defined by adding a functional re-encryption oracle to the IND-CPA game. This notion is crucial for secure computation applications where the server is allowed to delegate a part of the computation to the client. Dodis, Halevi, and Wichs introduced a stronger variant called FuncCPA$^+$. They showed FuncCPA$^+$ implies...

2024/978 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-16
Distributed PIR: Scaling Private Messaging via the Users' Machines
Elkana Tovey, Jonathan Weiss, Yossi Gilad

This paper presents a new architecture for metadata-private messaging that counters scalability challenges by offloading most computations to the clients. At the core of our design is a distributed private information retrieval (PIR) protocol, where the responder delegates its work to alleviate PIR's computational bottleneck and catches misbehaving delegates by efficiently verifying their results. We introduce DPIR, a messaging system that uses distributed PIR to let a server storing...

2024/914 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-07
Compact Key Storage: A Modern Approach to Key Backup and Delegation
Yevgeniy Dodis, Daniel Jost, Antonio Marcedone
Cryptographic protocols

End-to-End (E2E) encrypted messaging, which prevents even the service provider from learning communication contents, is gaining popularity. Since users care about maintaining access to their data even if their devices are lost or broken or just replaced, these systems are often paired with cloud backup solutions: Typically, the user will encrypt their messages with a fixed key, and upload the ciphertexts to the server. Unfortunately, this naive solution has many drawbacks. First, it often...

2024/537 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-06
Confidential and Verifiable Machine Learning Delegations on the Cloud
Wenxuan Wu, Soamar Homsi, Yupeng Zhang
Cryptographic protocols

With the growing adoption of cloud computing, the ability to store data and delegate computations to powerful and affordable cloud servers have become advantageous for both companies and individual users. However, the security of cloud computing has emerged as a significant concern. Particularly, Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) cannot assure data confidentiality and computations integrity in mission-critical applications. In this paper, we propose a confidential and verifiable delegation...

2024/293 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-21
Registered Attribute-Based Signature
Yijian Zhang, Jun Zhao, Ziqi Zhu, Junqing Gong, Jie Chen
Public-key cryptography

This paper introduces the notion of registered attribute-based signature (registered ABS). Distinctly different from classical attribute-based signature (ABS), registered ABS allows any user to generate their own public/secret key pair and register it with the system. The key curator is critical to keep the system flowing, which is a fully transparent entity that does not retain secrets. Our results can be summarized as follows. -This paper provides the first definition of registered...

2024/055 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-18
Multi-Hop Fine-Grained Proxy Re-Encryption
Yunxiao Zhou, Shengli Liu, Shuai Han
Public-key cryptography

Proxy re-encryption (PRE) allows a proxy to transform a ciphertext intended for Alice (delegator) to another ciphertext intended for Bob (delegatee) without revealing the underlying message. Recently, a new variant of PRE, namely fine-grained PRE (FPRE), was proposed in [Zhou et al., Asiacrypt 2023]. Generally, FPRE is designed for a function family F: each re-encryption key rk_{A→B}^f is associated with a function f ∈ F, and with rk_{A→B}^f, a proxy can transform Alice's ciphertext...

2024/034 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-15
How (not) to hash into class groups of imaginary quadratic fields?
István András Seres, Péter Burcsi, Péter Kutas
Secret-key cryptography

Class groups of imaginary quadratic fields (class groups for short) have seen a resurgence in cryptography as transparent groups of unknown order. They are a prime candidate for being a trustless alternative to RSA groups because class groups do not need a (distributed) trusted setup to sample a cryptographically secure group of unknown order. Class groups have recently found many applications in verifiable secret sharing, secure multiparty computation, transparent polynomial commitments,...

2023/1773 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-07
Scalable and Adaptively Secure Any-Trust Distributed Key Generation and All-hands Checkpointing
Hanwen Feng, Tiancheng Mai, Qiang Tang
Cryptographic protocols

The classical distributed key generation protocols (DKG) are resurging due to their widespread applications in blockchain. While efforts have been made to improve DKG communication, practical large-scale deployments are still yet to come due to various challenges, including the heavy computation and communication (particularly broadcast) overhead in their adversarial cases. In this paper, we propose a practical DKG for DLog-based cryptosystems, which achieves (quasi-)linear computation and...

2023/1394 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-18
Incrementally Verifiable Computation via Rate-1 Batch Arguments
Omer Paneth, Rafael Pass
Cryptographic protocols

Non-interactive delegation schemes enable producing succinct proofs (that can be efficiently verified) that a machine $M$ transitions from $c_1$ to $c_2$ in a certain number of deterministic steps. We here consider the problem of efficiently \emph{merging} such proofs: given a proof $\Pi_1$ that $M$ transitions from $c_1$ to $c_2$, and a proof $\Pi_2$ that $M$ transitions from $c_2$ to $c_3$, can these proofs be efficiently merged into a single short proof (of roughly the same size as the...

2023/1107 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-07-15
Verifiable Timed Proxy Signatures and Multi-signatures
Duygu Ozden, Oğuz Yayla
Cryptographic protocols

Verifiable timed commitments serve as cryptographic tools that enable the binding of information to specific time intervals. By integrating these commitments into signature schemes, secure and tamper-evident digital signatures can be generated, ensuring the integrity of time-sensitive mechanisms. This article delves into the concept of verifiable timed commitments and explores their efficient applications in digital signature constructions. Specifically, it focuses on two important signature...

2023/1077 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-07-24
Taming Adaptivity in YOSO Protocols: The Modular Way
Ran Canetti, Sebastian Kolby, Divya Ravi, Eduardo Soria-Vazquez, Sophia Yakoubov
Cryptographic protocols

YOSO-style MPC protocols (Gentry et al., Crypto'21), are a promising framework where the overall computation is partitioned into small, short-lived pieces, delegated to subsets of one-time stateless parties. Such protocols enable gaining from the security benefits provided by using a large community of participants where "mass corruption" of a large fraction of participants is considered unlikely, while keeping the computational and communication costs manageable. However, fully realizing...

2023/1040 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-24
E2E near-standard and practical authenticated transciphering
Ehud Aharoni, Nir Drucker, Gilad Ezov, Eyal Kushnir, Hayim Shaul, Omri Soceanu

Homomorphic encryption (HE) enables computation delegation to untrusted third parties while maintaining data confidentiality. Hybrid encryption (a.k.a transciphering) allows a reduction in the number of ciphertexts and storage size, which makes FHE solutions practical for a variety of modern applications. Still, modern transciphering has three main drawbacks: 1) lack of standardization or bad performance of symmetric decryption under FHE; 2) post-HE-evaluation is limited to small-size...

2023/833 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-02
Anonymous, Timed and Revocable Proxy Signatures
Ghada Almashaqbeh, Anca Nitulescu
Cryptographic protocols

A proxy signature enables a party to delegate her signing power to another. This is useful in practice to achieve goals related to robustness, crowd-sourcing, and workload sharing. Such applications, especially in the blockchain model, usually require delegation to satisfy several properties, including time bounds, anonymity, revocability, and policy enforcement. Despite the large amount of work on proxy signatures in the literature, none of the existing schemes satisfy all these properties;...

