We recall some properties of Voronoi and Delaunay tessellations in any numbers of dimensions. We then propose a solution to the following problem.
Three widely used algorithms to automatically generate T-meshes are the Delaunay triangulation [1–3], the advancing front method [4–6] and tree methods [7,8].
Abstract. The Delaunay tessellation in n-dimensional space is a space-filling aggregate of n-simplices. These n-simplices are the dual forms of the vertice.
Abstract. We recall some properties of Voronoi and Delaunay tessellations in any numbers of dimensions. We then propose a solution to the following problem: ...
We recall some properties of Voronoi and Delaunay tessellations in any numbers of dimensions. We then propose a solution to the following problem: Given the ...
The Delaunay triangulation is also the geometric dual of the. Voronoi tessellation. This tessellation has been used as a model in many areas of applied science.
Computing multidimensional Delaunay tessellations. from en.wikipedia.org
Many algorithms for computing Delaunay triangulations rely on fast operations for detecting when a point is within a triangle's circumcircle and an efficient ...
We compare five codes for computing 3D Delaunay tessellation: qhull, hull, CGAL, pyramid, and our own tess3, and explore experimentally how these decisions ...
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Computing a Voronoi or Delaunay tessellation from a set of points is a core part of the analysis of many simulated and measured datasets: N-body simulations, ...