The algorithm recursively solves each of the resulting subproblems. The tree T i − 1 has a valid extension if and only if one of the trees T i U has a valid ...
Jul 10, 2010 · Given a set of weighted vertices V and a multiset of splits S, we consider the problem of constructing a tree on V whose splits correspond to S.
Given a vertex-weighted tree T, the split of an edge xy in T is min{s x , s y } where s x (respectively, s y ) is the sum of all weights of vertices that ...
PDF | Given a vertex-weighted tree T, the split of an edge e in T is the minimum over the weights of the two trees obtained by removing e from T, where.
Abstract. Given a vertex-weighted tree T, the split of an edge xy in T is min{sx(xy), sy(xy)} where su(uv) is the sum of all weights of vertices that are ...
Given a vertex-weighted tree T, the split of an edge xy in T is min{sx,sy} where sx (respectively, sy) is the sum of all weights of vertices that are closer ...
Abstract. Given a vertex-weighted tree T, the split of an edge xy in. T is min{sx,sy} where sx (respectively, sy) is the sum of all weights of.
Complexity of Splits Reconstruction for Low-Degree Trees. · Full text. Journal: Graph-Theoretic Concepts in ...
Title: Complexity of Splits Reconstruction for Low-Degree Trees ; Authors: Gaspers, Serge · Liedloff, Mathieu · Stein, Maya · Suchan, Karol ; Issue Date: 2011.
Bibliographic details on Complexity of Splits Reconstruction for Low-Degree Trees.