2023/632 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-04
High-Throughput Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on Fully Homomorphic Encryption Using Channel-By-Channel Packing
Jung Hee Cheon, Minsik Kang, Taeseong Kim, Junyoung Jung, Yongdong Yeo

Secure Machine Learning as a Service is a viable solution where clients seek secure delegation of the ML computation while protecting their sensitive data. We propose an efficient method to securely evaluate deep standard convolutional neural networks based on CKKS fully homomorphic encryption, in the manner of batch inference. In this paper, we introduce a packing method called Channel-by-Channel Packing that maximizes the slot compactness and single-instruction-multipledata capabilities in...

2023/591 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-05
Post-Quantum Public-key Authenticated Searchable Encryption with Forward Security: General Construction, and Applications
Shiyuan Xu, Yibo Cao, Xue Chen, Yanmin Zhao, Siu-Ming Yiu
Public-key cryptography

Public-key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) was first proposed by Boneh et al. (EUROCRYPT 2004), achieving the ability to search for ciphertext files. Nevertheless, it is vulnerable to inside keyword guessing attacks (IKGA). Public-key authenticated encryption with keyword search (PAEKS), introduced by Huang et al. (Inf. Sci. 2017), on the other hand, is secure against IKGA. Nonetheless, it is susceptible to quantum computing attacks. Liu et al. and Cheng et al. addressed this problem...

2023/379 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-03-15
Asymmetric Quantum Secure Multi-Party Computation With Weak Clients Against Dishonest Majority
Theodoros Kapourniotis, Elham Kashefi, Dominik Leichtle, Luka Music, Harold Ollivier
Cryptographic protocols

Secure multi-party computation (SMPC) protocols allow several parties that distrust each other to collectively compute a function on their inputs. In this paper, we introduce a protocol that lifts classical SMPC to quantum SMPC in a composably and statistically secure way, even for a single honest party. Unlike previous quantum SMPC protocols, our proposal only requires very limited quantum resources from all but one party; it suffices that the weak parties, i.e. the clients, are able to...

2023/291 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-26
PEO-Store: Practical and Economical Oblivious Store with Peer-to-Peer Delegation
Wenlong Tian, Jian Guo, Zhiyong Xu, Ruixuan Li, Weijun Xiao

The growing popularity of cloud storage has brought attention to critical need for preventing information leakage from cloud access patterns. To this end, recent efforts have extended Oblivious RAM (ORAM) to the cloud environment in the form of Oblivious Store. However, its impracticality due to the use of probability encryption with fake accesses to obfuscate the access pattern, as well as the security requirements of conventional obliviousness designs, which hinder cloud interests in...

2023/265 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-01
Software with Certified Deletion
James Bartusek, Vipul Goyal, Dakshita Khurana, Giulio Malavolta, Justin Raizes, Bhaskar Roberts

Is it possible to prove the deletion of a computer program after having executed it? While this task is clearly impossible using classical information alone, the laws of quantum mechanics may admit a solution to this problem. In this work, we propose a new approach to answer this question, using quantum information. In the interactive settings, we present the first fully-secure solution for blind delegation with certified deletion, assuming post-quantum hardness of the learning with errors...

2023/248 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-21
Unique-Path Identity Based Encryption With Applications to Strongly Secure Messaging
Paul R�sler, Daniel Slamanig, Christoph Striecks
Public-key cryptography

Hierarchical Identity Based Encryption (HIBE) is a well studied, versatile tool used in many cryptographic protocols. Yet, since the performance of all known HIBE constructions is broadly considered prohibitive, some real-world applications avoid relying on HIBE at the expense of security. A prominent example for this is secure messaging: Strongly secure messaging protocols are provably equivalent to Key-Updatable Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KU-KEMs; Balli et al., Asiacrypt 2020); so far,...

2023/012 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-30
Delegated Private Matching for Compute
Dimitris Mouris, Daniel Masny, Ni Trieu, Shubho Sengupta, Prasad Buddhavarapu, Benjamin Case
Cryptographic protocols

Private matching for compute (PMC) establishes a match between two datasets owned by mutually distrusted parties ($C$ and $P$) and allows the parties to input more data for the matched records for arbitrary downstream secure computation without rerunning the private matching component. The state-of-the-art PMC protocols only support two parties and assume that both parties can participate in computationally intensive secure computation. We observe that such operational overhead limits the...

2022/1778 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-30
Asynchronous Delegated Private Set Intersection with Hiding of Intersection Size
Wyatt Howe, Andrei Lapets, Frederick Jansen, Tanner Braun, Ben Getchell
Cryptographic protocols

Integrating private set intersection (PSI) protocols within real-world data workflows, software applications, or web services can be challenging. This can occur because data contributors and result recipients do not have the technical expertise, information technology infrastructure, or other resources to participate throughout the execution of a protocol and/or to incur all the communication costs associated with participation. Furthermore, contemporary workflows, applications, and services...

2022/1772 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-28
You Can Sign but Not Decrypt: Hierarchical Integrated Encryption and Signature
Min Zhang, Binbin Tu, Yu Chen
Public-key cryptography

Recently, Chen et al. (ASIACRYPT 2021) introduced a notion called hierarchical integrated signature and encryption (HISE), which provides a new principle for combining public key schemes. It uses a single public key for both signature and encryption schemes, and one can derive a decryption key from the signing key but not vice versa. Whereas, they left the dual notion where the signing key can be derived from the decryption key as an open problem. In this paper, we resolve the problem by...

2022/1545 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-22
On Structure-Preserving Cryptography and Lattices
Dennis Hofheinz, Kristina Host�kov�, Roman Langrehr, Bogdan Ursu

The Groth-Sahai proof system is a highly efficient pairing-based proof system for a specific class of group-based languages. Cryptographic primitives that are compatible with these languages (such that we can express, e.g., that a ciphertext contains a valid signature for a given message) are called "structure-preserving". The combination of structure-preserving primitives with Groth-Sahai proofs allows to prove complex statements that involve encryptions and signatures, and has proved...

2022/1527 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-01
Pattern Matching in Encrypted Stream from Inner Product Encryption
�lie Bouscati�, Guilhem Castagnos, Olivier Sanders
Public-key cryptography

Functional encryption features secret keys, each associated with a key function $f$, which allow to directly recover $f(x)$ from an encryption of $x$, without learning anything more about $x$. This property is particularly useful when delegating data processing to a third party as it allows the latter to perfom its task while ensuring minimum data leakage. However, this generic term conceals a great diversity in the cryptographic constructions that strongly differ according to the functions...

2022/1459 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-08
Circuit Privacy for FHEW/TFHE-Style Fully Homomorphic Encryption in Practice
Kamil Kluczniak
Public-key cryptography

A fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme allows a client to encrypt and delegate its data to a server that performs computation on the encrypted data that the client can then decrypt. While FHE gives confidentiality to clients' data, it does not protect the server's input and computation. Nevertheless, FHE schemes are still helpful in building delegation protocols that reduce communication complexity, as the ciphertext's size is independent of the size of the computation performed on...

