The standard (AGM) approach to belief revision assumes that the underlying logic contains classical propositional logic. This is a significant limitation, since ...
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The standard (AGM) approach to belief revision assumes that the underlying logic contains classical propositional logic. This is a significant limitation, since ...
In Artificial Intelligence, a key question concerns how an agent may rationally revise its beliefs in light of new information. The standard (AGM) approach ...
Belief revision (also called belief change) is the process of changing beliefs to take into account a new piece of information.
Apr 21, 2006 · In the logic of belief revision (belief change), a belief state (or database) is represented by a set of sentences.
Abstract. In Artificial Intelligence, a key question concerns how an agent may rationally re- vise its beliefs in light of new information.
The standard (AGM) approach to belief revision assumes that the underlying logic contains classical propositional logic. This is a significant limitation, since ...
It is shown that AGM-style revision can be obtained even when extremely little is assumed of the underlying language and its semantics; in fact, ...
2018 ACM. In artificial intelligence, a key question concerns how an agent may rationally revise its beliefs in light of new information.
Dec 16, 2023 · The process of a belief revision can be described as a mapping function of an epistemic state and a belief to another epistemic state. The AGM�...