The current study addressed this gap by examining how word frequency/familiarity affects retention on a massed or spaced schedule.
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Jul 27, 2021 · Does the spacing effect depend on prior knowledge? Evaluating the role of word familiarity in learning from spaced vs. massed schedules.
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Mar 3, 2017 · Spacing repetitions of learning instances over time promotes better memory and generalization than massing learning instances together in time ( ...
Missing: Evaluating familiarity
The evidence generally supports the hypothesis that the spacing effect is produced by automatic processes in free recall and in cued-memory tasks.
The expression 'spacing effect' refers to a commonly observed finding that spacing learning over a period of time leads to better retention than massing ...
The spacing effect occurs when we present learners with a concept to learn, wait some amount of time, and then present the same concept again. Spacing can ...
Missing: prior familiarity
Sep 10, 2018 · Spacing might be particularly effective for semantically related words because it might reduce interference. For instance, when teaching two ...
However, we observed an effect of the spaced and massed schedules in adults and children, meaning that it is important to determine whether the current ...
Dec 18, 2021 · The distributed practice effect, which concerns the impact of the organization of learning time on the retention of repeated information learned.