2022/1432 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-21
A Lattice-based Ring Signature Scheme Secure against Key Exposure
Xiaoling Yu, Yuntao Wang
Public-key cryptography

A ring signature scheme allows a group member to generate a signature on behalf of the whole group, while the verifier can not tell who computed this signature. However, most predecessors do not guarantee security from the secret key leakage of signers. In 2002, Anderson proposed the forward security mechanism to reduce the effect of such leakage. In this paper, we construct the first lattice-based ring signature scheme with forward security. Our scheme combines the binary tree and lattice...

2022/1411 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-07
Cryptographic Administration for Secure Group Messaging
David Balbás, Daniel Collins, Serge Vaudenay
Cryptographic protocols

Many real-world group messaging systems delegate group administration to the application level, failing to provide formal guarantees related to group membership. Taking a cryptographic approach to group administration can prevent both implementation and protocol design pitfalls that result in a loss of confidentiality and consistency for group members. In this work, we introduce a cryptographic framework for the design of group messaging protocols that offer strong security guarantees for...

2022/1304 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-30
Unifying Quantum Verification and Error-Detection: Theory and Tools for Optimisations
Theodoros Kapourniotis, Elham Kashefi, Dominik Leichtle, Luka Music, Harold Ollivier
Cryptographic protocols

With the recent availability of cloud quantum computing services, the question of verifying quantum computations delegated by a client to a quantum server is becoming of practical interest. While Verifiable Blind Quantum Computing (VBQC) has emerged as one of the key approaches to address this challenge, current protocols still need to be optimised before they are truly practical. To this end, we establish a fundamental correspondence between error-detection and verification and provide...

2022/857 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-06-28
Succinct Classical Verification of Quantum Computation
James Bartusek, Yael Tauman Kalai, Alex Lombardi, Fermi Ma, Giulio Malavolta, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Thomas Vidick, Lisa Yang

We construct a classically verifiable succinct interactive argument for quantum computation (BQP) with communication complexity and verifier runtime that are poly-logarithmic in the runtime of the BQP computation (and polynomial in the security parameter). Our protocol is secure assuming the post-quantum security of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) and Learning with Errors (LWE). This is the first succinct argument for quantum computation in the plain model; prior work...

2022/680 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-24
Practical Delegatable Anonymous Credentials From Equivalence Class Signatures
Omid Mir, Daniel Slamanig, Balthazar Bauer, René Mayrhofer
Cryptographic protocols

Anonymous credentials systems (ACs) are a powerful cryptographic tool for privacy-preserving applications and provide strong user privacy guarantees for authentication and access control. ACs allow users to prove possession of attributes encoded in a credential without revealing any information beyond them. A delegatable AC (DAC) system is an enhanced AC system that allows the owners of credentials to delegate the obtained credential to other users. This allows to model hierarchies as...

2022/637 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-09
Conditional Attribute-Based Proxy Re-Encryption: Definitions and Constructions from LWE
Lisha Yao, Jian Weng, Pengfei Wu, Xiaoguo Li, Yi Liu, Junzuo Lai, Guomin Yang, Robert H. Deng
Public-key cryptography

Attribute-based proxy re-encryption (AB-PRE) is one of the essential variants for proxy re-encryption. It allows a proxy with a re-encryption key to transform a ciphertext associated with an access policy and decryptable by a delegator into another ciphertext associated with a new access policy, thereafter other delegatees can decrypt. However, with AB-PRE, the proxy is to switch the underlying policies of all ciphertexts indiscriminately. The delegator cannot decide which ciphertext would...

2022/378 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-15
Share $\&$ Shrink: (In-)Feasibility of MPC from one Broadcast-then-Asynchrony, and Delegated Computation
Antoine Urban, Matthieu Rambaud
Cryptographic protocols

We consider protocols for secure multi-party computation (MPC) under honest majority, i.e., for $n$=$2t+1$ players of which $t$ are corrupt, that achieve guaranteed output delivery (GOD), and operate in a single initial round of broadcast (BC), followed by steps of asynchronous peer-to-peer (P2P) messages. The power of closely related ``hybrid networks'' was studied in [Fitzi-Nielsen, Disc'09], [BHN, Podc'10] and [Patra-Ravi, IEEE Tr. Inf. Theory'18]. The interest of such protocols is that...

2022/241 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-13
Coalition and Threshold Hash-Based Signatures
John Kelsey, Stefan Lucks, Nathalie Lang
Public-key cryptography

In a distributed digital signature scheme, coalitions of “trustees” can jointly create a valid signature. We propose a distributed version of stateful hash-based signature schemes like those defined in XMSS (defined in RFC8391) and LMS (defined in RFC8554). Our schemes allow a dealer, who has generated the secret keys and could create valid signatures, to delegate the ability to sign coalitions of trustees. Our schemes support k-of-n threshold signatures, where every k-subset from a total of...

2022/228 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-02-25
Semi-Quantum Tokenized Signatures
Omri Shmueli
Cryptographic protocols

Quantum tokenized signature schemes (Ben-David and Sattath, QCrypt 2017) allow a sender to generate and distribute quantum unclonable states which grant their holder a one-time permission to sign in the name of the sender. Such schemes are a strengthening of public-key quantum money schemes, as they imply public-key quantum money where some channels of communication in the system can be made classical. An even stronger primitive is semi-quantum tokenized signatures, where the sender is...

2021/1427 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-04-30
Public-Key Quantum Money with a Classical Bank
Omri Shmueli
Cryptographic protocols

Quantum money is a main primitive in quantum cryptography, that enables a bank to distribute to parties in the network, called wallets, unclonable quantum banknotes that serve as a medium of exchange between wallets. While quantum money suggests a theoretical solution to some of the fundamental problems in currency systems, it still requires a strong model to be implemented; quantum computation and a quantum communication infrastructure. A central open question in this context is whether we...

2021/1424 Last updated: 2023-05-13
PREs with HRA Security and Key Privacy Based on Standard LWE Assumptions
Yang Wang, Yanmin Zhao, Mingqiang Wang
Public-key cryptography

Proxy re-encryption (PRE) schemes, which nicely solve the problem of delegating decryption rights, enable a semi-trusted proxy to transform a ciphertext encrypted under one key into a ciphertext of the same message under another arbitrary key. For a long time, the semantic security of PREs is quite similar to that of public key encryption (PKE) schemes. Cohen first pointed out the insufficiency of the security under chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) of PREs in PKC 2019, and proposed a...

2021/1237 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-10-28
Hierarchical Integrated Signature and Encryption
Yu Chen, Qiang Tang, Yuyu Wang
Public-key cryptography

In this work, we introduce the notion of hierarchical integrated signature and encryption (HISE), wherein a single public key is used for both signature and encryption, and one can derive a secret key used only for decryption from the signing key, which enables secure delegation of decryption capability. HISE enjoys the benefit of key reuse, and admits individual key escrow. We present two generic constructions of HISE. One is from (constrained) identity-based encryption. The other is from...

