Jun 28, 2022 · This is an introduction to the notion of twin-width, with emphasis on how it interacts with first-order model checking and enumerative ...
This is an introduction to the notion of twin-width, with emphasis on how it interacts with first- order model checking and enumerative combinatorics. Even ...
BibTeX key: conf/icalp/Thomasse22; entry type: inproceedings; booktitle: ICALP; year: 2022; pages: 6:1-6:5; publisher: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum ...
Abstract. This is an introduction to the notion of twin-width, with emphasis on how it interacts with first-order model checking and enumerative ...
The twin-width is defined from a sequence of repeated mergers where the vertices are not required to be twins, but have nearly equal sets of neighbors.
We start with an introduction to twin-width, since it is not a very standard notion yet. 1.1 A tour through twin-width. Cographs can be defined inductively by: ...
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The notion of twin-width, developed by Bonnet, Thomasse and co-authors, is a step in that direction. A theory unifying the two is anticipated. It is ...
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August 29, Friday August 30. 09:00-10:00, Invited talk: ... Twin-Width of Graphs on Surfaces. 17:00-17:30 ... It is located within a short walking distance ...
- Theory and practice of parameterized algorithms. The workshop will feature invited and contributed talks with surveys and new technical results, an open�...