We propose a novel ranking method which enables an optimal beam search stop- ping criteria. We further introduce a structured prediction loss function.
Apr 1, 2019 · We propose a novel ranking method which enables an optimal beam search stopping criteria. We further introduce a structured prediction loss function.
Jun 24, 2019 · Learning to Stop in Structured Prediction for Neural Machine Translation ... Neural Machine Translation. ArXiv e-prints. John Lafferty ...
Stopping Criteria for Beam Decoding The patience factor changes the stopping criterion and adds flexibility in the search depth of the common beam search ...
We propose a novel ranking method which enables an optimal beam search stopping criteria. We further introduce a structured prediction loss function which ...
We propose a novel ranking method which enables anoptimal beam search stopping criteria. We further introduce a structuredprediction loss ...
Dec 1, 2020 · We propose a novel ranking method which enables an optimal beam search stop- ping criteria. We further introduce a structured prediction loss ...
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Machine translation is a natural candidate problem for reinforcement learning from human feedback: users provide quick, dirty ratings on candidate ...
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Apr 2, 2018 · Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate, Bahdanau et al. ... How do classical structure prediction losses compare.
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There has been much recent work on train- ing neural attention models at the sequence- level using either reinforcement learning-style.
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