2021/1200 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-12-24
KDM Security for the Fujisaki-Okamoto Transformations in the QROM
Fuyuki Kitagawa, Ryo Nishimaki
Public-key cryptography

Key dependent message (KDM) security is a security notion that guarantees confidentiality of communication even if secret keys are encrypted. KDM security has found a number of applications in practical situations such as hard-disk encryption systems, anonymous credentials, and bootstrapping of fully homomorphic encryptions. Recently, it also found an application in quantum delegation protocols as shown by Zhang (TCC 2019). In this work, we investigate the KDM security of existing practical...

2021/1173 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-08
Lelantus Spark: Secure and Flexible Private Transactions
Aram Jivanyan, Aaron Feickert
Cryptographic protocols

We propose a modification to the Lelantus private transaction protocol to provide recipient privacy, improved security, and additional usability features. Our decentralized anonymous payment (DAP) construction, Spark, enables non-interactive one-time addressing to hide recipient addresses in transactions. The modified address format permits flexibility in transaction visibility. Address owners can securely provide third parties with opt-in visibility into incoming transactions or all...

2021/1165 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-09-14
Reputation at Stake! A Trust Layer over Decentralized Ledger for Multiparty Computation and Reputation-Fair Lottery
Mario Larangeira
Cryptographic protocols

This work leverages on the framework of Karakostas et al. (SCN'20) by extending it to the realm of reputation and trust. At the best of our knowledge, it is the first to introduce reputation and trust to proof of stake systems. Namely, we show that their delegation framework can be repurposed to construct a trust layer over a proof of stake consensus protocol in addition to its original stake delegation application. Furthermore, we show that such extension yields a concrete reputation system...

2021/1029 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-09-23
LOVE a pairing
Diego F. Aranha, Elena Pagnin, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez
Cryptographic protocols

The problem of securely outsourcing the computation of a bilinear pairing has been widely investigated in the literature. Designing an efficient protocol with the desired functionality has, however, been an open challenge for a long time. Recently, Di Crescenzo et al. (CARDIS’20) proposed the first suite of protocols for securely and efficiently delegating pairings with online inputs under the presence of a malicious server. We progress along this path with the aim of LOVE (Lowering the cost...

2021/964 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-14
Secure Quantum Computation with Classical Communication
James Bartusek
Cryptographic protocols

The study of secure multi-party computation (MPC) has thus far been limited to the following two settings: every party is fully classical, or every party has quantum capabilities. This paper studies a notion of MPC that allows some classical and some quantum parties to securely compute a quantum functionality over their joint private inputs. In particular, we construct (constant-round, composable) protocols for blind and verifiable classical delegation of quantum computation, and give...

2021/871 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-06-29
Traceable Secret Sharing and Applications
Vipul Goyal, Yifan Song, Akshayaram Srinivasan
Cryptographic protocols

Consider a scenario where Alice stores some secret data $s$ on $n$ servers using a $t$-out-of-$n$ secret sharing scheme. Trudy (the collector) is interested in the secret data of Alice and is willing to pay for it. Trudy publishes an advertisement on the internet which describes an elaborate cryptographic scheme to collect the shares from the $n$ servers. Each server who decides to submit its share is paid a hefty monetary reward and is guaranteed ``immunity" from being caught or prosecuted...

2021/700 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-29
DeCSIDH: Delegating isogeny computations in the CSIDH setting
Robi Pedersen
Public-key cryptography

Delegating heavy computations to auxiliary servers, while keeping the inputs secret, presents a practical solution for computationally limited devices to use resource-intense cryptographic protocols, such as those based on isogenies, and thus allows the deployment of post-quantum security on mobile devices and in the internet of things. We propose two algorithms for the secure and verifiable delegation of isogeny computations in the CSIDH setting. We then apply these algorithms to different...

2021/613 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-05-17
Attribute-Based Conditional Proxy Re-Encryption in the Standard Model under LWE
Xiaojian Liang, Jian Weng, Anjia Yang, Lisha Yao, Zike Jiang, Zhenghao Wu
Public-key cryptography

Attribute-based conditional proxy re-encryption (AB-CPRE) allows delegators to carry out attribute-based control on the delegation of decryption by setting policies and attribute vectors. The fine-grained control of AB-CPRE makes it suitable for a variety of applications, such as cloud storage and distributed file systems. However, all existing AB-CPRE schemes are constructed under classical number-theoretic assumptions, which are vulnerable to quantum cryptoanalysis. Therefore, we propose...

2021/506 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-29
Delegating Supersingular Isogenies over $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$ with Cryptographic Applications
Robi Pedersen, Osmanbey Uzunkol
Public-key cryptography

Although isogeny-based cryptographic schemes enjoy the lowest key sizes amongst current post-quantum cryptographic candidates, they unfortunately come at a high computational cost, which makes their deployment on the ever-growing number of resource-constrained devices difficult. Speeding up the expensive post-quantum cryptographic operations by delegating these computations from a weaker client to untrusted powerful external servers is a promising approach. Following this, we present in this...

2021/431 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-04-06
Unbounded Multi-Party Computation from Learning with Errors
Prabhanjan Ananth, Abhishek Jain, Zhengzhong Jin, Giulio Malavolta

We consider the problem of round-optimal unbounded MPC: in the first round, parties publish a message that depends only on their input. In the second round, any subset of parties can jointly and securely compute any function $f$ over their inputs in a single round of broadcast. We do not impose any a-priori bound on the number of parties nor on the size of the functions that can be computed. Our main result is a semi-malicious two-round protocol for unbounded MPC in the plain model from the...

2021/246 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-03-02
Master-Key KDM-Secure ABE via Predicate Encoding
Shengyuan Feng, Junqing Gong, Jie Chen

In this paper, we propose the first generic framework for attribute-based encryptions (ABE) with master-secret-key-dependent-message security (mKDM security) for affine functions via predicate encodings by Chen, Gay and Wee [Eurocrypt 2015]. The construction is adaptively secure under standard $k$-Lin assumption in prime-order bilinear groups. By this, we obtain a set of new mKDM-secure ABE schemes with high expressiveness that have never been reached before: we get the first hierarchical...

2020/1603 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-12-27
One-Time Delegation of Unlinkable Signing Rights and Its Application
Takashi Nishide
Public-key cryptography

Delegation of signing rights can be useful to promote effective resource sharing and smooth cooperation among participants in distributed systems, and in many situations, we often need restricted delegation such as one-timeness and unlinkability rather than simple full delegation. Particularly, one-timesness cannot be achieved just by deploying cryptographic measures, and one needs to resort to some form of tamper-proofness or the assistance from external cloud servers for...

2020/1422 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-11-15
Non-interactive classical verification of quantum computation
Gorjan Alagic, Andrew M. Childs, Alex B. Grilo, Shih-Han Hung

In a recent breakthrough, Mahadev constructed an interactive protocol that enables a purely classical party to delegate any quantum computation to an untrusted quantum prover. We show that this same task can in fact be performed non-interactively (with setup) and in zero-knowledge. Our protocols result from a sequence of significant improvements to the original four-message protocol of Mahadev. We begin by making the first message instance-independent and moving it to an offline setup...

