Most ASV systems assume natural human speech as input. However, ASV systems are often attacked by synthetic speech (Wu, et al, 2016), which is usually obtained ...
In text-to-speech or voice conversion based synthetic speech detection, it is a common practice that spectral information over the entire frequency band is used ...
Abstract: In previous studies of synthetic speech detection (SSD), the most widely used features are based on a linear power spectrum.
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Block Transform, CBC, Constant-Q Transform, DCT, Synthetic Speech Detection. INTRoDUCTIoN ... todetectsyntheticspeechfrominputspeech ... ...
InordertoprotectASVsystemssafe,itisnecessary todetectsyntheticspeechfrominputspeech.Inaddition,inthefieldofcriminalinvestigatorsfor.
The results show that the countermeasures based on the proposed features outperform other spectral features for both known and unknown attacks.
Apr 6, 2021 · We develop a synthetic speech detector. This takes as input an audio recording, extracts a series of hand-crafted features motivated by the speech-processing ...
Missing: CBC- | Show results with:CBC-
In this paper we consider the problem of synthetic speech detection and propose a technique to reduce the computational time needed to analyze extended audio ...
Missing: CBC- | Show results with:CBC-
May 22, 2024 · In this work, we introduce a neural network method to develop a classifier that will blindly classify an input audio as real or mimicked.
This paper introduces a novel multi-task transformer for detecting synthetic speech. The network encodes magni- tude and phase of the input speech with a ...