We present a malware obfuscation technique that automatically con- ceals specific trigger-based behavior from these malware analyzers. Our technique ...
We present a malware obfuscation technique that automatically conceals specific trigger-based behavior from these malware analyzers.
Impeding Malware Analysis Using Conditional Code Obfuscation. Author(s): M. Sharif , A. Lanzi, Jonathon Giffin, Wenke Lee. Download: Paper (PDF).
This work has implemented a compiler-level tool that takes a malware source program and automatically generates an obfuscated binary and provides insight ...
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Sharif,Lanzi,Giffin,Lee- Impeding malware analysis using conditional code obfuscation.pdf · Latest commit · History · Breadcrumbs.
Oct 11, 2023 · Monirul Islam Sharif, Andrea Lanzi, Jonathon T. Giffin, Wenke Lee: Impeding Malware Analysis Using Conditional Code Obfuscation.
We present a malware obfuscation technique that automatically conceals specific trigger-based behavior from these malware analyzers. Our technique automatically ...
Inproceedings,. Impeding Malware Analysis Using Conditional Code Obfuscation. M. Sharif, A. Lanzi, J.
To solve the scalability problem introduced by the ex- ponential growth of malware, numerous automated mal- ware analysis techniques have been developed.
Code obfuscation is the process of altering the initial code in a way that can't be interpreted by a hacker while the code remains fully functional.