While synchronous activation regime assumes that all agents are simultaneously activated and updated at each time step of the simulation, in asynchronous ...
Sep 7, 2016 · In this paper, we apply four different asynchronous updating schemes including random, uniform, and two state-driven Poisson updating schemes on an agent-based ...
An asynchronous mechanism is consistent with empirical studies, which suggest that individuals in social networks have different activity patterns and ...
We compare the effect of these activation regimes by measuring the appropriate opinion clustering statistics and the number of emergent extremists. Results ...
This paper applies four different asynchronous updating schemes including random, uniform, and two state-driven Poisson updating schemes on an agent-based ...
In this paper we examine the role of the so called $c$-parallel updating schemes in relaxation from disordered states to the final ferromagnetic steady state.
Sep 1, 2015 · In this paper we want to investigate how applying different agent activation orders may affect the behavior and final output of an opinion.
Empirical findings from social psychology show that sometimes people show favoritism toward in-group members in order to reach a global consensus, ...
I apply four different asynchronous updating schemes including random, uniform, and two state-driven Poisson updating schemes on an agent-based opinion dynamics ...
They applied four different asynchronous updating schemes including random, uniform, and two state-driven Poisson updating schemes, and compared the effect of ...