2020/1401 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-11-10
Quantum Garbled Circuits
Zvika Brakerski, Henry Yuen

We present a garbling scheme for quantum circuits, thus achieving a decomposable randomized encoding scheme for quantum computation. Specifically, we show how to compute an encoding of a given quantum circuit and quantum input, from which it is possible to derive the output of the computation and nothing else. In the classical setting, garbled circuits (and randomized encodings in general) are a versatile cryptographic tool with many applications such as secure multiparty computation,...

2020/1330 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-08-09
Fantastic Four: Honest-Majority Four-Party Secure Computation With Malicious Security
Anders Dalskov, Daniel Escudero, Marcel Keller
Cryptographic protocols

In this work we introduce a novel four-party honest-majority MPC protocol with active security that achieves comparable efficiency to equivalent protocols in the same setting, while having a much simpler design and not relying on function-dependent preprocessing. Our initial protocol satisfies security with abort, but we present some extensions to achieve guaranteed output delivery. Unlike previous works, we do not achieve this by delegating the computation to one single party that is...

2020/886 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-06-01
Adaptively Secure Revocable Hierarchical IBE from $k$-linear Assumption
Keita Emura, Atsushi Takayasu, Yohei Watanabe
Public-key cryptography

Revocable identity-based encryption (RIBE) is an extension of IBE with an efficient key revocation mechanism. Revocable hierarchical IBE (RHIBE) is its further extension with key delegation functionality. Although there are various adaptively secure pairing-based RIBE schemes, all known hierarchical analogs only satisfy selective security. In addition, the currently known most efficient adaptively secure RIBE and selectively secure RHIBE schemes rely on non-standard assumptions, which are...

2020/882 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-07-16
Puncturable Encryption: A Generic Construction from Delegatable Fully Key-Homomorphic Encryption
Willy Susilo, Dung Hoang Duong, Huy Quoc Le, Josef Pieprzyk
Cryptographic protocols

Puncturable encryption (PE), proposed by Green and Miers at IEEE S&P 2015, is a kind of public key encryption that allows recipients to revoke individual messages by repeatedly updating decryption keys without communicating with senders. PE is an essential tool for constructing many interesting applications, such as asynchronous messaging systems, forward-secret zero round-trip time protocols, public-key watermarking schemes and forward-secret proxy re-encryptions. This paper revisits PEs...

2020/860 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-07-12
SNARGs for Bounded Depth Computations from Sub-Exponential LWE
Yael Tauman Kalai, Rachel Zhang
Cryptographic protocols

We construct a succinct non-interactive publicly-verifiable delegation scheme for any log-space uniform circuit under the sub-exponential $\mathsf{LWE}$ assumption, a standard assumption that is believed to be post-quantum secure. For a circuit of size $S$ and depth $D$, the prover runs in time poly$(S)$, and the verifier runs in time $(D + n) \cdot S^{o(1)}$, where $n$ is the input size. We obtain this result by slightly modifying the $\mathsf{GKR}$ protocol and proving that the...

2020/818 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-07-06
Security Limitations of Classical-Client Delegated Quantum Computing
Christian Badertscher, Alexandru Cojocaru, Léo Colisson, Elham Kashefi, Dominik Leichtle, Atul Mantri, Petros Wallden
Cryptographic protocols

Secure delegated quantum computing is a two-party cryptographic primitive, where a computationally weak client wishes to delegate an arbitrary quantum computation to an untrusted quantum server in a privacy-preserving manner. Communication via quantum channels is typically assumed such that the client can establish the necessary correlations with the server to securely perform the given task. This has the downside that all these protocols cannot be put to work for the average user unless a...

2020/713 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-06-14
A Generic Construction of Predicate Proxy Key Re-encapsulation Mechanism
Yi-Fan Tseng, Zi-Yuan Liu, Raylin Tso
Public-key cryptography

Proxy re-encryption (PRE), formalized by Blaze et al. in 1998, allows a proxy entity to delegate the decryption right of a ciphertext from one party to another without obtaining the information of the plaintext. In recent years, many studies have explored how to construct PRE schemes that support fine-grained access control for complex application scenarios, such as identity-based PRE and attribute-based PRE. Besides, in order to achieve more flexible access control, the predicate proxy...

2020/525 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-05-05
Account Management in Proof of Stake Ledgers
Dimitris Karakostas, Aggelos Kiayias, Mario Larangeira
Cryptographic protocols

Blockchain protocols based on Proof-of-Stake (PoS) depend — by nature — on the active participation of stakeholders. If users are offline and abstain from the PoS consensus mechanism, the system’s security is at risk, so it is imperative to explore ways to both maximize the level of participation and minimize the effects of non-participation. One such option is stake representation, such that users can delegate their participation rights and, in the process, form "stake pools". The core idea...

2019/1482 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-07-16
Transparent Polynomial Delegation and Its Applications to Zero Knowledge Proof
Jiaheng Zhang, Tiancheng Xie, Yupeng Zhang, Dawn Song
Cryptographic protocols

We present a new succinct zero knowledge argument scheme for layered arithmetic circuits without trusted setup. The prover time is $O(C + n \log n)$ and the proof size is $O(D \log C + \log^2 n)$ for a $D$-depth circuit with $n$ inputs and $C$ gates. The verification time is also succinct, $O(D \log C + \log^2 n)$, if the circuit is structured. Our scheme only uses lightweight cryptographic primitives such as collision-resistant hash functions and is plausibly post-quantum secure. We...

2019/1439 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-12-10
Cryptanalysis of a pairing-free certificate-based proxy re-encryption scheme for secure data sharing in public clouds
S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, Irene Miriam Isaac, C. Pandu Rangan
Public-key cryptography

Proxy re-encryption(PRE) is a primitive that is used to facilitate secure access delegation in the cloud. Proxy re-encryption allows a proxy server to transform ciphertexts encrypted under one user's public key to that under another user's public key without learning anything about the underlying message or the secret key. Over the years proxy re-encryption schemes have been proposed in different settings. In this paper we restrict our analysis to certificate based proxy re-encryption. The...

2019/1398 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-12-04
How to Construct Rational Protocols with Nash Equilibrium Consistency in the UC framework
Xiaoxia Jiang, Youliang Tian
Cryptographic protocols

The inconsistency of Nash equilibrium of rational delegated computation scheme in the UC framework will lead to the lack of strict security proof of the protocols fundamentally. The consistency proof of Nash equilibrium between the ideal world and the real world has always been a challenge in the research field. In this paper, we analyze the Nash equilibrium according to the game model of rational delegated computation, and the ideal functionality for rational delegation of computation based...

2019/1344 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-12-08
From Fairness to Full Security in Multiparty Computation
Ran Cohen, Iftach Haitner, Eran Omri, Lior Rotem
Cryptographic protocols

In the setting of secure multiparty computation (MPC), a set of mutually distrusting parties wish to jointly compute a function, while guaranteeing the privacy of their inputs and the correctness of the output. An MPC protocol is called fully secure if no adversary can prevent the honest parties from obtaining their outputs. A protocol is called fair if an adversary can prematurely abort the computation, however, only before learning any new information. We present highly efficient...

