Bibliographic details on Object Detection in Indoor Scenes Using Log-Polar Mapping.
A log-polar (LP) image mapping facilitates the detection of floor-wall-ceiling boundaries. The mapping also substantially reduces the data bandwidth of the ...
Jan 31, 2020 · 3D object recognition is a fundamental research question in 3D computer vision. In this work, we explore the problem of recognizing ...
In this paper, we propose a novel method of joint 3D object detection and room layout estimation. The proposed method surpasses all existing methods of 3D ...
INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATIONS. The tentative of reproducing a biological eye with artificial electronic devices has always had a major drawback. In fact.
TL;DR: A system that successfully detects stationary objects in indoor scenes is presented, using the log-polar mapping to transform the problem of finding four ...
Log-polar imaging consists of a type of methods that represent visual information with a space-variant resolution inspired by the visual system of mammals.
This paper surveys the application of log-polar imaging in robotic vision, particularly in visual attention, target tracking, egomotion estimation, and 3D ...
Apr 10, 2020 · First, stereoscopic Cartesian images (Fig 2a) are mapped to the cortical domain (Fig 2b) using the log-polar transform. In the cortical domain, ...
The application of an anthropomorphic retina-like visual sensor and the advantages of polar and log-polar mapping for visual navigation are investigated.