Sep 8, 2021 · This article relies on the diffusion of innovations theoretical framework to explore the utility of mobile money with a view to not only assess its application
Our paper reveals interest dynamics that can advance a more long-term mobile money regulatory policy which takes care of the concerns of the unbanked poor.
Sep 8, 2021 · Our paper reveals interest dynamics that can advance a more long-term mobile money regulatory policy which takes care of the concerns of the ...
Jul 16, 2024 · Our paper reveals interest dynamics that can advance a more long-term mobile money regulatory policy which takes care of the concerns of the ...
Diffusion of Innovations: Mobile Money Utility and Financial Inclusion in Nigeria. Insights from Agents and Unbanked Poor End Users. Olayinka David‐West.
Sep 8, 2021 · This document summarizes a research article that examines why mobile money has failed to promote widespread financial inclusion among the ...
Diffusion of Innovations: Mobile Money Utility and Financial Inclusion in Nigeria. Insights from Agents and Unbanked Poor End Users ; GIS Business ◽. 10.26643/ ...
Diffusion of innovations: Mobile money utility and financial inclusion in Nigeria. Insights from agents and unbanked poor end users. O David-West, O Oni, F ...
Apr 25, 2024 · Diffusion of Innovations: Mobile Money Utility and Financial Inclusion in Nigeria. Insights from Agents and Unbanked Poor End Users. Inf ...
In this research, the authors seek to (1) identify how the unbanked poor use mobile money services, (2) identify innovative uses of mobile money by the unbanked ...
Missing: Diffusion Agents