Feb 1, 2019 · This panel continues an interactive discussion begun at the ALISE 2018 conference. Designed primarily to benefit new tenure track faculty, ...
Feb 1, 2019 · This panel continues an interactive discussion begun at the ALISE 2018 conference. Designed primarily to benefit new tenure track faculty, ...
Feb 5, 2019 · from ALISE 2018 conference: (1) How can research inform teaching? (2) How can teaching inform research? (3) What strategies can be applied in ...
ABSTRACT This panel continues an interactive discussion begun at the ALISE 2018 conference. Designed primarily to benefit new tenure track faculty, doctoral ...
In principle, the research–teaching nexus should be seen as a two-way link, showing not only ways in which research supports teaching but also ways in which ...
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This model offers a new approach to understanding the operation of the teaching:research nexus within institutions of higher education. ResearchGate Logo.
Jun 21, 2023 · ALISE@ASIS&T: Building an LIS research-teaching nexus. Panel presentation presented at the annual conference of the. Association for ...
Research paper thumbnail of ALISE@ASIS&T: Building an LIS research-teaching nexus. ALISE@ASIS&T: Building an LIS research-teaching nexus. Proceedings of the ...
ALISE@ASIS&T: Building an LIS research-teaching nexus. ASIST 2018: 650-652 ... Web-based teaching: Surviving and thriving in a pluralistic online world.
ALISE@ASIS&T: Building an LIS Research-Teaching. Nexus. Refereed panel session accepted to appear at ASIST 2018 Annual Meeting. Bajjaly, S., & Tang R. (2018)�...