This paper describes a stochastic short sea shipping problem where a company is responsible for both the distribution of oil products between islands and ...
This paper describes a stochastic short sea shipping problem where a company is responsible for both the distribution of oil products between islands and ...
This paper describes a stochastic short sea shipping problem where a company is responsible for both the distribution of oil products between islands and ...
May 30, 2013 · Abstract. We consider a stochastic short sea shipping problem where a company is responsible for both the distribution of oil products ...
This work considers a single product maritime inventory routing problem in which the production and consumption rates are constant over the planning horizon ...
This document summarizes a research paper that presents a stochastic programming model to solve a maritime inventory routing problem where sailing times and ...
Vehicle routing with soft time windows and stochastic travel times: A column generation and branch-and-price solution approach. Taş, D.; Gendreau, M.; ...
Feb 5, 2015 · Abstract. This paper describes a stochastic short sea shipping problem where a company is responsible for both the distribution of oil ...
The problem is to determine the optimal shipping plan that satisfies the production plants' alumina demand at minimum cost while satisfying requirements on ...
TL;DR: This paper studies a vehicle routing problem with soft time windows and stochastic travel times, and proposes a Tabu Search method to solve this model ...