2019/1342 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-11-25
Scalable Wildcarded Identity-Based Encryption
Jihye Kim, Seunghwa Lee, Jiwon Lee, Hyunok Oh
Public-key cryptography

Wildcard identity-based encryption (WIBE) allows a sender to simultaneously encrypt messages to a group of users matching a certain pattern, defined as a sequence of identifiers and wildcards. We propose a novel scalable wildcarded identity-based encryption, called SWIBE, which reduces the ciphertext size to be constant. To the best of our knowledge, SWIBE is the first wildcard identity-based encryption scheme that generates a constant size ciphertext regardless of the depth of the...

2019/1325 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-10-21
Efficient Attribute-based Proxy Re-Encryption with Constant Size Ciphertexts
Arinjita Paul, S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, C. Pandu Rangan
Public-key cryptography

Attribute-based proxy re-encryption (ABPRE) allows a semi-trusted proxy to transform an encryption under an access-policy into an encryption under a new access policy, without revealing any information about the underlying message. Such a primitive facilitates fine-grained secure sharing of encrypted data in the cloud. In its key-policy flavor, the re-encryption key is associated with an access structure that specifies which type of ciphertexts can be re-encrypted. Only two attempts have...

2019/1237 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-10-23
QFactory: classically-instructed remote secret qubits preparation
Alexandru Cojocaru, Léo Colisson, Elham Kashefi, Petros Wallden
Cryptographic protocols

The functionality of classically-instructed remotely prepared random secret qubits was introduced in (Cojocaru et al 2018) as a way to enable classical parties to participate in secure quantum computation and communications protocols. The idea is that a classical party (client) instructs a quantum party (server) to generate a qubit to the server's side that is random, unknown to the server but known to the client. Such task is only possible under computational assumptions. In this...

2019/1143 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-10-03
Auditable Compressed Storage
Iraklis Leontiadis, Reza Curtmola
Cryptographic protocols

Outsourcing data to the cloud for personal use is becoming an everyday trend rather than an extreme scenario. The frequent outsourcing of data increases the possible attack window because users do not fully control their personal files. Typically, once there are established secure channels between two endpoints, communication is considered secure. However, in the cloud model the receiver–the cloud–cannot be fully trusted, either because it has been under adversarial control, or because it...

2019/1135 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-10-03
A Provably Secure Conditional Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme without Pairing
Arinjita Paul, S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, C. Pandu Rangan
Public-key cryptography

Blaze, Bleumer and Strauss introduced the notion of proxy re-encryption (PRE), which enables a semi-trusted proxy to transform ciphertexts under Alice's public key into ciphertexts under Bob's public key. The important property to note here is, the proxy should not learn anything about the plaintext encrypted. In 2009, Weng et al. introduced the concept of conditional proxy re-encryption (CPRE), which permits the proxy to re-encrypt only ciphertexts satisfying a condition specified by Alice...

2019/1101 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-07-03
On the (Quantum) Random Oracle Methodology: New Separations and More
Jiang Zhang, Yu Yu, Dengguo Feng, Shuqin Fan, Zhenfeng Zhang

In this paper, we first give, to the best of our knowledge, the first exponential separation between the ROM and QROM. Technically, we will first present a simple and efficient quantum distinguisher $\cD_q$ which can recognize the QROM by making at most two quantum RO queries, and can only be cheated by an adversary making (sub-)exponential classical RO queries. This (sub-)exponential query gap allows us to remove the ``unit time'' and ``zero time'' assumptions that are crucially needed for...

2019/1078 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-09-23
Puncturable Proxy Re-Encryption supporting to Group Messaging Service
Tran Viet Xuan Phuong, Willy Susilo, Jongkil Kim, Guomin Yang, Dongxi Liu
Public-key cryptography

This work envisions a new encryption primitive for many-to-many paradigms such as group messaging systems. Previously, puncturable encryption (PE) was introduced to provide forward security for asynchronous messaging services. However, existing PE schemes were proposed only for one-to-one communication, and causes a significant overhead for a group messaging system. In fact, the group communication over PE can only be achieved by encrypting a message multiple times for each receiver by the...

2019/1070 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-09-23
Secure Delegation of Isogeny Computations and Cryptographic Applications
Robi Pedersen, Osmanbey Uzunkol
Cryptographic protocols

We address the problem of speeding up isogeny computation for supersingular elliptic curves over finite fields using untrusted computational resources like third party servers or cloud service providers (CSPs). We first propose new, efficient and secure delegation schemes. This especially enables resource-constrained devices (e.g. smart cards, RFID tags, tiny sensor nodes) to effectively deploy post-quantum isogeny-based cryptographic protocols. To the best of our knowledge, these new...

2019/1031 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-09-11
An efficient and secure ID-based multi-proxy multi-signature scheme based on lattice
Rahim Toluee, Taraneh Eghlidos
Cryptographic protocols

Multi-proxy multi-signature schemes are useful in distributed networks, where a group of users cooperatively could delegate their administrative rights to the users of another group, who are authorized to generate the proxy signatures cooperatively on behalf of the original signers. In this paper, we aim to propose an ID-based lattice-based multi-proxy multi-signature (ILMPMS) scheme, which enjoys security against quantum computers and efficiency due to ID-based framework, linear operations...

2019/1023 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-08-03
Randomly Choose an Angle from Immense Number of Angles to Rotate Qubits, Compute and Reverse
Dor Bitan, Shlomi Dolev
Cryptographic protocols

Homomorphic encryption (HE) schemes enable the processing of encrypted data and may be used by a user to outsource storage and computations to an untrusted server. A plethora of HE schemes has been suggested in the past four decades, based on various assumptions, and which achieve different attributes. In this work, we assume that the user and server are quantum computers, and look for HE schemes of classical data. We set a high bar of requirements and ask what can be achieved under...

2019/762 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-07-02
Verifiable Computing for Approximate Computation
Shuo Chen, Jung Hee Cheon, Dongwoo Kim, Daejun Park
Cryptographic protocols

Verifiable computing (VC) is a complexity-theoretic method to secure the integrity of computations. The need is increasing as more computations are outsourced to untrusted parties, e.g., cloud platforms. Existing techniques, however, only deal with exact computations, without the capability of rounding (e.g., "$1.11 \times 2.22 = 2.4642$" is verifiable, but $1.11 \times 2.22 \simeq 2.46$" is not). Hence, in a long sequence of calculations (e.g., multiplications), the number of digits of the...

2019/136 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-11-13
Divisible E-Cash from Constrained Pseudo-Random Functions
Florian Bourse, David Pointcheval, Olivier Sanders
Cryptographic protocols

Electronic cash (e-cash) is the digital analogue of regular cash which aims at preserving users' privacy. Following Chaum's seminal work, several new features were proposed for e-cash to address the practical issues of the original primitive. Among them, divisibility has proved very useful to enable efficient storage and spendings. Unfortunately, it is also very difficult to achieve and, to date, quite a few constructions exist, all of them relying on complex mechanisms that can only be...

2018/1209 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-12-19
Teleportation-based quantum homomorphic encryption scheme with quasi-compactness and perfect security
Min Liang

Quantum homomorphic encryption (QHE) is an important cryptographic technology for delegated quantum computation. It enables remote Server performing quantum computation on encrypted quantum data, and the specific algorithm performed by Server is unnecessarily known by Client. Quantum fully homomorphic encryption (QFHE) is a QHE that satisfies both compactness and $\mathcal{F}$-homomorphism, which is homomorphic for any quantum circuits. However, Yu et al.[Phys. Rev. A 90, 050303(2014)]...

