We investigated imagery by making participants (n=530)draw stick-figure drawings of sentences containing atransitive action ("She kisses him").
We investigated biases in the organization of imagery by asking participants to make stick-figure drawings of sentences containing a man, a woman and a ...
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Lateralized imagery for sentence content: Testing grammar, gender and demonstratives · M. Wallentin, R. Rocca, Sofia Stroustrup · Published in Annual Meeting of ...
We investigated biases in the organization of imagery by asking participants to make stick-figure drawings of sentences containing a man, a woman and a ...
Running head: Grammar, gender and demonstratives in lateralized imagery for sentences. Word count (excluding references): 5844. Page 3. 2. Abstract. We ...
Grammar, Gender and Demonstratives in Lateralized Imagery for Sentences ... Analyses of gender biases tested the presence of a gender identification and a gender ...
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Nov 28, 2017 · We show that listeners incorporate grammatical category into imagery when producing stick figure drawings from heard sentences, supporting the latter view.
We wereunable to support for either of the gender hypotheses. Cover page: Lateralized imagery for sentence content: Testing grammar, gender and demonstratives.
Apr 25, 2024 · Lateralized imagery for sentence content: Testing grammar, gender and demonstratives. CogSci 2018. [+][–]. Coauthor network. maximize. Note that ...
Lateralized imagery for sentence content: Testing grammar, gender and demonstratives. CogSci 2018; 2014. [j9]. view. electronic edition via DOI � unpaywalled�...