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Folclore córnico

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As Merry Maidens en St Buryan.
Celebración do Día de San Piran (Día nacional de Cornualla) en Penzance.

O folclore córnico refírese ó conxunto de tradicións, costumes e manifestacións artísticas que desenvolvidos polo pobo córnico en Cornualla. É especialmente prolífico e rico en contos e mitos, moitos deles sobre criaturas fantásticas como xigantes, sereas, buccas e pixies (xente pequena). Aínda son incribelmente populares hoxe en día, e hai multitude de eventos celebrados en Cornualla nos que se poden atopar os droll teller[1], que son persoas que contan as historias. Algúns destes contos e lendas tiveron moito éxito de publicación, particularmente nos libros para cativos. Un exemplo é o libro Jack the Giant Killer, que ten lugar en Cornualla.

Tamén é destacábel que moitas das lendas que asocian o Rei Artur con Cornualla, sitúan o seu lugar de nacemento en Tintagel, que era a corte do seu tío Marco de Cornualla. Unhas das personalidades da bruxaría moderna é Gemma Gary, que teorizou e sistematizou o conxunto de crenzas labregas tradicionais deste folclore.

  1. Cornish Folk Tales, Mike O'Connor (Gorsedh Kernow)

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  • Addicoat, Ian & Buswell, Geoff Mysteries of the Cornish Coast: legends, ghosts and extraordinary events from Cornwall's south-west peninsula. Tiverton: Halsgrove, 2003 ISBN 1-84114-255-7
  • Baring-Gould, Sabine A Book of the West. II: Cornwall. Londres: Methuen, 1899
  • Bottrell, William Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall. 3 vols. Penzance: printed for the author, 1870, 1873, 1880
  • Couch, Jonathan The History of Polperro.
  • Couch, Mabel Cornwall's Wonderland. Londres: J. M. Dent, 1914.
  • Courtney, Margaret Ann Folklore and Legends of Cornwall. 1890
  • Evans-Wentz, W. Y. The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries. 1911
  • Gary, Gemma Traditional Witchcraft: a Cornish Book of Ways. Troy Books, 2008
  • Jenkin, A. K. Hamilton Cornwall and the Cornish: the story, religion and folk-lore of ’The Western Land. 1933
  • Lach-Szyrma, W. S. "M. Sebillot's System as applied to Cornish Folk-lore". Transactions of the Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Society. New Series, 1882, pp. 132-150.
  • Matthews, John Hobson (1892) A History of the Parishes of Saint Ives, Lelant, Towednack, and Zennor, in the County of Cornwall; chapter: Legendary Lore. Londres: Elliot Stock (Reprinted: St Ives: St. Ives Trust and St. Ives Library, 2003)
  • Paynter, William H. & Semmens, Jason The Cornish Witch-finder: The Witchery, Ghosts, Charms and Folklore of Cornwall. Federation of Old Cornwall Societies, 2008
  • Semmens, Jason The Witch of the West: Or, The Strange and Wonderful History of Thomasine Blight. Plymouth, 2004.
  • Semmens, Jason "A Case of Witchcraft in Camborne during the Late Seventeenth Century?" Old Cornwall 12, No. 3 (1998) pp. 3, 4.
  • Semmens, Jason "The Usage of Witch-Bottles and Apotropaic Charms in Cornwall." Old Cornwall 12, No. 6 (2000) pp. 25–30.
  • Semmens, Jason "The Magus in Cornwall: an Unknown Chapter in the Life of Francis Barrett, F.R.C." Old Cornwall 13, No. 1 (2003) pp. 18–21.
  • Semmens, Jason "An Account of One Ann Jeffries: Notes on the Background to the Curious Case of the Maid of St. Teath." Old Cornwall 13, No. 3 (2004) pp. 10–15.
  • Semmens, Jason '“Whyler Pystry”: a Breviate of the Life and Folklore-Collecting Practices of William Henry Paynter (1901–1976) of Callington, Cornwall.” Folklore 116, No. 1 (2005) pp. 75–94.
  • Semmens, Jason "A Cure from the Cunning." Cornish World 42 (2005) pp. 62–67.
  • Semmens, Jason “Old and a Trouble”: Notes on the Life of Granny Boswell.” Meyn Mamvro 57 (2005) pp. 20–22.
  • Semmens, Jason "Tales of Cornish Witches." Old Cornwall 13, No. 7 (2006) pp. 22–27.
  • Semmens, Jason "Folk-magic in East Cornwall: a Nineteenth-century Conjuror’s Archive from North Tamerton." Old Cornwall 13, No. 10 (2008) pp. 20–26.
  • Semmens, Jason "On the Origin of ‘Peller.’" Old Cornwall 14, No. 1 (2009) pp. 43–50.

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