2018/1136 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-11-22
A Provably-Secure Unidirectional Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme Without Pairing in the Random Oracle Model
S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, Arinjita Paul, C. Pandu Rangan
Public-key cryptography

Proxy re-encryption (PRE) enables delegation of decryption rights by entrusting a proxy server with special information, that allows it to transform a ciphertext under one public key into a ciphertext of the same message under a different public key. It is important to note that, the proxy which performs the re-encryption learns nothing about the message encrypted under either public keys. Due to its transformation property, proxy re-encryption schemes have practical applications in...

2018/1102 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-11-16
A fully distributed revocable ciphertext-policy hierarchical attribute-based encryption without pairing
Mohammad Ali, Javad Mohajeri, Mohammad-Reza Sadeghi
Public-key cryptography

Several appealing features of cloud computing such as cost-effectiveness and user-friendliness have made many users and enterprises interested to outsource their sensitive data for sharing via cloud. However, it causes many new challenges toward data confidentiality, access control , scalability, and flexibility. Ciphertext-policy Hierarchical attribute-based encryption (CP-HABE) can be a promising solution to the mentioned problems. But, the existing HABE schemes have several...

2018/777 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-09-01
Delegation of Decryption Rights with Revocability from Learning with Errors
Wei Yin, Qiaoyan Wen, Kaitai Liang, Zhenfei Zhang, Liqun Chen, Hanbing Yan, Hua Zhang

The notion of decryption rights delegation was initially introduced by Blaze et al. in EUROCRYPT 1998. It, defined as \emph{proxy re-encryption}, allows a semi-trusted proxy to convert a ciphertext intended for a party to another ciphertext of the same plaintext, without knowledge of the underlying plaintext and decryption key. It has been explored to many real-world applications, e.g., encrypted email forwarding. However, the intrinsic all-or-nothing share feature of proxy re-encryption...

2018/644 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-07-06
Hide The Modulus: A Secure Non-Interactive Fully Verifiable Delegation Scheme for Modular Exponentiations via CRT
Osmanbey Uzunkol, Jothi Rangasamy, Lakshmi Kuppusamy

Security protocols using public-key cryptography often requires large number of costly modular exponentiations (MEs). With the proliferation of resource-constrained (mobile) devices and advancements in cloud computing, delegation of such expensive computations to powerful server providers has gained lots of attention. In this paper, we address the problem of verifiably secure delegation of MEs using two servers, where at most one of which is assumed to be malicious (the OMTUP-model). We...

2018/632 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-06-26
CHARIOT: Cloud-Assisted Access Control for the Internet of Things
Clementine Gritti, Melek Onen, Refik Molva
Public-key cryptography

The Internet of Things (IoT) technology has expanded widely across the world, promising new data management opportunities for industries, companies and individuals in different sectors, such as health services or transport logistics. This trend relies on connecting devices/things to collect, exchange and store data. The exponentially increasing number of IoT devices, their origin diversity, their limited capabilities in terms of resources, as well as the ever-increasing amount of data, raise...

2018/496 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-05-23
Efficient Delegated Private Set Intersection on Outsourced Private Datasets
Aydin Abadi, Sotirios Terzis, Roberto Metere, Changyu Dong
Cryptographic protocols

Private set intersection (PSI) is an essential cryptographic protocol that has many real world applications. As cloud computing power and popularity have been swiftly growing, it is now desirable to leverage the cloud to store private datasets and delegate PSI computation to it. Although a set of efficient PSI protocols have been designed, none support outsourcing of the datasets and the computation. In this paper, we propose two protocols for delegated PSI computation on outsourced private...

2018/435 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-03-23
A Treasury System for Cryptocurrencies: Enabling Better Collaborative Intelligence
Bingsheng Zhang, Roman Oliynykov, Hamed Balogun
Cryptographic protocols

A treasury system is a community controlled and decentralized collaborative decision-making mechanism for sustainable funding of the blockchain development and maintenance. During each treasury period, project proposals are submitted, discussed, and voted for; top-ranked projects are funded from the treasury. The Dash governance system is a real-world example of such kind of systems. In this work, we, for the first time, provide a rigorous study of the treasury system. We modeled, designed,...

2018/375 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-02-02
Witness Indistinguishability for any Single-Round Argument with Applications to Access Control
Zvika Brakerski, Yael Tauman Kalai
Cryptographic protocols

Consider an access policy for some resource which only allows access to users of the system who own a certain set of attributes. Specifically, we consider the case where such an access structure is defined by some monotone function $f:\{0,1\}^N \rightarrow \{0,1\}$, belonging to some class of function $F$ (e.g.\ conjunctions, space bounded computation), where $N$ is the number of possible attributes. In this work we show that any succinct single-round delegation scheme for the function...

2018/337 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-04-11
Invisible Sanitizable Signatures and Public-Key Encryption are Equivalent
Marc Fischlin, Patrick Harasser
Public-key cryptography

Sanitizable signature schemes are signature schemes which support the delegation of modification rights. The signer can allow a sanitizer to perform a set of admissible operations on the original message and then to update the signature, in such a way that basic security properties like unforgeability or accountability are preserved. Recently, Camenisch et al. (PKC 2017) devised new schemes with the previously unattained invisibility property. This property says that the set of...

2018/321 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-05-03
Revisiting Proxy Re-Encryption: Forward Secrecy, Improved Security, and Applications
David Derler, Stephan Krenn, Thomas Lorünser, Sebastian Ramacher, Daniel Slamanig, Christoph Striecks
Public-key cryptography

We revisit the notion of proxy re-encryption (PRE), an enhanced public-key encryption primitive envisioned by Blaze et al. (Eurocrypt'98) and formalized by Ateniese et al. (NDSS'05) for delegating decryption rights from a delegator to a delegatee using a semi-trusted proxy. PRE notably allows to craft re-encryption keys in order to equip the proxy with the power of transforming ciphertexts under a delegator's public key to ciphertexts under a delegatee's public key, while not learning...

2018/035 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-01-08
A Linearly Homomorphic Signature Scheme From Weaker Assumptions
Lucas Schabhüser, Johannes Buchmann, Patrick Struck
Public-key cryptography

In delegated computing, prominent in the context of cloud computing, guaranteeing both the correctness and authenticity of computations is of critical importance. Homomorphic signatures can be used as cryptographic solutions to this problem. In this paper we solve the open problem of constructing a linearly homomorphic signature scheme that is secure against an active adversary under standard assumptions. We provide a construction based on the DL and CDH assumption. Furthermore we show how...

