The paper introduces two algorithms for the approximation of a digitized set of points from surfaces of revolution. In the first algorithm it is assumed ...
The proposed method for designing the developable surface of degree (2, 3) with four corner points and one free control vertex is simple to perform and can ...
There are mainly 3 ways to represent surfaces: parametric, implicit and explicit methods. 1. in parametric representation, the coordinates of a point (x, y, z) ...
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The outlines of the structures of interest are then digitized to create a stack of contours. The problem is to reconstruct the three-dimensional structures from ...
This is done by locally approximating the surface with polynomials using moving least squares (MLS). Figure 1: A point set representing a statue of an angel.
Generating piecewise linear approximations of digitized or "densely sampled" curves is an important problem in many areas.
Nov 21, 1997 · We investigate the problem of deciding whether the data may be fitted well by a cylindrical surface, a surface of revolution or a helical surface.
Mar 26, 2004 · We introduce a method for approximating a given surface by a developable surface. It will be either a G1 surface consisting of pieces of ...
Missing: digitized | Show results with:digitized
We present a surface approximation that is motivated by an efficient iterative ray intersection computation. On each point on a ray, a local normal direction is ...
Approximation of digitized points by surfaces of revolution. from
A new algorithm for approximation of a given surface or scat- tered points by a surface of revolution is presented. It forms the basis for a study of ...