To understand whether mobile platforms provide adequate support for such novel sharing services, we surveyed 200 participants about their experiences with six ...
To understand whether mobile platforms provide adequate support for such novel sharing services, we surveyed 200 participants about their experiences with six ...
Understanding whether mobile and desktop platforms provide adequate support for such services is crucial for design of future services that enable effective ...
Scope, Discipline-based scholarship ; Published in Proceedings, Yes ; Title, Mobile first? Understanding device usage practices in novel content sharing services.
This paper surveys smartphone users about their web use across multiple devices and suggests that automatically sharing web activity information between ...
Mobile first? : understanding device usage practices in novel content sharing services. Fedosov, Anton;Ojala, Jarno;Niforatos, Evangelos;Olsson, Thomas ...
Mobile first?: understanding device usage practices in novel content sharing services · A. FedosovJarno OjalaEvangelos NiforatosThomas OlssonMarc Langheinrich.
... Mobile first? Understanding device usage practices in novel content sharing services, Proceedings of the 20th International Academic Mindtrek Conference on ...
This paper reports on a behavioral study based on app usage data logged over one year and the corresponding apps descriptions from the app store.
Missing: novel | Show results with:novel
Sep 3, 2024 · Cybersecurity is the protection to defend internet-connected devices and services from malicious attacks by hackers, spammers, and cybercriminals.