(2019) found that passengers trust human drivers more than AVs. Similarly, when studying skin conductance, Mühl et al. (2020) observed higher relaxation of passengers in human-driven cars, but trust was strongly dependent on driving style. No differences were found when only comparing trust in AVs versus human drivers.
This study investigates trust calibration and factors that influence how trust develops in AVs compared to human drivers. Two groups of participants underwent a ...
Automated or human: Which driver wins the race for the passengers' trust? Examining passenger trust in human-driven and automated vehicles following a dangerous ...
Examining Passenger Trust in Human-Driven and Automated Vehicles Following a Dangerous Situation // Computers in Human Behavior. 2024. p. 108387. GOST all ...
Examining Passenger Trust in Human-Driven and Automated Vehicles Following a Dangerous Situation ... critical driving situations than during regular driving.
Examining passenger trust in human-driven and automated vehicles following a dangerous situation ... critical factors in drivers' PB and trust in the ADS.
Automated or human: Which driver wins the race for the passengers' trust? Examining passenger trust in human-driven and automated vehicles following a dangerous ...
Examining Passenger Trust in Human-Driven and Automated Vehicles Following a Dangerous Situation. Article. Full-text available. Aug 2024. Leonie ...
Sep 9, 2019 · aggressive and risky driving · human–automation interaction · physiological measurement · trust in automation · vehicle automation. Rights and ...
... Human: Which Driver Wins the Race for the Passengers' Trust? Examining Passenger Trust in Human-Driven and Automated Vehicles Following a Dangerous Situation.