Apr 27, 2021 · It targets the giving of snacks to children aged 2–7 by their mother and how the snacking pattern is modified by the examples set at children ...
... model for the three countries were defined (see Table 41.2). Then, we ran experiments to evaluate how mothers from the three countries would respond to ...
An agent-based model SNACKMOMS was created to understand the implications and consequences of interventions that may change the dietary habits of children.
Healthy Snacks from Mom? An Agent-Based Model of Snackification in Three Countries. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-61503-1_41.
585327. Title, Healthy Snacks from Mom? An Agent-Based Model of Snackification in Three Countries. Author(s), Hofstede, Gert Jan; Franco, Eduardo; Damen, Femke ...
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Healthy Snacks from Mom? An Agent-Based Model of Snackification in Three Countries. ESSA 2019: 429-441. [+][–]. Coauthor network. maximize. Note that this ...
The main model output is healthy versus unhealthy snacking, and it shows how this might change as a function of the mothers' characteristics and of external ...
Mothers reported the snacks they provided to their 2 or 3-year-old child for 8 days. On average, they provided 1.7 snacks a day.
Missing: Snackification | Show results with:Snackification
Healthy Snacks from Mom? An Agent-Based Model of Snackification in Three Countries published | paper-conference doi:10.1007/978-3-030-61503-1_41. 2021-09-02 ...