We designed a wearable device that can generate tactile apparent motion from a simple input action, such as tapping the heel. Using this device, we conducted ...
Abstract—While working, people often perform purposeless actions, such as spinning pens and swinging their feet. The pleasant and addictive tactile feedback ...
We designed a wearable device that can generate apparent motion from a simple input action, such as tapping the heel. Using this device, we conducted user ...
In the early 20th century, efficiency expert Frank Gilbreth used still and motion-picture cameras in place of a stopwatch to try to improve the efficiency, and ...
Yuki Ashida, Yuki Ban, Rui Fukui, Shin'ichi Warisawa: Inducing Simple Actions While Working by Generating Tactile Apparent Motion. CW 2019: 143-146.
The manipulation of objects commonly involves motion between object and skin. In this review, we discuss the neural basis of tactile motion perception and ...
Sep 13, 2016 · We examined the effect of voluntary movement on the simultaneous perception of auditory and tactile stimuli presented to the non-moving body ...
By controlling the vibrotactile feedback provided on wrists, a tactile apparent motion can be induced between hands of a pair holding each other. Two ...
This study elucidates the spatiotemporal features that influence the perceived speed of tactile motion represented by a tactile display with discrete ...
In this work, we summarized how the tactile stimuli were exploited to compose tactile cues and as tactile apparent motion to interface with other sensory ...