This problem can be modeled as a routing problem with two depots and with two types of vehicles, one type performing open routes between the two depots, and the ...
An exact algorithm for the vehicle and crew scheduling ... plrt As problem pl, but the drivers are only allowed to leave their vehicle at the depot and the.
This article introduces a combinatorial optimization problem that consists of assigning tasks to machines and operators, and sequencing the tasks assigned to ...
We describe a branch-and-cut algorithm for solving the problem that is able to cope with instances with up to 50 nodes. This article introduces a combinatorial ...
This paper studies the integration of the vehicle routing problem with cross-docking, namely VRPCD. The aim is to find a set of routes to deliver single ...
This article introduces a combinatorial optimization problem that consists of assigning tasks to machines and operators, and sequencing the tasks assigned ...
An Exact Method for Vehicle Routing and Truck Driver Scheduling Problems. Author & abstract; Download; 21 References; 15 Citations; Most related; Related works ...
Aug 29, 2016 · This paper studies the combined vehicle routing and truck driver scheduling problem (VRTDSP), which generalizes the well-known vehicle routing ...
We present a model for the vehicle and crew scheduling problem in urban public transport Systems by combining models for vehicle and crew scheduling that ...
This paper studies the combined vehicle routing and truck driver scheduling problem (VRTDSP), which generalizes the well-known vehicle routing problem with time ...