Jan 15, 2024 · . Non-trivial t -intersecting separated families. In this section, we determine the maximum size of a non-trivial t -intersecting separated ...
Aug 4, 2023 · A separated family F is called non-trivial t-intersecting if |F ∩ F0| ≥ t for all F,F0 ∈ F and | ∩ {F: F ∈ F}| < t. In the present paper, we ...
Feb 1, 2024 · A separated family F is called non-trivial t-intersecting if | F ∩ F ′ | ≥ t for all F, F ′ ∈ F and | ∩ { F : F ∈ F } | < t. In the present ...
A separated family $\hf$ is called non-trivial $t$-intersecting if $|F\cap F'|\geq t$ for all $F,F'\in \hf$ and $|\cap \{F\colon F\in \hf\}|<t$. In the present ...
Abstract. We say a family of sets is intersecting if any two of its sets intersect, and we say it is trivially intersecting if there is an element which ...
Jan 15, 2024 · Abstract. The study of intersection problems on families of sets is one of the most important topics in extremal combinatorics.
Jan 12, 2024 · Abstract. The study of intersection problems on families of sets is one of the most im- portant topics in extremal combinatorics.
In this paper we study the maximum size of a non-trivially intersecting family in a natural “multi-part” setting.
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Feb 7, 2024 · are said to be cross t-intersecting if |A ∩ B| ≥ t for all A ∈ A and B ∈ B. In this paper, we determine the maximum sum of sizes of ...
We prove a degree version of the Hilton–Milner theorem: if n = Ω(k2) and F is a non-trivial intersecting family of k-subsets of [n], then δ(F) ≤ δ(HMn.k), where ...