2017/1250 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-02-28
Non-Interactive Delegation for Low-Space Non-Deterministic Computation
Saikrishna Badrinarayanan, Yael Tauman Kalai, Dakshita Khurana, Amit Sahai, Daniel Wichs

We construct a delegation scheme for verifying non-deterministic computations, with complexity proportional only to the non-deterministic space of the computation. Specifically, letting $n$ denote the input length, we construct a delegation scheme for any language verifiable in non-deterministic time and space $(T (n); S(n))$ with communication complexity $poly(S(n))$, verifier runtime $n polylog(T (n)) + poly(S(n))$, and prover runtime $poly(T (n))$. Our scheme consists of only two...

2017/1222 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-08-04
Forward-Private Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Efficient Search
Muslum Ozgur Ozmen, Thang Hoang, Attila A. Yavuz
Cryptographic protocols

Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption (DSSE) allows to delegate keyword search and file update over an encrypted database via encrypted indexes, and therefore provides opportunities to mitigate the data privacy and utilization dilemma in cloud storage platforms. Despite its merits, recent works have shown that efficient DSSE schemes are vulnerable to statistical attacks due to the lack of forward-privacy, whereas forward-private DSSE schemes suffer from practicality concerns as a result...

2017/1173 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-12-06
Fully Verifiable Secure Delegation of Pairing Computation: Cryptanalysis and An Efficient Construction
Osmanbey Uzunkol, Öznur Kalkar, İsa Sertkaya

We address the problem of secure and verifiable delegation of general pairing computation. We first analyze some recently proposed pairing delegation schemes and present several attacks on their security and/or verifiability properties. In particular, we show that none of these achieve the claimed security and verifiability properties simultaneously. We then provide a fully verifiable secure delegation scheme ${\sf VerPair}$ under one-malicious version of a two-untrusted-program model...

2017/1102 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-11-29
ID-HABE: Incorporating ID-based Revocation, Delegation, and Authority Hierarchy into Attribute-Based Encryption
Qiuxiang Dong, Dijiang Huang, Jim Luo, Myong Kang
Public-key cryptography

Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) has been proposed to implement fine-grained access control. Data owners encrypt data with a certain access policy so that only data users whose attributes satisfy the access policy can decrypt the ciphertext. A user can be automatically assigned an access privilege based on whether his/her attributes satisfying a given access policy described by attributes and their logical relations. In order to provide more flexible policy-based access...

2017/957 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-09-29
From Selective IBE to Full IBE and Selective HIBE
Nico D�ttling, Sanjam Garg

Starting with any selectively secure identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme, we give generic constructions of fully secure IBE and selectively secure hierarchical IBE (HIBE) schemes. Our HIBE scheme allows for delegation arbitrarily many times.

2017/903 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-04-03
On Zero-Testable Homomorphic Encryption and Publicly Verifiable Non-Interactive Arguments
Omer Paneth, Guy N. Rothblum

We define and study zero-testable homomorphic encryption (ZTHE) -- a semantically secure, somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme equipped with a weak zero test that can identify trivial zeros. These are ciphertexts that result from homomorphically evaluating an arithmetic circuit computing the zero polynomial over the integers. This is a relaxation of the (strong) zero test provided by the notion of graded encodings, which identifies all encodings of zero. We show that ZTHE can suffice for...

2017/887 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-11-17
Succinct Spooky Free Compilers Are Not Black Box Sound
Zvika Brakerski, Yael Tauman Kalai, Renen Perlman

It is tempting to think that if we encrypt a sequence of messages $\{x_i\}$ using a semantically secure encryption scheme, such that each $x_i$ is encrypted with its own independently generated public key $pk_i$, then even if the scheme is malleable (or homomorphic) then malleability is limited to acting on each $x_i$ independently. However, it is known that this is not the case, and in fact even non-local malleability might be possible. This phenomenon is known as spooky interactions. We...

2017/867 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-11-22
On the security of a Certificateless Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme without Pairing
Arinjita Paul, S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, C. Pandu Rangan
Public-key cryptography

Proxy re-encryption (PRE) is a cryptographic primitive introduced by Blaze, Bleumer and Strauss to provide delegation of decryption rights. A semi-trusted proxy agent re-encrypts ciphertexts under the public key of Alice into ciphertexts under the public key of Bob, without learning anything about the underlying message. In IWSEC 2017, Kuchta et al. presented a pairing-free certificateless proxy re-encryption scheme, and claimed that their scheme is the first to provide the certificateless...

2017/833 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-09-07
Efficient Hybrid Proxy Re-Encryption for Practical Revocation and Key Rotation
Steven Myers, Adam Shull

We consider the problems of i) using public-key encryption to enforce dynamic access control on clouds; and ii) key rotation of data stored on clouds. Historically, proxy re-encryption, ciphertext delegation, and related technologies have been advocated as tools that allow for revocation and the ability to cryptographically enforce \emph{dynamic} access control on the cloud, and more recently they have suggested for key rotation of data stored on clouds. Current literature frequently...

2017/756 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-08-07
Verifiable Private Polynomial Evaluation
Xavier Bultel, Manik Lal Das, Hardik Gajera, David G�rault, Matthieu Giraud, Pascal Lafourcade
Cryptographic protocols

Delegating the computation of a polynomial to a server in a verifiable way is challenging. An even more challenging problem is ensuring that this polynomial remains hidden to clients who are able to query such a server. In this paper, we formally define the notion of \emph{Private Polynomial Evaluation} (PPE). Our main contribution is to design a rigorous security model along with relations between the different security properties. We define \emph{polynomial protection} (PP), \emph{proof...

2017/657 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-10-23
CCA-secure Predicate Encryption from Pair Encoding in Prime Order Groups: Generic and Efficient
Sanjit Chatterjee, Sayantan Mukherjee, Tapas Pandit

Attrapadung (Eurocrypt 2014) proposed a generic framework called pair encoding to simplify the design and proof of security of CPA-secure predicate encryption (PE) in composite order groups. Later Attrapadung (Asiacrypt 2016) extended this idea in prime order groups. Yamada et al. (PKC 2011, PKC 2012) and Nandi et al. (ePrint Archive: 2015/457, AAECC 2017) proposed generic conversion frameworks to achieve CCA-secure PE from CPA-secure PE provided the encryption schemes have properties like...

2017/502 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-06-02
DeepSecure: Scalable Provably-Secure Deep Learning
Bita Darvish Rouhani, M. Sadegh Riazi, Farinaz Koushanfar

This paper proposes DeepSecure, a novel framework that enables scalable execution of the state-of-the-art Deep Learning (DL) models in a privacy-preserving setting. DeepSecure targets scenarios in which neither of the involved parties including the cloud servers that hold the DL model parameters or the delegating clients who own the data is willing to reveal their information. Our framework is the first to empower accurate and scalable DL analysis of data generated by distributed clients...

2017/410 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-09-06
Fast Proxy Re-Encryption for Publish/Subscribe Systems
Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt Rohloff, Gyana Sahu, Vinod Vaikuntanthan

We develop two IND-CPA-secure multi-hop unidirectional Proxy Re-Encryption (PRE) schemes by applying the Ring-LWE (RLWE) key switching approach from the homomorphic encryption literature. Unidirectional PRE is ideal for secure publish-subscribe operations where a publisher encrypts information using a public key without knowing upfront who the subscriber will be and what private key will be used for decryption. The proposed PRE schemes provide a multi-hop capability, meaning that when...

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