A rewriting logic semantics for the software architecture description language CBabel is given, revisiting and extending previous work by some of the authors, ...
A rewriting logic semantics for the software architecture description language CBabel is given, revisiting and extending previous work by some of the ...
the object-oriented notation for rewriting logic and is implemented as a transformation function in Maude using Maudes meta-programming capabilities. This ...
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Distributed and concurrent application invariably have coordination requirements. The design of those applications, composed by several (possibly ...
A Rewriting Semantics for a Software Architecture Description Language. Downloads: full text · slides. BibTeX: @inproceedings{publication-11, author ...
C. Braga and A. Sztajnberg, “Towards a Rewriting Semantics for a Software Architecture Description Language,” Proceedings of the Brazilian Workshop on Formal ...
Abstract. Software architecture description languages (ADL) allow a software designer to focus on high-level aspects of an application by abstracting from ...
Software architecture description languages (ADLs) allow software designers to focus on high level aspects of an application by abstracting from the details ...
This paper is an informal introduction to K, a rewriting-based language definitional framework. By saying that K is a “rewriting-based” framework, ...
Architectural Design Rewriting (ADR) is a declarative rule-based approach for the design of dynamic software architectures. The key features that make ADR a ...