This paper combines different software verification techniques for modelling and verifying properties of. ECA rules in intelligent environments. We first ...
Jun 21, 2018 · This paper combines different software verification techniques for modelling and verifying properties of ECA rules in intelligent environments.
Jan 1, 2018 · In this paper we present how a set of techniques and tools that have been developed for the verification of software can be employed in the verification of IE.
This paper reduces the problem of verifying key properties of these rules to satisfiability and termination problems that can be addressed using ...
In this paper we present how a set of techniques and tools developed for the verification of software code can be employed in the verification of IE described ...
In this paper we present how a set of techniques and tools that have been developed for the verification of software can be employed in the verification of IE ...
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Analysis and verification of ECA rules in intelligent environments · Read Article · Download PDF · Share Full Text for Free.
vIRONy: a tool for analysis and verification of ECA rules in Intelligent Environments. Claudia Vannucchi. ∗. , Michelangelo Diamanti. ∗. , Gianmarco Mazzante.
... The tool vIRONy [Van+17] , based on the domain specific language IRON, provides a simulation environment to analyse ECA systems' behaviour. It has a formal ...