We had a look both into output features of spoken dialog by showing dialog examples, as well as posing direct questions on potential system features and its ...
ABSTRACT. Using Personal Assistants (PAs) for tasks in our everyday life is quite common these days. The PAs (Apple Siri, Amazon Alexa,.
In order to find out which features (e.g., proactivity, storing of data) are accepted or even desired by potential users to model an adaptive PA with respective ...
An online survey with 1,051 German speaking and 499 US participants shows that especially proactivity is desired by the participants while none of the ...
A personalized adaptive space can be defined as an intelligent space in which the space learns patterns of usage for each individual user and adapts its ...
Jul 2, 2018 · We compared the participants' information on their interaction with different systems, including in-vehicle Spoken Dialog Systems (SDSs), ...
A Survey on Different Means of Personalized Dialog Output for an Adaptive Personal Assistant. Type of publication: Inproceedings. Citation: Schmidt2018b.
Maria Schmidt, Patricia Braunger: A Survey on Different Means of Personalized Dialog Output for an Adaptive Personal Assistant.
Braunger A Survey on Different Means of Personalized Dialog Output for an Adaptive Personal Assistant Adjunct Publication of the 26th Conference on User ...
A Survey on Different Means of Personalized Dialog Output for an Adaptive Personal Assistant. Maria Schmidt; Patricia Braunger. Using Personal Assistants (PAs) ...